Gou Becomes a Boss in the Fairy World

Chapter 329: The village head of Daxie Road starts (Part 2)

The West Sea is difficult to enter.

These four words not only refer to the Xihai Lingyu, as the largest fairy gate in the mountain and sea world, the monks who want to enter the Xihaizong are like crucian carp crossing the river, but the successful ones will always be a minority.

Wang Chen has neither a strong background nor an outstanding talent, and he is an outsider cultivator with unknown background.

He exchanged 30,000 spirit stones for a chance to enter the examination, which is not a loss at all to be honest.

It's just that in many cases, opportunities do not mean opportunities.

Maybe it's a machine pit!

It has been five days since he came to Datian Village as the village head, and Wang Chen clearly felt that it is actually very difficult to integrate into this place.

When Wang Chen appeared in the village, every villager who saw him was respectful.

But the repulsion in his bones cannot be hidden.

And he also discovered that the villagers didn't have much respect for him, a cultivator from the Purple Mansion.

Even if Wang Chen is the village head, he is the only master in the village.

This is a bit strange.

It is normal for villagers to reject outsiders as village officials, but in the world of cultivating immortals, where the strong are respected, it is unbelievable that the majestic Zifu cannot get the respect it deserves in a remote village.

What's more, Wang Chen found that he had nothing to do after taking office.

The villagers didn't seem to care about the change of those in power at all, and no one came to Wang Chen for work, or to seek help from grievances.

They live the life they are most used to, day after day, year after year, like a set program.

Chen Anhe came to the village main house every day to say hello to Anhe.

But Wang Chen felt that this old man was more like a joke to see him.

The biggest problem he faced was that he couldn't sink down, as if he was being lifted up high!

In the study, Wang Chen sat at the desk, flipping through the thick "Da Tian Zhi".

"Datian Chronicle" is actually the village affairs file of Datian Village, which records the major events that have happened in this village since its establishment.

Wang Chen has served as the village chief for the past three years, and he also wants to contribute to the follow-up content of "Da Tian Zhi".

But before that, he needs to know more about Otamura.

"My lord, please drink tea."

The pretty maid, Xiao He, carefully placed the steaming teacup on the desk.

The emerald green tea soup was brewed just right, and the breath of spiritual tea came out.

Wang Chen picked up his teacup and took a sip.

"grown ups."

Xiao He presented an invitation: "This is an invitation sent by Mr. Huang in the village, and he is still outside."

"Master Huang?"

Wang Chen put down his teacup, took the invitation and opened it.

The Huang surname is one of the three major surnames in Datian Village. More than 90% of the villagers in the village belong to the three major surnames. As far as Wang Chen knows, this Huang Deqi, Mr. Huang, is the head of the Huang family.

It should belong to the country gentry.

The content of the invitation is very simple. Huang Deqi will host a banquet at home in the evening, and invite Wang Chen to attend, to welcome him.

The words are quite polite.

But it doesn't taste right.

The reason is very simple. As the new village chief, Wang Chen has been in Datian Village for five days, and this old man Huang invited him to meet him as if he had just woken up from a dream. It can't be because of the lack of news.

In addition, Wang Chen's majestic cultivator from the Zifu, the other party actually only sent someone to send an invitation card, and even came to the door to invite him personally, which is a very high posture.

Without any support, who would dare to do this?

Wang Chen stroked his chin thoughtfully, and said, "Tell me what I said, and come to the door on time at night."


Xiao He went out to reply to the person sent by Huang Deqi.

When she returned to the study, before she could speak, Wang Chen asked, "Xiao He, how old are you this year?"

A faint blush appeared on Xiao He's pretty face, and she timidly replied: "My maidservant just turned fifteen this year."

Fifteen years old.

Wang Chen's eyes flashed: "How long have you been stuck in the transformation?"

With his current cultivation base, it is easy to see that Xiao He has reached the peak of mortal transformation, and he is only one step away from shedding his mortal body and establishing a Dao foundation, becoming a real monk.

But countless people are stuck at this level, unable to cross the threshold for a lifetime.

Xiao He pursed her lips and replied in a low voice: "Two years."

Under normal circumstances, the longer you are stuck in the transformation, the lower the probability of breaking through Qi training.

Although Xiao He is young, but she hasn't practiced Qi for two years, her future of cultivation is very slim.

This may be the fundamental reason why Chen Anhe gave her to Wang Chen as a maid!

Wang Chen asked again: "Have you ever taken Zhuji Dan?"

Transforming the world and concentrating the essence, building the foundation and training Qi, the foundation building pill is just the elixir used to break through the bottleneck.

Prospective monks or innate warriors can use the Foundation Establishment Pill to ascend to heaven and immortality!

It is similar to Poqiao Dan, but the value of the two is not the same.

Xiao He shook her head, but her eyes were red.

Wang Chen understood at a glance.

The Foundation Establishment Pill is not expensive, she has not taken the Foundation Establishment Pill for two years, probably because she is not favored at home.

After thinking about it, Wang Chen took out a white jade bottle from the storage bag.

"There are two Foundation Establishment Pills here, and I reward you."

So far, there are not a few monks killed by Wang Chen, so he has captured a lot of spoils.

Most of them were sold by him to sell spirit stones in exchange for the resources he needed for his cultivation.

There are also a few items left.

This bottle of Foundation Establishment Pill was one of them, and Wang Chen couldn't remember getting it from that unlucky guy.


Xiao He was stunned and couldn't believe her ears: "My lord, you, you, you..."

She stuttered and was at a loss, and she didn't dare to pick up the Jiji Dan that Wang Chen handed over.

Wang Chen shook his head, took the other's little hand, and stuffed the medicine bottle into her palm.

Wang Chen found that her hands were a little rough, which was obviously caused by long-term work.

The tips of Xiao He's ears turned red!

Wang Chen let go of his hand, and said with a smile: "It's not something precious, it's useless for me to keep it, you take it and prepare it well, and you can practice spells and work better for me if you break through Qi training."

Although they didn't get along for a long time, he could see that the girl in front of him was innocent and even timid.

Since she is a maid by her side, Wang Chen doesn't mind paying some cost to train her.

In exchange for the other party's loyalty.

Xiao He immediately knelt down: "This servant is willing to die for your lord!"

With two Foundation Establishment Pills, her closest parents didn't treat her so well!

In fact, she had the opportunity to get Jidan before, but her parents gave it up to someone else.

Thinking of the past, Xiao He burst into tears.

Wang Chen stretched out his hand to help her up: "I don't need to die, just work hard in the future."

Xiao He nodded vigorously.


Wang Chen said: "Let's go to the county town and change your clothes."

The majestic maid of the Purple Mansion is dressed in coarse cloth and doesn't even have a piece of jewelry.

Change, must change!

As for Huang Deqi's invitation from Mr. Huang, if he agrees to go, he will definitely go.

Even if it's a dragon's lake and a tiger's lair, Wang Chen still wants to break into it! ——

The second one is delivered.

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