
The courtyard door opened wide, and Wang Chen came out from inside.

He was wearing a set of simple commoner clothes, with straw sandals on his feet and a gourd hanging on his waist, and he carried a long hoe on his shoulder.

Totally a farmer's outfit.

And Wang Chen's temperament was no different from that of ordinary people.

Converge all the sharpness and breath!

It was just dawn at this time, and the valley was still shrouded in a layer of mist. A cobblestone path led from the gate of the courtyard to the outside of the valley.

Along this path, Wang Chen came to the stream not far from the mouth of the valley.

More than ten acres of medicine fields that had just been reclaimed appeared in front of his eyes!

Half a month ago, Wang Chen joined the Qingyun League and came to live in the hermitage in this valley.

He did not spend most of his time on cultivation like other monks, but purchased a batch of agricultural tools and medicine seeds in Taiwu City, and reclaimed and planted these medicine fields.

Wang Chen grows sealwort.

Polygonatum is just one of the daily foods for the monks in this world, because this medicinal material has the effects of nourishing qi and nourishing yin, strengthening the spleen, nourishing the lungs and kidneys, and can also dispel the foul smell produced by eating beast meat, which is very beneficial to the practice of kung fu. beneficial.

Some monks even only eat sealwort.

He stepped into the medicine field with a hoe on his shoulder and began to clear the weeds in the field.

The newly planted Rhizoma Polygonatum has grown sprouts, and it looks very lush and pleasing, but it is more difficult to remove weeds, and if you are not careful, you may damage the roots of the medicine, and it will be a waste of effort.

Wang Chen hoeed each hoe in a systematic manner, and the landing point of each hoe was extremely precise, and the depth of digging was just right. He had just dug out the weeds and cut off their roots, but it would not hurt the Huang Jing next to him at all.

And such a continuous and boring job, he did it with great patience.

At this time, if someone was watching from the side, they would find that Wang Chen's every move had an indescribable charm.

He seemed to be one with the surrounding world.


A white fox suddenly jumped onto the ridge of the field, wrinkled its nose and shouted at Wang Chen, "Haven't you finished hoeing yet?"

Hu Jiaojiao followed Wang Chen to live in seclusion in the valley for half a month. She still couldn't understand why Wang Chen was so keen on farming and spent most of his time on the medicine field.

Wang Chen reached out and wiped the sweat from his forehead, and said, "It's almost over."

Although his movements are not fast, but the efficiency of weeding is extremely high, so there are only three acres of medicine fields that have not been hoed.

Hu Jiaojiao showed a pitiful expression: "Wang Chen, let's go to the city to eat roast chicken today."

While speaking, she jumped forward suddenly, and landed on Wang Chen's back in one ups and downs, rubbing the latter's face affectionately.

Wang Chen smiled and said, "Okay."

In Taiwu City, there is a famous dish called butter chicken. It is cooked with free-range two-year-old hens and tastes very delicious.

Hu Jiaojiao had eaten it once before, and never forgot it.

Wang Chen speeded up and quickly finished howing the last three acres of land.

Bringing the little fox back home, putting away the farm tools and changing into a set of clean clothes, he left the valley for Taiwu City.

Even though Yin Lu was sixty or seventy miles away from Taiwu City, Wang Chen reached his destination in less than a stick of incense.

The butter chicken at Wangyun Tower in Taiwu City is the best. Wang Chen ordered three chickens from this restaurant and let Hu Jiaojiao feast on them.

After eating and drinking enough, he came to Taiwu Pavilion.

Taiwu Pavilion belongs to the power center of Taiwu City, a cabinet controlled by the top dignitaries.

And Wang Chen came to look for Mo Han today.

Because just yesterday, the governor of Taiwu Pavilion sent a letter to invite him to the city for a gathering.

So Wang Chen was invited.

To Wang Chen's surprise, when he saw Mo Han again, the monk actually knelt down on the spot: "Fellow Daoist Wang, please save my father!"

Wang Chen was confused, and quickly helped the other party up: "Friend Mo, why did you say that?"

Mo Han was originally a handsome, young and handsome man, but now he seems to be ten years old, with several strands of gray hair, looking very haggard.

After questioning, Wang Chen found out that Mo Han's father had a serious illness at home a few days ago, and he is still in a coma.

Although Mo Han was a monk, he didn't have the ability to cure diseases and save people, so he immediately called the best doctor in the city to treat his father, but all the doctors he invited said they were helpless.

In desperation, Mo Han could only go to Qingyun Palace and seek help from the monks in Qingyun League who are good at medical skills.

Originally, this was a very simple matter, as long as he was willing to offer some honors, no one would refuse.

However, what Mo Han didn't expect was that none of the monks he asked for help either said that he didn't have time to practice in seclusion, or offered an unbearable price, and none of them were willing to help.

Although Mo Han worked in the Taiwu Pavilion, his popularity in the Qingyun League was not bad. He really couldn't believe that such a situation happened.

It was a monk who usually had a good relationship and couldn't bear it, so he secretly told Mo Han the reason.

Mo Han didn't say the reason, but Wang Chen could see the clue from his embarrassed expression: "Is it related to me?"

Mo Han nodded bitterly: "Yes."

In the final analysis, it was the cause and effect caused by Wang Chen injuring Hong Yuan in the main hall of Qingyun Palace half a month ago.

"Someone brought me a message, saying that if you want to cure my father, you have to exchange it with your transformed animal pet!"

Wang Chen was surprised: "That guy hasn't given up yet?"

"I suspect that Master Jiyun is the one who really wants fellow daoist Baihu!"

Mo Han gritted his teeth and said, "Hongyuan doesn't have that great ability!"

Master Jiyun?

A sanctimonious face instantly appeared in Wang Chen's mind—interesting!

Mo Han took a deep breath and said calmly: "Friend Wang, I don't want to ask you to give me the white fox. I, Mo Han, am not the kind of shameless villain who is selfish and ungrateful. I just want to ask you to help me." Let's see if my father can still be saved."

In fact, Mo Han was also in a hurry to go to the doctor. He searched all the doctors in the city, and the monks of Qingyun League were unwilling to help. He really had no choice but to find Wang Chen.

The young monk was also extremely conflicted in his heart. He felt ashamed to go to Wang Chen directly, so he wrote an invitation letter.

Thinking that if Wang Chen couldn't come because of something, then he didn't have to worry about it anymore.

In the end, Wang Chen really came.

Knowing the cause and effect, Wang Chen was somewhat dumbfounded, but more angry.

Every man is innocent and conceives his crimes, and some people can't get rid of their greedy thoughts even if they enter the Tao!

Fortunately for Wang Chen, he is not a powerless man.

"Go, go see your father first."

The two came to Mo Mansion together.

The Mo family is a big family in Taiwu City, and the members of the clan are not weak. As a monk, Mo Han is considered the most outstanding child of the Mo family.

In the inner house of Mo Mansion, Wang Chen saw Father Mo lying on the hospital bed.

The situation of the latter surprised him! ——

The second one is delivered.

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