Gou Becomes a Boss in the Fairy World

Chapter 813 Joining the Alliance

Wang Chen is very young, has no background, and has acquired an incomparably rare beast pet.

In the eyes of all the monks in Qingyun Palace, he is like a child walking in the market with a jade bi, and people can't help but want to grab one.

Hongyuan used the name of trial method to run on Wang Chen, and anyone could see his intention clearly.

He thought that Wang Chen could be bullied when he was young, but he didn't expect that Wang Chen would suddenly turn his back on him, and even peel off his face in public.


Hongyuan, who became angry from embarrassment, made a bold move and grabbed Wang Chen.

His right palm swelled several times in an instant, his skin turned pale gold, and his muscles were bulging and full of strength.

Golden Wu Claw!

This claw is just one of Hongyuan's housekeeping methods, once it is grasped firmly, even copper and iron can't resist it!

The most important thing is that the dignified monk was so disregarding his face and carried out a sneak attack under the eyes of everyone, which made many people present secretly curl their lips and feel quite disdainful.

But no one came forward to stop it.

Including Master Jiyun.

Mo Han was probably the only one who supported Wang Chen, but this monk didn't expect Hong Yuan to be so shameless, and he was a step too late to intervene.

Wang Chen smiled coldly, and immediately raised his right hand, with the index finger and middle finger together to form a sword finger.

Facing Hongyuan's claws and thrust out!

His fingertips suddenly revealed an incomparably fierce energy, which hit the opponent's palm.


Hongyuan screamed suddenly, and hastily withdrew his palms, his movements were very embarrassing.

Dots of bright red blood splashed on the ground, and many sharp-eyed monks saw the new wound on his palm.

It was Wang Chen's finger that pierced through the palm of his hand!

Everyone who witnessed this scene felt awe-inspiring. They must know that half of Hongyuan's ability was in his hands, but Wang Chen broke the golden claw with one finger. The latter's strength is really terrifying.

Everyone put away their underestimation of Wang Chen!

But Hong Yuan, who had suffered a great loss, was furious and immediately cursed: "Little bastard! You..."

Wang Chen's finger not only broke his skills, but also hurt his practice. It is impossible to recover without three to five years of hard work!

"Fellow Daoist speak carefully."

At this moment, Master Jiyun, who was sitting on the cloud platform, suddenly waved his whisk, interrupting Hongyuan's insults: "My generation of monks should not imitate the people in the market."

Hongyuan was on the verge of exploding, but Master Jiyun pressed him down abruptly, and did not take another shot to avenge his shame.

He stared at Wang Chen with great resentment, then turned his head and left the main hall.

Master Jiyun shook his head, and smiled slightly at Wang Chen: "Fellow Taoist has profound meritorious deeds, and Ji Yun admires him."

His eyes swept across the faces of the monks present, and he asked loudly: "Is there anyone else who wants to compete with fellow Taoist Wang Chen?"

there is none left.

We are not fools.

Although Hongyuan is narrow-minded and has a violent temper, his strength is ranked high in the Qingyun League. It is so easy to fall into Wang Chen's hands. Does Wang Chen's cultivation strength need to be said?

This is a monster!

"very good."

Master Jiyun continued to ask: "Then is there anyone who opposes fellow Taoist Wang Chen joining the Qingyun League?"

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, and no one was the first bird.


Master Jiyun clapped his hands and smiled, "From now on, Fellow Daoist Wang Chen will be a member of my Qingyun League."

"Congratulations, fellow daoist!"

A group of monks congratulated Wang Chen one after another.

Wang Chen politely replied: "Thank you."

Next, Wang Chen, accompanied by Mo Han, went through the relevant procedures for joining the alliance, and received a mahogany talisman representing his identity, as well as Taoist robes, dust whisks, elixir and other items.

The latter is regarded as a benefit for new members, and then they can receive another training ration every year.

Of course, for monks, this kind of cultivation merit can only be said to be better than nothing. If you want to get more, you need to exchange it with honor points.

Inside the Qingyun League, it is not jade coins and purple gold coins that are circulated among monks, but honor points.

Wang Chen is naturally very familiar with this set.

There is no need for Mo Han to explain in detail.

In addition, Wang Chen was assigned a hermitage in Taiwu Mountain.

Most of the monks of the Qingyun League do not practice in the Qingyun Palace. They live scattered in the huge Taiwu Mountains. Hermitages, other courtyards, caves, and manors surround Qingyun Peak like stars and moons.

Some monks went out to collect, hunt, wander, experience, and then the soul lamp went out and never came back, so the training places they left behind will be allocated to subsequent monks.

Since Wang Chen was only a new member, he was assigned the lowest level of hermitage.

If you want to change to a new home in the future, you need to exchange it with honor points.

The hermitage assigned to him was tens of miles away from Qingyun Palace, located in a secluded valley, quite remote.

But Wang Chen felt very good.

"Friend Daoist Mo, thank you very much!"

After settling down in Yinlu, Wang Chen expressed his thanks to Mo Han who had been running around with him all the time, and then handed him a bottle of medicine pill: "Please accept this bottle of Qi Yun pill."

Mo Han was taken aback.

Qi Yun Pill is a good thing to assist in cultivation, because the materials are precious and difficult to refine, one requires ten honor points to exchange, and it is not often exchanged.

Wang Chen sold a bottle, it was really a real gift!

Mo Han subconsciously declined: "This is too precious..."

Wang Chen forced it into his hand: "You don't have to be polite, Fellow Daoist!"

In fact, Mo Han didn't really resist, and after a bit of pushback, he was flattered to accept it.

He had selfish intentions in recommending Wang Chen to join the alliance, but he didn't expect Wang Chen to be so polite, and this energy accumulation pill was also the cultivation merit he needed very much, so he couldn't help but feel grateful in his heart.

After sending Mo Han away, Wang Chen called Hu Jiaojiao who was running around in the new home.

Ask about the previous situation in Qingyun Palace.

Hu Jiaojiao sensed the existence of Xuanhu Ling in the main hall of Qingyun Palace, but this perception was very weak, and she couldn't locate it accurately, as if she was disturbed by something.

Moreover, this Qingyun Palace also gave Hu Jiaojiao a great sense of threat, making her dare not act rashly!


Wang Chen nodded.

In fact, he also felt the unfathomable depth of Qingyun Palace. This palace built on the top of the peak is not only majestic, but also contains great power. It is like a dormant giant beast. Once it wakes up, it will burst out with terrifying power. !

Wang Chen suspected that there was a special magic circle set up in Qingyun Palace.

He asked Elder Yao about this, but Elder Yao said that he hadn't been to Qingyun Palace for more than two hundred years, so he couldn't mislead Wang Chen by talking nonsense, but this Nascent Soul True Immortal also thought that Qingyun Palace was not a place for him to act recklessly.

It is absolutely not advisable to use violent methods to find Xuanhu Ling!

After discussing with Hu Jiaojiao, Wang Chen decided to stay in the Hermitage first, and then slowly explore the secrets of Qingyun Palace.

Finally find Xuanhu Ling!


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