White Deer College, twenty miles to the southeast.

On a hill covered in mist, a black figure loomed vaguely, like a ghost.


Suddenly, a flash of lightning flashed across the night sky, and the flashing thunder broke through the cover of the mist in an instant, illuminating the black shadow's face.

It is indeed Master Jiyun, one of the nine deacons of Qingyun Palace!

He was wearing a black robe, a high crown on his head and a golden bell in his hand, staring fiercely at the direction of the White Deer Academy.

And around Ji Yun, there was a ferocious beast crouching with horns.

Ji Yun kept shaking the golden bell in his hand, and the beast who heard the ringing became more and more restless.

They let out low roars, and the scarlet eyes of the beasts were full of violence.

I can hardly bear it anymore!


Ji Yun suddenly pointed forward and shouted sharply: "Kill everyone!"


The group of beasts roared in unison, rushing forward like arrows flying off the string.

In the surrounding darkness, more ferocious beasts appeared. They seemed to be whipped by an invisible whip, rushing toward the White Deer Academy like a tide.

Shred everything, destroy everything!


At the same time as the herd of beasts launched an attack, Ji Yun sat on the ground slumped, and the golden bell in his hand fell.

This magic weapon that can control all beasts has faded away and lost its original power.

And Ji Yun, who is the treasure holder, is also a thief going to the sky at this moment, consuming a huge part of his own power.

In fact, in order to be able to control more ferocious beasts, he also used a few treasures at the bottom of the box.

"Wang Chen!"

Ji Yun squeezed two words viciously through his teeth, his voice full of endless hatred.

In order to get that ferocious beast, the price he paid was really too high.

If he can't succeed this time, then he really has to jump off Qingyun Peak, otherwise he won't be able to face the consequences of failure.

Taking out a elixir and swallowing it, Ji Yun held the Wanshou Bell again.

"Kill, kill, kill!"

On the open plain, thousands of ferocious beasts formed a huge torrent and swept towards the White Hart Academy.

These ferocious beasts are at least four or five levels, and some of the beast kings have even reached the seventh level. With the terrifying number, it must be wishful thinking to capture Taiwu City, but it is obviously no problem to deal with a college with little defense. of.

Seeing that the target was right in front of them, all the ferocious beasts roared excitedly.

They're going to feast on them tonight!

However, these ferocious beasts who lost their minds didn't notice. Just outside the academy, on a towering tree, Wang Chen looked down on their actions condescendingly.

When the main force of the herd entered the 300-step range of the academy, Wang Chen suddenly grasped the formula and shouted in a deep voice, "Get up!"


As soon as his words fell, a flash of lightning suddenly flashed across the sky.

The thunder light instantly illuminated the sky and the earth, and also illuminated the galloping beasts on the ground.

An indescribable mysterious aura spread rapidly, covering a large area in the blink of an eye.

Wang Chen scolded again: "Lei come!"

The next moment, bolts of thunder and lightning fell from the sky, slamming into the middle of the herd of beasts!

All thunders are falling!

As early as the establishment of Bailu College, Wang Chen had set up a large formation in the peripheral area.

This magic circle came from the teaching of Yao Lao, and used many treasures of this Nascent Soul True Immortal, which can be described as a huge price.

Facts have proved that Wang Chen's caution is correct.

Under his control, thunder and lightning that contained destructive power continued to strike down, knocking a rough-skinned and thick-skinned ferocious beast to the ground, ruthlessly plundering their lives.

Some ferocious beasts were directly split into coke by lightning, and some did not die on the spot after carrying it hard, and fell to the ground with limbs twitching.

And the beast king with three heads and seven ranks suffered the most blows.

Thunder and lightning chased them one after another, as if they had eyes, extremely precise and fierce.

Although these seventh-order fierce beasts have high defensive power, they cannot withstand such a blow.

They were chopped to pieces and blood was spattered everywhere, but the great pain made these fierce beasts wake up, their frenzied minds became cold, and they turned their heads and ran away screaming.

But the three-headed beast king had no escape.

Because of the continuous thunder and lightning, a huge death prison was built between the heaven and the earth.

But all the ferocious beasts trapped inside are suffering the same fate.

The melody of death is the sad song of fierce beasts!

At this moment, the many disciples who were hiding in the White Deer Academy, although they didn't know what was going on outside, the high courtyard walls blocked their sight.

But everyone can see the thunder and lightning falling from the sky, and can also hear the wailing of the beast.

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay.

What's more, kneeling on the ground on the spot, chanting prayers to himself!

Everyone knew that it was written by Wang Chen.

Everyone knows that Wang Chen is very powerful, but no one can imagine that Wang Chen's power is so powerful!

They had never seen any immortal master who could compare to Wang Chen.

At the same moment, Taiwu City, dozens of miles away, was also alarmed.

The martial artists guarding the city wall all looked in the direction of the White Deer Academy, all with expressions of surprise.

In the Qingyun Palace of Qingyun Peak, an old man dressed in sackcloth quietly appeared on the highest star-gazing pavilion.

He stared at the thunderclouds and lightning in the distance, his half-old and half-young face was as deep as water, revealing a bit of fear.

And Wang Chen, who created this earth-shattering scene, is not relaxed at the moment.

In order to control this ten thousand thunder circle, he tried his best, and the innate qi accumulated in his body surged out, continuously arousing the power of heaven and earth to strike thousands of fierce beasts.

No matter how strong Wang Chen is, it is difficult to last long.

Because the consumption of true energy is too great!

But he also has a killer weapon.

That is the qi and blood value that can be "exchanged" for innate qi!

And Wang Chen's qi and blood reserve had already reached seven digits, which was basically useless at ordinary times, but now it was shining brightly.

With the transformation of qi and blood values, Wang Chen's zhenqi seems to be endless, which strongly guarantees the continuous output of thunder and lightning.

Under his relentless and continuous blows, the herd finally collapsed completely.

Every ferocious beast lost the desire to fight, and the fear of death made them just want to go home to find their mother, but in the end they were smashed to pieces by lightning.

In the air, there is a strong smell of burnt smell!

The thunderstorm lasted for as long as a cup of tea until the last beast fell down.

The thunderclouds in the night sky dissipated, and the sky and the earth returned to calm.

Only the countless charred corpses on the ground proved what happened just now.

Wang Chen didn't look at the corpses of these fierce beasts, his eyes looked further away.

Saw the culprit twenty miles away.


Ji Yun, who had just regained some strength, was startled, feeling as if he was being watched by a supreme beast.

He was inexplicably flustered, and the golden bell in his hand fell again! ——

The second one is delivered.

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