Gou Becomes a Boss in the Fairy World

Chapter 325 Envy only mandarin ducks but not immortals

Wang Chen raised his head and looked at the mountain peaks in front of him.

The upper part of this 3,000-foot-high peak is surrounded by large clouds and fog, making it impossible to see the whole picture.

From the lower part of the mountainside, the surface of the mountain is covered with white snow, and the exposed rocks are jagged like a giant spotted beast.

The monks who went up the mountain chose different climbing paths, and they quickly disappeared.

Some people also chose to take a long detour to avoid the most dangerous location on the mountain.

They obviously didn't take the ferryman's warning to heart, and felt that their luck was not that bad.

But Wang Chen undoubtedly tested his luck, and he didn't think that the monk surnamed Xu was fooling himself, so he embarked on the difficult journey to cross the Baimao Peak.

After climbing hundreds of feet, the surrounding temperature dropped suddenly, and the howling mountain wind brought a bone-chilling chill.

Not long after, ice needles as thin as a hair appeared on the surface of the robes Wang Chen and Li Yi'an were wearing, densely packed and countless!

This kind of wind is also called white hair wind!

Baimaofeng on Baimao Peak, anyone who wants to climb this mountain must first face its test.

Both Wang Chen and Li Yi'an are cultivators of the Purple Mansion, and they have already cultivated to the point where they are invulnerable to cold and heat. Although this white-haired wind looks strange, it basically poses no threat to them.

However, as the altitude increased, the white hair wind not only showed no sign of stopping, but became more violent and harsh.

The icy breath penetrated the robe, seeping into the skin of Wang Chen and Li Yi'an.

If it were an ordinary person, or a low-level qi cultivator, under the blowing of such a white-haired wind, he could freeze into an ice sculpture in the blink of an eye!

Li Yi'an had to take out an animal fur coat and put it on, and blessed himself with a protective spell.

Otherwise, she wouldn't be able to hold on.

In contrast, Wang Chen, who has cultivated to the fifth level of the Tianlong King Kong Dharma, neither wears clothes nor protects himself, and relies entirely on his unparalleled physique and exuberant blood to block the invading cold force. Outside.

On the contrary, Bai Maofeng constantly stimulated his skin membrane, which had a certain tempering effect on his body.

It's just that near the mountainside, the white hair wind became more violent, and the strong wind carried frost and ravaged it, so that Wang Chen had to urge Tianlong King Kong to fight against the stronger cold invasion.

His body exuded raging heat, forming a blood barrier outside his body.

Li Yi'an, who was by Wang Chen's side, felt this very clearly. Wang Chen was like a stove, and she couldn't help but approach him, greedily absorbing the warmth from the former.

Wang Chen simply grabbed Li Yi'an's waist, and led her to the top of the mountain.

But the higher you go, the more powerful the power of nature will be.

Wang Chen had to slow down.


Li Yi'an suddenly screamed, showing a hint of shock.

I saw a frozen corpse leaning against a rock not far away.

The surface of the corpse was "covered" with "white hairs", and its legs and feet were covered by thick snow.

Wang Chen recognized that the other party was a member of the climbing team, but he didn't expect to die on the road so soon.

It's really not that easy to pass the level of Baimaofeng!

Wang Chen clenched Li Yi'an's slender hand, using his own body temperature to dissolve the chill in her body.

Then move on.

Not long after, the two found the second and third bodies...

But these two corpses have nothing to do with the mountain-crazing team. They died here many years ago, and no one has collected their corpses so far.

This is actually quite normal, even a cultivator in Zifu must be careful not to be negligent in the face of Baimaofeng, how can he be interested in helping people collect corpses!

In such an environment, cremation is impossible.

Of course, Wang Chen didn't mind his own business, and led Li Yi'an around these corpses.

It was getting dark.

The two of them climbed hundreds of feet high, even if they didn't need to reach the highest peak, it would take a long time to climb over this majestic and steep mountain.

Seeing that the surrounding temperature continued to drop as night approached, Wang Chen stopped walking as expected.

He picked a position on the leeward side and began to dig a large rock.

This exposed rock is connected to the mountain, and its texture is extremely hard. It took Wang Chen more than half an hour to perform the Dzogchen-level mudstone technique with the cultivation base of the elementary Zifu, and he dug out a stone for two people. Shelter cave.

Then he made a stone door with the excavated mud and stone, and sealed the entrance tightly.

Only two ventilation holes are left.

It was completely dark at this time, Li Yi'an took out an obsidian lamp and hung it on the cave wall.

Then she took out a thick blanket, as well as a desk, tea set, stone stove, bowls and chopsticks, and other items.

Like a virtuous wife preparing dinner.

When the bottom of the soup in the pot boiled, fresh ingredients were put into the copper pot, and the steaming mist rose up. Wang Chen looked at the charming and charming female cultivator beside him, and felt a sense of joy and peace in his heart.

No matter how the wind and snow raged outside, this small grotto seemed to be a peaceful haven, bringing warmth and safety to the two of them.

After drinking and eating, Wang Chen and Li Yi'an rolled down on the blanket and practiced the "Secret Method of Suyin True Harmony".

The two have already cooperated extremely tacitly, so the effect of cultivation is very good.

When the clouds harvested and the rain rested, Li Yi'an lazily leaned into Wang Chen's arms, and suddenly said, "My real name is not Li Yi'an."

Wang Chen nodded.

He was not surprised at all, because Li Yi'an went to Xihai Lingyu to escape the pursuit of the sect.

It's weird that she uses her real name!

Seeing that Wang Chen didn't react much, Li Yi'an stretched out a slender finger and gestured on his chest: "Qingxi, my real name is Li Qingxi."

"Well, I remember."

Wang Chen touched her long hair.

What he remembered was Li Yi'an/Li Qingxi, as for his name, it didn't matter at all.

"After Baimao Peak, I will leave you."

Li Yi'an, Li Qingxi said quietly: "Is there anything else you want to know?"

Wang Chen was silent for a while, and then asked, "Can you stay?"

Li Qingxi blinked, blinked away the little wet marks on the eyelashes, and dimples appeared on his cheeks: "Then do you want me to stay?"

Wang Chen didn't answer directly.

He raised his hand, used his finger as a pen, turned mana into ink, and wrote a quatrain out of thin air.

Ten miles of Pinghu is full of frost, and every inch of blue silk is worried about the new year. Looking at the moon and protecting each other, I only envy mandarin ducks but not immortals!

Li Qingxi stared at the poem for a long time.

It was crazy for a while.

At this moment, the wind and snow outside are bigger and more violent.


The second one is delivered.

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