
Wang Chen landed steadily at the gate of the city.

This county town is about seventy miles away from Datian Village. He drove the willow-leaf flying boat with Xiaohe, and it took only half a stick of incense to reach the destination.


The girl who got off the flying boat blushed pretty, and her eyes were full of excitement.

This is the first time in her life to fly in the air. She was very scared at the beginning, but she was very excited when she got used to it.

Wang Chen noticed her expression, and said: "After you transform into a real person and advance to the middle level of Qi training, I will give you this flying boat."

This willow-leaf flying boat is the first magic weapon owned by Wang Chen.

Although he already had a better magic weapon of the same kind, he still kept it.


Xiao He's pretty eyes widened immediately, and she couldn't believe her ears.

This is a flying weapon!

There are many monks in Datian Village, but there are very few wealthy families with flying artifacts.

For a girl like Xiao He who is not favored in the family and has no status, let alone the flying magic weapon, even the most common magic weapon is not something she can expect.

She didn't even have a storage bag.

Wang Chen laughed and said, "What did I lie to you for?"

There are three flying instruments in his storage bag, all of which are much stronger than the Willow Leaf Flying Boat.

Giving the willow-leaf flying boat to Xiao He is nothing at all.

However, Wang Chen won't give the other party too much at once, so it is necessary to draw a big pie.

Xiao He blushed: "Slave, I must work hard!"

Wang Chen rubbed her head with a smile: "Yes."

The little girl is still very interesting.

And Xiao He secretly made up his mind that after returning home, he must concentrate on building a foundation, and then hit the middle level of Qi training.

In the girl's heart, she was extremely grateful to Wang Chen.

If the attributes can be displayed in Wang Chen's immortal cultivation panel, then her loyalty and favorability must have both reached their peak at this moment!

Wang Chen and Xiao He entered Wancheng together.

The two walked around the city first.

Wang Chen's first impression of this county seat located on the edge of the West Sea Spiritual Domain was that it was rich and prosperous.

There are row upon row of buildings in the city, pavilions and pavilions everywhere, and the green environment is excellent.

There are many shops on both sides of the street, and there is an endless stream of pedestrians, among whom monks account for a large proportion.

Moreover, most of them were dressed gorgeously, exuding either leisure or self-confidence, which was in stark contrast to the villagers Wang Chen met in Datian Village.

The most important thing is that Wang Chen met a double-digit Zifu monk along the way!

In Wancheng, the Master Zifu didn't look very special, it was just that he was more imposing and had a higher posture.

The passers-by who came and went were not surprised, and apart from taking the initiative to avoid it, there was not much awe.

Wang Chen finally understood why the villagers had such an attitude towards him, the village chief.

The status of the Zifu monks in the West Sea Spiritual Realm is obviously not very high!

He is an outsider again.

After strolling around, Wang Chen basically had a bottom line in his mind.

He brought Xiao He to a high-end clothing store.

"I have seen the Master."

A beautiful maid immediately came up to greet her, saluted Yingying and said, "What do you need?"

Wang Chen pointed to Xiao He who was following him, and said bluntly: "Pair her with two suitable clothes."


The maid pursed her lips, smiled at Xiao He and said, "Miss, please follow me."

It was the first time in Xiaohe's life that she stepped into such a "high-end" shop, and the maids in front of her were all prettier than her!

She instinctively felt a little confused, and quickly waved her hands and said, "I, I'm not Miss."

In fact, how could people not see it!

Wang Chen shook his head: "Go, I'll wait for you here."

He told the maid: "I'm sorry to trouble you."

"Your honored guest speaks too seriously."

The maid smiled and took Xiao He's little hand: "Come on, sister."

Then Xiao He was taken away.

This is called professional!

When Xiao He was taken away, she turned her head to look at Wang Chen, as if she was going through fire and water so pitifully.

Wang Chen was also speechless.

Instead of sitting around waiting, he chose two sets of robes and uniforms, as well as matching belts, boots, etc., for himself in this tailor shop.

After Wang Chen finished shopping for clothes, he sat down and drank a cup of spirit tea offered by the store, and the maid from earlier led Xiao He out.

The girl changed into a light green long skirt, and a brocade ribbon was tied on the willow waist, outlining a perfect graceful figure.

Her bun has also been restyled, with elaborate hairpins and forehead ornaments.

Xiao He just showed her sharp corners!

As the saying goes, people depend on clothes, although she doesn't wear makeup, her appearance has been raised by at least two points.

The key point is that Xiaohe's new outfit is very suitable for her identity, showing a pretty and non-luxury air.

Pretty is very pretty, but she doesn't have much self-confidence and still looks restrained.

Not quite used to it.

Wang Chen made a decision on the spot: "I bought it."

One set was definitely not enough, and he ended up buying three sets.

When leaving the clothing store, Xiao He almost cried: "My lord, these clothes are so expensive."

All the clothes Wang Chen bought for her were ordinary clothes. Although the material was very good, the price was about the same as the cassock.

I can't afford to sell her!

Wang Chen glanced at her: "Remember, you represent my face outside, understand?"

Xiao He nodded in confusion.

Wang Chen smiled and said, "Let's go, let's buy something else."

Once you have clothes, you have to match them with rouge jewelry, otherwise how can you show your status as a majestic maid in the Purple Mansion?

When the two returned to Datian Village, the latter had an extra Nawu Talisman.

It contains all kinds of daily necessities for girls, including dresses and jewelry!

Then Wang Chen and Xiao He visited Huang's house together.

The Huang family's mansion is located at the east end of the village, surrounded by mountains and rivers.

There are two stone lions in front of the vermilion lacquer gate, their teeth and claws are full of momentum, and two burly and sturdy servants are lined up on the left and right, with the demeanor of many luxurious families.

Wang Chen asked Xiao He to hand over the invitation.

After a while, the door of Huang's house opened suddenly, and a group of people rushed out.

"Huang Deqi met the village chief!"

A burly man in a brocade robe stepped down the steps and saluted Wang Chen, "Please forgive me for being far away."

Wang Chen's eyes flashed, and he said with a smile: "Fellow Daoist, you don't need to be polite."

The other party has a perfect cultivation base and carries at least three magic weapons on his body, so he really has the confidence!

But Wang Chen believes that this person has stronger support, otherwise he would not be able to show respectful arrogance towards his "current management" cultivator of the Purple Mansion.

Without knowing his details, Wang Chen decided to make false claims with him temporarily.

See what kind of medicine is sold in the gourd of this local tyrant and squire!

"My lord, please!"

The door was opened, and Wang Chen stepped into the mansion under Huang Deqi's "gracious" welcome.


The first one is sent.

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