Gou Becomes a Boss in the Fairy World

Chapter 865 Business is Booming

Wang Chen was willing to be taken advantage of, the tavern clerk naturally had nothing to say, and immediately gave the old monk outside a pot of Baihuazui.

"Thank you, Master, thank you, Master!"

Holding the jug in both hands, the old monk bowed far away to Wang Chen, his gratitude was beyond words.

After thanking him, he looked around vigilantly, and then jumped into the alley next to him.

Probably out of fear of being robbed, find a safe place to enjoy it slowly.

Seeing this, Wang Chen couldn't help laughing, and called the clerk over again: "I want all the Baihuazui left in your store."

The taste of this spirit wine is so good, it contains the fragrance of hundreds of flowers, and the taste is endless when you taste it carefully. It is most suitable for sitting and drinking alone.

Wang Chen also wanted to take some back for Su Ziling to taste, I believe the latter would also like it.


The tavern clerk was a little embarrassed: "Master, please wait a moment, I will ask the shopkeeper."

After a while, the shopkeeper of the tavern came over to make amends in person: "Master, I'm really sorry, my Baihuazui doesn't have much brewing at the moment, and I can only spare three jars for you at most. What do you think?"

One altar is ten pots, and three altars are thirty pots.


Wang Chen didn't bargain, and immediately took out three hundred Zhongling and put them on the table.

Although he recently smashed most of the spirit stones in the cave at the bottom of the pool, there is still no shortage of spirit stones.

It's just that these three hundred spirits are placed together, and the aura is so dazzling that the other guests in the tavern can't help but look sideways at them.

The market exchange price of one zhongling is 120 xialings, and 300 zhonglings are 36,000 xialings.

Ordinary Zifu monks may not be able to pull it out all at once!

Several drinkers exchanged glances with each other.

"Thank you, Master!"

The shopkeeper of the tavern put the spirit stones on the table into the storage bag, and took out three altars of flowers and put them on.

At the same time, he scanned the left and right with sharp eyes.

To be able to produce such an expensive spirit wine, this tavern manager is not an ordinary person, he is warning people with ulterior motives not to mess with his own distinguished guests.

Of course, this kind of warning was only limited to the tavern. After Wang Chen left the tavern, he definitely had nothing to do with it.

The tavern owner also specially reminded Wang Chen who got up and was about to leave: "Be careful on the road."

There are a lot of casual cultivators in Lingyou City, gangs and gangs abound, and fighting and fighting are common, which is far less safe than Qianxingxiancheng.

It is not uncommon for foreign monks to be plotted against and buried in Lusigou without knowing the details.


Wang Chen didn't care, and Shi Shiran walked out of the tavern.

Go down Long Street.

Soon, there were several "tails" behind him.

Although the other party's movements are very secretive and they are well versed in the way of tracking, but trying to hide from Wang Chen's spiritual consciousness is just a dream.

Wang Chen didn't expose it, and wandered slowly in this ghost city.

He only wanders the main road and does not walk in dark alleys, so the pursuers behind him never dare to do anything blatantly.

As a result, Wang Chen slipped around like a fish.

Slipped all the way to a square city.

This square city is located in the center of Lingyou City. It has a fairly large area. Not only are there many shops around it, but also an area dedicated to casual repair and stalls has been opened up. It is bustling with people and bustling.

There are countless monks who come and go in and out of Fangshi, basically all of them are Qi training and purple mansion ranks, and Jin Danna has none.

But Wang Chen could feel the existence of a breath of golden core, obviously there is a real person sitting here!

This is actually quite normal, because there is a fee to set up a stall here, and the stall fee is not cheap, and there are various items sold, some of which are of great value.

If there were no powerful monks in charge, it would have been a mess!

Interestingly, the stalls here are billed according to different grades. The cheapest is ten lings a day, the most expensive is two hundred lings, and there are not many left.

Wang Chen came late, and the remaining ones were all high-priced stalls.

He didn't care whether he suffered a loss or not, and rented one of them from the monk in charge of management.

There are also reasons why this high-priced booth is expensive. First of all, the location is very good. In addition, the area is larger than ordinary booths. The most important thing is that there is a small magic circle for protection!

This kind of small magic circle is connected with the big moat circle, which can protect the safety of stall owners and goods very well. Wang Chen has seen it in Qianxing Immortal City before, but he didn't expect that there is only "yellow" level Lingyou City.

But on the other hand, it also shows that the law and order here is indeed not very good.

After renting the booth, Wang Chen rummaged through his two sumeru rings for a long time before he found a large pile of stuff at the bottom of the box.

In fact, he has some hamster attributes and likes to hoard things. In the storage ring, there are a lot of supplies and daily necessities, as well as the spoils of previous hunting and capture.

Because there were too many things, Wang Chen had cleaned them out once, and the ones that hadn't been cleared either didn't want to sell cheaply, or it was difficult to sell them for a while, and then they were backlogged.

Pills, materials, talismans...

Among them are a batch of spirit weapons that Wang Chen made himself!

The stalls will fill up quickly.

Immediately afterwards, Wang Chen marked the price on each item, and at the same time put up a sign saying "no counter-offering".

This is what he brought back from the magic weapon shop in Qianxing Immortal City.

What is put out is the signboard of "Wishers Take the Bait"!

Because Wang Chen's booth is in a good location, the flow of people is high, and the appearance and quality of this batch of items are very good, so it quickly attracted a large number of onlookers.

"Huh? This flying sword is interesting."

"My lord, can you have less of this thing? I want less!"

"Is Peiyuan Pill authentic?"

"Master, can I exchange your green-faced tiger claws for your tortoise shield?"

"This talisman..."

They talked a lot, some were picky and complained, some asked for bargains, some wanted to barter, and some even made friends!

Wang Chen ignored them all, pointing to the signboard of "no counter-offering" and remained motionless.

Some guys who couldn't take advantage of it left cursingly, and some emptied their storage bags, or borrowed money from friends, and collected enough spirit stones to buy the items they were looking for.

Although the act of only having spirit stones and not being able to bargain is very irritating.

But the things Wang Chen puts out are all high-quality goods, and the prices are even more affordable and reasonable. People who know what they need will naturally make wise choices.

And as the items were bought one by one, those who wanted to wait and see couldn't help it, and followed suit.

It might be gone too late!

As a result, in less than a stick of incense, nearly half of Wang Chen's goods were sold.

Earned hundreds of thousands of spirit stones!

The business is booming, which makes other stall owners around envy and hate.

To be honest, Wang Chen himself didn't expect it to be so easy to sell, and the spending power of this monk in Lingyou City is quite strong.

It is necessary to take out something from the Sumeru ring to supplement.

Naturally, the more spirit stones, the better.

For a while, it was booming, in a trance, time passed quickly!


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