Gou Becomes a Boss in the Fairy World

Chapter 864 Exploration (Part 2)

Thousands of Stars Immortal City has a radius of thousands of miles, full of high mountains and dangerous peaks, and many deep valleys. Most of the area is covered by lush virgin forests, and the natural landscape is extremely magnificent.

But in the depths of the mountains, there are often big monsters and monster kings lurking, coupled with unfathomable evil spirits and weirdness, even the real immortal Yuanying would not dare to go to danger alone, lest he fall into the situation of death.

Wang Chen is also well aware of the danger, so he is very cautious in the exploration process.

After some searching, he didn't meet the big demon and the demon king, but he saw a lot of monsters, basically all of them were of the level of demons and spirits, and they didn't pose any threat to him.

Of course, the materials on monsters can sell spirit stones, but Wang Chen's vision is much higher now, and the three melons and two dates are not worth his hasty shot. He needs to find out more about the surrounding situation first.

In fact, Wang Chen hopes to find high-quality mineral deposits more than monsters.

Such as fine gold ore, copper ore, spirit stone mine and so on.

At worst, black iron mines can also make a living.

Because the income that a large mine can bring is tens of millions or even hundreds of millions, it is more than enough to fill ten teleportation arrays!

Unfortunately, prospecting is a technical activity. To discover the deep underground mineral veins, you need to learn and master a lot of knowledge, and you need a wealth of experience.

Although Wang Chen has read some related books, he also knows the means of identifying ore.

However, he didn't get lucky, and he didn't find anything after three days in a row, so he died.

But on the fourth day, Wang Chen made an unexpected discovery.

A small fairy city!

This fairy city is located in a canyon surrounded by mountains, and it is surrounded by towering trees. If he hadn't seen lights flying by, it would not have been easy to find.

After searching for three days, Wang Chen was a little tired, so he just found a place to rest.

Let's see if there are any business opportunities in the city.

The water in Qianxing Xiancheng was too deep, and Wang Chen didn't plan to go back in a short time, lest he would be entangled by Wang's people again.

And after discovering this fairy city, it will be much more convenient for him to do something in the future.

Wang Chen landed ten miles outside the city.

In a secluded place, he put on a thousand machines to change his appearance, and suppressed his aura to the peak level of the Zifu.

The fairy city in front is only the size of a county seat, and the rank of monks inside cannot be very high. It is estimated that there are not many Jindan monks. If Wang Chen enters with his real body and face, it may cause trouble.

The cultivation base of the peak of the Zifu is neither high nor low, so that people will not look sideways, nor will people be underestimated, so it is just right.

And he also put on a hunter outfit.

Along the long stone road, Wang Chen soon arrived at the gate of Xiancheng.

There is only one gateway in this fairy city. It is backed by a steep cliff, and on both sides are all towering peaks. It is located at the end of a grand canyon, or it can also be said to be the starting point.

The geographical environment is very special.

Because it is hidden deep in the Grand Canyon, most of the area of ​​Xiancheng does not see sunlight and is covered by faint clouds and mist.

It's like a paradise.

But it's still pretty busy.

Wang Chen came all the way, and both sides were full of spiritual fields and farms, where a lot of rice was planted, and there were also some fruit forests and medicine gardens.

He looked up at the gate of the city and saw two large lacquered gold characters "Lingyou" etched on the wall above.

Ghost City?

Wang Chen searched his memory, but found no relevant information.

In fact, within the ten-thousand-mile radius governed by the Thousand Stars Immortal City, similar small fairy cities abound.

Most of these "yellow" level fairy cities surrendered to Qianxing fairy city, and regularly donated a lot of resources to obtain shelter.

For example, if you encounter a powerful monster or evil attack, you can ask for help from Qianxing Immortal City.

There are also some small fairy cities built by casual cultivators. Although they also serve as the main city of Qianxing fairy city, they are not very obedient.

In addition, there are also the strongholds of bandits and bandits.

And this Lingyou city is obviously not comparable to the city wall. It is built on the mountain and has an extraordinary momentum, and it is protected by a large formation.

Above the city gate hangs a magic treasure bronze mirror, all people who enter the city have to be photographed, and they can only enter after making sure that there is no problem!

Wang Chen entered Lingyou City after being verified and paid Ling's entry fee.

The layout of this fairy city is quite good, the houses and buildings are well arranged, the long streets and narrow alleys criss-cross, the ground is neat and orderly, and many trees, flowers and plants are planted.

There are many shops on the street, with various signboards hanging, and some guys stand at the door and greet customers.

Wang Chen found a tavern with a good business and went in. As soon as he was seated, a waiter came over to greet him: "Master, what would you like to eat?"

Wang Chen said: "Let's have a pot of spiritual wine first, and then two special dishes from your restaurant."

After congealing the golden core, it doesn't matter if he doesn't eat or drink for a few months, or taking Huang Lingzhizhi is enough to satisfy his hunger.

There is no benefit to eating ordinary spiritual meals.

But Wang Chen still likes food, and he didn't suppress or ignore his desire in this regard.

The memory left in his soul in the previous life can never be erased!


The tavern clerk said with a smile: "The little one will serve you a pot of homemade Baihuazui first, then a roasted leg of lamb, and a big carp from the dark river?"

“The price is a little expensive, but guaranteed value for money!”

He welcomes and sees off every day, and has long cultivated a pair of sharp eyes for identifying guests.

Although Wang Chen's attire is ordinary, the aura he exudes makes people dare not underestimate it.

Definitely the one who can afford Lingshi!

Sure enough, Wang Chen didn't care: "Good!"

The man quickly brought him a jug of spiritual wine.

Wang Chen took a pot and poured a glass, and saw that the liquid was golden amber in color, and the aroma was full of aura.


This Hundred Flowers Drunk is quite interesting.

Wang Chen picked up the wine glass and drank it all down. After thinking about it for a while, he couldn't help but nodded: "Not bad."

The grade of the wine is not very high, but it has an excellent taste, and the fragrance of hundreds of flowers contained in it is quite intoxicating.

Wang Chen drank another cup and tasted something different.

At this moment, he suddenly felt something strange.

Turning his head to look, he saw a white-haired old monk standing outside the door of the tavern, staring straight at the Baihuazui on Wang Chen's table, looking eager to salivate.

As a result, he met Wang Chen's eyes, and the old monk suddenly showed an embarrassed expression.

"Why are you here again!"

The tavern clerk also noticed the other party, and immediately went to chase him away: "Go, go, don't block the door and affect our business!"

The old monk backed away awkwardly, but kept looking towards Wang Chen.

Seeing this, Wang Chen smiled, recruited the waiter and said, "Give that old man a pot of Baihuazui, and it will be my account."

The clerk was stunned for a moment, then hesitated and said, "Master, our house is worth ten dollars for a pot of flowers."

The price is really not cheap.

Wang Chen didn't bother to talk nonsense, and directly threw out the thirty spirits: "Let's count together."


The second one is delivered.

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