Gou Becomes a Boss in the Fairy World

Chapter 882 The power of transforming gods

Guarding the pavilion, Master Jingyun's expression suddenly changed.

At the same time when dozens of evil insects hit the city wall, she sensed a powerful and incomparable aura rising from the four directions of the southeast, north and south of Lingyou City at the same time, and it attacked the city defense formation with an incomparably violent posture.

The next moment, this Jindan Kunxiu spit out bright red blood as if struck by lightning!

Her true essence mana is connected to the Great Array of Protecting the City, and part of her soul consciousness is also integrated into it, which can be said to be all prosperous and all damaged.

As a result, the current protective formation has encountered an unprecedented impact. Master Jingyun was caught off guard and suffered a solid loss, and almost lost his temper!

At the critical juncture, this Jindan Kunxiu didn't mess up her position, she immediately swallowed a pill, forcibly suppressing the churning qi and blood and disordered true essence in her body.

After recovering for a few minutes, Master Jingyun immediately threw himself into the counterattack against the army of evil beasts.

However, the situation is extremely pessimistic.

Although the defensive formation was extremely strong, it had its limits, and thousands of evil beasts participated in the attack together, which immediately put great pressure on the defense of Lingyou City.

In the sky, Lei Peng with third-order golden feathers kept hitting the barrier of the formation, and at the same time, thousands of pale golden feathers that could penetrate heavy armor landed.

A single feather basically has no effect on the large formation protecting the city, but when its number increases to hundreds, thousands, or tens of thousands, the situation is completely different.

On the surface of the mana barrier covering the entire city, countless small ripples instantly appeared.

But the real threat came from four Tier 3 evil beasts from all directions!

Some of them have the body of an elephant, some have the body of a lion, and some have the body of a tiger. Their attacking methods are very rough—that is, rampage, and they are bound to break through this invisible barrier.

In just a moment, the attack on Lingyou City far exceeded the sum of the previous three days!

In the center of the Great Formation of Lingyou City, rays of light continued to flash, making all the abbots here tremble with fear.

This is a sign of instability!

There are already many evil beasts climbing up the city wall, they use their sharp claws to hook the cracks in the rock, and then jump up in relay.

There is nothing to do with the defensive circle!

At this time, Wang Chen, who was fifty miles away, was using the "wood sparrow drone" to investigate the situation here.

As a result, Wang Chen saw the spectacular scene of a group of evil forces attacking the city!

Could it be that the great treasure that the evil beast is bound to obtain is hidden in this ghost city?

Wang Chen couldn't understand why they worked so hard, as if they had such an inextricable hatred with Lingyou City.

He realized that if Lingyou City had any powerful trump card, or if they didn't invite high-level overhauls to help out, I'm afraid this fairy city would be ruined!

But no matter what Wang Chen thinks, he can only watch and do nothing for the time being.

Going to the rescue is even more nonsense!

Judging ~

At this moment, another even bigger Lei Peng came from the sky, and the jet-black claws instantly left two deep scars on the magic circle barrier.

Although the scars healed in an instant, the protective formation had clearly reached its limit.

On the high city wall, a large number of war repairers used bows and arrows and magical weapons to intercept the evil beasts below, and the latter were rushing in like a tide, and they went on and on.

The large defensive formation can defend against spells and supernatural attacks, but it cannot stop these evil beasts that are piled up like a mountain of corpses and want to climb up.

The battle between the two sides has entered a white-hot state from the very beginning!

Immediately afterwards, four behemoths showed their original shapes around Lingyou City.

They exude a fourth-order terrifying aura, and they all overwhelm the ghost city to weaken and suppress the will to fight of the resisters!

Wang Chen witnessed this scene through the sparrow, and felt that Lingyou City was taking jujube pills!

The army of evil beasts put all their strength into it at once, and there were still four "Li" level evil beasts in the formation, plus countless third-level monsters joined the battle from the sky and the ground, the situation was extremely unfavorable for Lingyou City.

And the development of the battle is also proving this point.

After suffering a large number of casualties, the evil beast army finally retreated to the top of the city wall, which made it impossible for the power of the city defense formation to fully cover, giving them a chance to play.

Casualties of war repairers appeared, and more and more!

It's over!

Wang Chen's heart was even heavier.

He has no relationship with Lingyou City, and the only person he really knows is Master Jingyun, so naturally there is no relationship.

But we are both human races, and we can't help but feel a sense of sympathy when we see evil beings and aliens about to engulf a city!

At that time, I really don't know how many people will die because of this. I believe that at that time, there will be a lot of resentment in Lingyou City.


Just at the very moment, a majestic voice suddenly resounded through the world and reached everyone's ears.

Everyone is in high spirits!

With such supernatural powers and power, I am afraid that a great monk at the level of a real king is here!

Wang Chen hadn't even seen the true king of Huashen before he saw the evil clouds in the sky receding rapidly, and they all disappeared in an instant.

Not only that, the sky full of flames appeared out of nowhere, avoiding the main city area, and enveloping thousands of evil beasts outside the city.

Each of these flames is no more than the size of a baby's fist, and they are white and red in color. They target each evil beast with extraordinary precision, and land on each other's head as if they were negotiating with each other.

As a result, the heads of these evil beasts exploded into the sky almost at the same time!

This scene made the monks present dumbfounded, and they all let out exclamations of surprise and joy in unison.

The reinforcements came, and it was a great monk with unfathomable strength.

On a hillside dozens of miles away, Wang Chen turned and ran.

The monk who just showed up is very likely to be the true king of Huashen, who has the ability to move mountains and fill seas with every move. Wang Chen took the wrong medicine and dared to stay where he is and spy on it with a sparrow!

He hadn't run very far just now, and a sunset rainbow appeared in the west.

Then the monstrous flames swept across the sky of Lingxi City, and plunged into the army of evil beasts to fight an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.

The mysterious and deep breath surged back and forth.

Wang Chen knew very well that the battle situation should be settled.

The luck of Lingyou City is very good. After persisting for a few days, a real king came to rescue him.

After suppressing the four high-level evil beasts, he handed over the remaining tasks to the monks below, allowing everyone to play freely.

After the crisis is resolved, the True Monarch of Huashen is already a celestial figure, making it difficult for people to flatter him!

This evil and dangerous calamity appeared extremely suddenly, and ended even faster, and the army of evil beasts retreated leaving corpses all over the ground.

The cleanup will take days.

Although Wang Chen didn't participate in it personally, he gained a lot.

The biggest gain among them may be to feel the power of a true king of Huashen within a short distance!

This further strengthened Wang Chen's heart to the Tao.


The second one is delivered.

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