Gou Becomes a Boss in the Fairy World

Chapter 825: The Torrent of Humanity (Part 1)

If Ji Yun was given a chance to start over, he would never want to provoke Wang Chen again.

A ferocious beast, if you miss it, you will miss it!

Because in order to get this fierce beast, the price he paid was really too high.

Not only invested almost all of his net worth, but also used the most important personal connections.

If it succeeds, it is still worth it, but the problem is that it fails in a mess!

Especially the scene where Wan Lei blasted down and slaughtered the beasts just now gave Ji Yun a heavy blow.

He had already overestimated Wang Chen, but the strength Wang Chen showed was far above his judgment.

I am afraid that even monks who have entered the Tao do not have such ability?

This kind of awareness made Ji Yun extremely flustered, he quickly picked up the golden bell on the ground, and fled in the direction of Qingyun Peak.

Intuition told this monk that Wang Chen would never let it go, if he stayed where he was, he would die.

Only by escaping back to Qingyun Palace can one's own safety be guaranteed.

Ji Yun made up his mind that once he returned to Qingyun Palace, he would announce that he would go into seclusion, and he would not show his face again for a year or so.

Wait until the limelight passes.

As for seeking revenge on Wang Chen, he couldn't even think about it now.

In order to survive, this extraordinary cultivator exerted all his strength, mobilized his innate qi desperately, and fled across the plain under the cover of night.

"Master Jiyun, it's too rude to just leave like this?"

Just as Ji Yun was running with all his strength, a playful voice suddenly reached his ears.

Ji Yun was so startled that he staggered and almost fell to the ground.

The cultivator couldn't help but stopped, and saw a tall figure appearing in front of him, blocking his way.

"Wang Chen!"

Ji Yun suddenly fell into an ice cave, his mouth was full of bitter taste.

Knowing that the matter has been revealed, he still couldn't help but want to quibble: "What are you talking about? I don't understand!"

Wang Chen smiled: "It doesn't matter if you don't understand, it's already late, I'll send you on your way early."

"How dare!"

Ji Yun's heart froze, and he shouted sharply: "Wang Chen, I am one of the nine deacons of Qingyun Palace, how dare you offend me..."


A powerful fist slammed into Ji Yun's abdomen, and the violent fist blasted into his body in an instant, mercilessly breaking his qi sea dantian.

Ji Yun never expected that Wang Chen's attack would come so swiftly, and he was caught off guard and was severely injured. His whole body arched like a boiled prawn and then flew out backwards, with blood spurting wildly from his mouth.

Wang Chen's punch was too fast, too fierce, too fierce!


Ji Yun fell heavily to the ground, covering his stomach with his hands in excruciating pain, tears and snot poured out, and his face was contorted.

After panting violently for a moment, he managed to regain some strength.

As soon as he looked up, he saw Wang Chen who was close at hand.

At this moment, Wang Chen looked like a ferocious demon in Ji Yun's eyes. He couldn't help but trembled, and hurriedly said: "Don't, don't kill me, I can redeem my life!"

When monks fight, one side is defeated and captured, as long as there is no deep hatred between each other, they can take out things to redeem their lives.

The deacon of Qingyun Palace raised his right hand tremblingly, and opened his five fingers to reveal the golden bell he was holding: "This, this is the bell of ten thousand beasts, a treasure given to me by the ancestors, as long as you let me go, it will be yours!" it's..."


A wisp of finger wind pierced through the air, piercing Ji Yun's head in an instant.

At the moment of falling down, he still couldn't believe it was true, his eyes were wide open.

Do not rest in peace.

[Qi and blood +200000]

Wang Chen reached out to take pictures of Wanshou Bell, shook his head and said, "I'm confused, it's mine to kill you!"

It's a pity that Ji Yun can no longer hear his teasing.

Blazing flames ignited on the monk's body, engulfing it completely in an instant.

The flame flickered, and Wang Chen was no longer there.


Its daybreak.

Around Bailu College, there are huge crowds of people, noisy and noisy!

Last night, thunder and lightning and beast roars continued here, which had already alarmed the villagers living nearby.

Including Taiwu City is also affected.

It's just that the night was so dark that most people didn't dare to come out, only some agile scouts came quietly to investigate.

As a result, it didn't matter after seeing it, everyone was shocked!

After the incident fermented in the middle of the night, it had become sensational news in the morning.

More and more people came to watch the excitement.

Some timid ones couldn't help vomiting when they saw the corpses of fierce beasts all over the ground and smelled the strong smell of blood and burnt.

More people were dumbfounded, feeling like they were dreaming.

The fierce beasts lurking and living in the mist have always been the greatest enemy and nightmare of the people in the Wushan Realm.

In order to fight against the fierce beasts, people have worked hard to build cities one after another.

Even so, ferocious beasts are still the biggest threat.

Ferocious beasts are not uncommon, but so many ferocious beast corpses strewn across the field, it is a terrifying sight that no one has ever seen.

Everyone can't imagine how much disaster would be caused if so many fierce beasts were allowed to rush into the outer area of ​​Taiwu City!

You must know that these ferocious beasts appeared without warning, and people did not take precautions at all. It is very likely that they will become the prey of beasts in their sleep and die inexplicably.

While everyone was rejoicing, they also felt a deep awe of the academy disciples who were happily packing up the spoils, and the White Deer Academy behind them.

White Deer College is undoubtedly one of the most famous colleges in the Taiwu City area. It is not famous because of its strength, its long history, or its glorious deeds.

In fact, the White Hart Academy was only established for a little over a year, so it couldn't be younger.

However, this academy recruits common people's children to learn literature and martial arts, not only does not charge any fees, but also provides free meals.

It can be said to be unique!

If it weren't for the dean Wang Chen to be an extraordinary monk, such an approach would have been strangled by the forces in the city long ago.

Due to the popularity of the White Deer Academy and its growing reputation among the common people, many people who are dissatisfied with the White Deer Academy and Cishi Pharmacy are secretly plotting.

But seeing so many ferocious beasts falling outside the academy, these guys with ulterior motives were all terrified.

Wang Chen is by no means an ordinary monk. The supernatural powers he has mastered are far beyond people's imagination!

The ordinary people who watched the excitement were also aware of this, and they looked at the White Hart Academy with more fanaticism and admiration in their eyes.

Everyone is thinking, if their own children can also enter the White Deer Academy to study, will it be possible to become as powerful as Wang Chen in the future?

Even if it doesn't work, learning even one percent of the skill is enough to change the fate!

Countless hearts are restless.


The first one is sent.

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