Gou Becomes a Boss in the Fairy World

Chapter 883: The Golden Core Battle (Part 1)

Lingyou City, Zhaixing Pavilion.

It has been seven days since the disaster of evil beasts, and now the fairy city has basically returned to calm.

But this catastrophe still caused great damage to Lingyou City.

The main losses were concentrated outside the city, and most of the spiritual fields, fruit forests, and medicine gardens were either destroyed by evil beasts, or destroyed by the fire rain of Huashen Zhenjun.

Especially the latter, the loss caused to Spirit You City is far higher than that of the army of evil beasts.

But without the timely appearance of the True Lord of Transformation God, it would be impossible for Lingyou City to survive safely!

It's just that the troubles in Ghost City are not over yet.

"The price of Lingmi has increased several times recently, and it is estimated that it will continue to increase."

Master Jingyun smiled wryly and said to Wang Chen: "Pillions and talismans are also rising, everyone is afraid."

The scope of this evil beast disaster is not limited to Lingyou City.

In fact, more than a dozen fairy cities, large and small, were attacked at the same time. The situation was similar to that of Lingyou City. Among them, the most severely damaged fairy city was almost half destroyed by evil beasts.

And these fairy cities are all lower-level cities of Luodu fairy city!

Under such circumstances, everyone is too busy to take care of themselves, so how can they provide assistance to Lingyou City.

Of course, after the situation calms down, prices will inevitably fall. After all, as long as it is profitable, some immortal merchants will transport goods from thousands of miles to sell them.

Wang Chen felt a little strange: "What's going on?"

This evil disaster broke out very suddenly, and now it is said that all the lower-level cities of Luodu Immortal City have been destroyed, and the strange thing is that everyone can smell it.

Master Jingyun hesitated for a moment, and said through voice transmission: "It is said that the root is in Luodu Immortal City..."

It turned out that more than a dozen fairy cities including Lingyou City were besieged by an army of evil beasts, and they all asked for help from Luodu Fairy City.

The latter also sent the Digitized God True Monarch and dozens of Nascent Soul True Immortals to these fairy cities for reinforcements.

As a result, when the core power of Luodu Immortal City was pouring out, the seal of the Town Demon Tower in the city was opened!

In the Demon Suppressing Tower of Luodu Immortal City, a sky demon has been suppressed for hundreds of years.

Moreover, the Zhenyao Pagoda is drawing the power of this sky demon all the time, and sending it to the protective formation of Luodu Immortal City.

As soon as the Demon Suppressing Tower was broken, the Heavenly Demon, who was almost exhausted, immediately woke up, broke free from the shackles and rushed out of Luodu Immortal City.

At that time, the roar of this sky demon spread throughout hundreds of miles around!

Although Luodu Immortal City strictly blocked the news, how could it be possible to hide such a big incident!

Now everyone finally understands that the disaster of evil beasts that broke out in various places is actually a plan to divert the tiger away from the mountain, and the fundamental purpose is to rescue the sky demon that was suppressed in Luodu Xiancheng.

Now people in Luodu Immortal City are in a state of panic, and many people are worried that the Heavenly Demon will come for revenge after regaining its strength.

You must know that the sky demon is equivalent to the existence of the True Venerable of Hedao!

"This is something that the powers are worried about."

Master Jingyun said to Wang Chen again: "We little golden cores, as long as we don't get involved, we don't need to worry."

To put it bluntly, the level of Jindan is still too low.

Knowing that this was the consolation of Master Jingyun, Wang Chen couldn't help but smile wryly: "Maybe."

Before forming the alchemy, I only felt that there were ants under the golden alchemy.

Now that the golden core is condensed, it is discovered that in front of higher-level monks, mere real people are just cannon fodder.

Thinking back to the scene when True Lord Huashen cast his spell seven days ago, Wang Chen still felt sorry for him.

Most of the time, it's not that I want to die, but that when things come to an end, the pot falls from the sky, and I can't hide even if I want to!

"Cultivate hard."

Master Jingyun understood Wang Chen's mood very well: "Yuanying, Huashen, Hedao... My generation of monks should step up to the peak one step at a time, and one day we will have great supernatural powers and freedom..."


This Jindan Kunxiu hadn't finished speaking from the bottom of his heart when he suddenly coughed hard.

Her face quickly turned pale, and the corners of her lips overflowed with blood.

Wang Chen was shocked: "Really Jingyun!"

When we met just now, he sensed something was wrong with Master Jingyun's aura, but he didn't expect the situation to be so serious.


Master Jingyun waved his hand and said: "That day, the formation force backfired and damaged the Dao Foundation. I am already preparing to retreat to heal my injuries. It will probably take two or three years to fully recover."

"I'm afraid I won't be able to trade with fellow daoists during this time, or..."

"No problem."

Wang Chen directly interrupted her: "Fellow Taoist Jingyun, you can heal your wounds at ease first, and don't worry about these things anymore."

The higher the cultivator's cultivation level, the more troublesome the damage to the Dao Foundation will be. Jingyun's real person came to see him with his sick body, which made him feel quite guilty. He didn't care about the trading of spiritual weapons!

After swallowing a elixir, Master Jingyun's complexion recovered a little, and he forced a smile at Wang Chen.

The two chatted for a long time.

After all, Master Jingyun is going to retreat soon, and it will take two or three years at the shortest time. The two of them have a very close friendship and cherish each other. They don't know when they will see each other again, so they chatted a little more.

After the two said goodbye, Wang Chen walked around Lingyou City again.

Just as Master Jingyun said, the prices of various materials in the city have risen to varying degrees, especially the price of Lingmi, which is eaten by middle and low-level monks every day, has more than tripled.

Of course, this has no effect on Wang Chen. He has already condensed the golden core, and his demand for spiritual food has been greatly reduced. Taking some Huang Lingzhi Zhi on a daily basis is enough to meet his body's needs.

Moreover, he had hoarded a large amount of high-quality spiritual rice, spiritual wine and spiritual fruit in the past.

But taking advantage of the soaring prices, Wang Chen decisively emptied a batch of newly refined spirit weapons.

And the materials obtained from killing evil beasts!

After selling all the things, it was getting dark soon, Wang Chen had no plan to spend the night in Lingyou City, so he left the fairy city before the curfew.

"Forbidden to lock the world!"

What Wang Chen didn't expect was that just after he flew out of the land of a hundred miles, a cold voice suddenly came from afar.

The next moment, Wang Chen seemed to be stuck in a quagmire, the surrounding space suddenly solidified, and invisible pressure came from all directions!

But before that, Wang Chen didn't realize it at all!

Although Wang Chen was caught off guard, he didn't panic at the critical moment, and a copper seal was revealed with a flick of his wrist.

Liuhe Great Seal!

With the injection of true essence, the great seal immediately radiated immeasurable golden light, instantly enveloping Wang Chen.

The power of the siege to suppress him was greatly weakened at once.

The Liuhe Great Seal is the seal of the Liuhe Xuanyuan Formation, and the seal holder controls the entire formation, which itself contains powerful power, which is equivalent to a high-level magic weapon.

After Wang Chen obtained the Great Seal of Liuhe, he practiced it day and night, and he has already fully mastered this seal.

At the moment when the power of the Great Seal of Heaven and Earth was successfully aroused, Wang Chen took a step in the air, and a "thousand miles of leisure" escaped several miles away! ——

The first one is sent.

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