Gou Becomes a Boss in the Fairy World

Chapter 884: The Golden Core Battle (Part 2)


The moment Wang Chen got out of trouble, a figure suddenly appeared near his original position.

The other party was wearing a white robe, his expression was indifferent and expressionless, and he looked about forty or fifty years old.

But the age and appearance of a monk often do not match, the specific age can only be roughly judged by sensing its aura, and this aura has reached the level of a high-level golden core!

He was suspended in the air, and said to Wang Chen in a deep voice: "This seat, Lu Hongye, has a small matter that I would like to discuss with you."

trifle? discuss?

A green look flashed across Wang Chen's face.

A dignified high-level Jindan real person actually set up an ambush to attack him, a low-level Jindan, and he is so shameless!


But the anger didn't destroy Wang Chen's rationality, he immediately heard something strange: "Who is Lu Yanqing to you?"

"Gouzi Yanqing took the liberty earlier, please forgive me."

Lu Hongye said indifferently: "It's just that he has taken a fancy to your maid, and I ask you to fulfill his infatuation."

After a pause, the high-ranking golden core added: "The Lu family owes you a favor."


Wang Chen laughed angrily: "What if I say no?"

The other party didn't take him seriously at all, the words of discussion, the arrogant attitude, as if it was his honor to present Su Ziling!

"I have a good discussion with you because of Jingyun's face."

Lu Hongye showed a cold smile: "Young man, don't be ignorant of flattery, you don't know the heights of heaven and earth!"

As soon as the voice fell, his figure flickered and disappeared without a trace in an instant.

The situation changed in an instant, the wind raged around Wang Chen, and countless clear wind blades swept towards him.

As soon as this high-level real person made a move, he once again put Wang Chen in an extremely unfavorable situation.

Each wind blade condensed terrifying power, attacking from all directions, sealing off all the space for Wang Chen to move and dodge.

He couldn't even use "Wanli Xianting" to break the situation, because once he hit these wind blades head-on, the consequences would be unpredictable!

"Wanli Xianting" is not omnipotent, but Lu Hongye's cultivation is far superior to Wang Chen's.

This golden core battle was not what Wang Chen wanted, but he had to face this unreasonable and powerful enemy!


Unable to dodge, Wang Chen waved his palms and slapped continuously against the incoming wind blades.

The palm of his hand glowed with a faint golden color, the skin of his muscles swelled a bit, and his skin showed a texture similar to metal.

The strong palm force gushed out, abruptly blocking more than a dozen extremely lethal wind blades in succession.

Heavenly Dragon Vajra Palm!

This is the skill contained in the sixth level of Tianlong King Kong's rectification method, and it can only be activated when it reaches this level, and Wang Chen's attainments in this body training magical skill have already broken through to the seventh level.

Naturally, it can inspire the supreme power of this palm technique!

It's just that with the improvement of Wang Chen's cultivation base, he used more spells and magic weapons to defeat the enemy, and rarely used such hand-to-hand combat methods.

But in fact, Wang Chen's strongest technique is still body training!

With just a pair of fleshy palms, he actually forcibly broke through Lu Hongye's ultimate move, creating room for himself to move around.

The next moment, Wang Chen took a step forward and escaped several miles away in an instant.

Wang Chen knew very well in his heart that even though he had achieved first-grade alchemy, he was still not qualified to fight against this high-level golden alchemy. If he continued to fight, he would not be able to take advantage of it 100%.

It's not too late for a gentleman to take revenge, since he can't fight, then Wang Chen won't risk his life to gamble!


Lu Hongye was surprised again.

Although this move "Wind Over Wanren Mountain" is not his strongest ultimate move, it is more than enough to deal with a junior Jindan.

Lu Hongye didn't want to kill Wang Chen either, he planned to teach the latter a very painful lesson, as long as Wang Chen bowed his knees to him and served his maid obediently, then he would be merciful and let him go.

But now Lu Hongye doesn't think so!

A mere elementary-level Jindan was able to block the "Wind Over Wanren Mountain" with his fleshy palm, which clearly shows that the technique of body training has reached an extremely high level.

Such an amazingly talented young man, once he is allowed to grow up, the future Lu family may face catastrophe!

Lu Hongye immediately wanted to kill.

Wang Chen must die!

His spiritual consciousness had locked onto Wang Chen firmly, and when he saw Wang Chen fleeing, he immediately launched a pursuit.

This high-level real person is also performing "Wanli Xianting", and his speed and reaction are no worse than Wang Chen's!

Wang Chen performed "Wanli Leisure Court" five times in a row, and escaped tens of miles in the blink of an eye.

However, he still couldn't get rid of Lu Hongye.

The latter was chasing after him like a maggot attached to the bone. If Wang Chen hadn't changed his direction several times, he might have been intercepted by him.

It can't go on like this!

Wang Chen knows that in the cat-and-mouse game, the cat can make countless mistakes, but the mouse has to finish the game if it makes one mistake!

He is now a mouse.

what to do?

Wang Chen's thoughts turned, and he probed out a jade tablet.

If he hadn't had to, Wang Chen really didn't want to use this thing.

This jade tablet was the life-saving treasure given to him by Hu Jiaojiao when he left Qingqiu after he successfully formed the alchemy!

It is also a token to witness the covenant between the two parties.

Wang Chen originally planned to keep it as a souvenir, and take it out after the two reunited.

But the current situation is so precarious that it is too late for him not to use this last trump card!


With five fingers together, Wang Chen crushed the jade tablet in his hand in an instant.

At this moment, Lu Hongye flashed to his vicinity, and the distance between the two sides was only twenty or thirty steps.

The high-ranking golden elixir thought that Wang Chen's true energy was exhausted, so he immediately opened his right palm and grabbed Wang Chen from the air.

His palms swelled against the storm, covering the sky in the blink of an eye, as if a mountain was falling down, carrying a terrifying aura of coercion!

However, a huge white fox suddenly appeared behind Wang Chen. It raised its head and neighed, and the long fox tail suddenly swung forward, hitting Lu Hongye's grasping palm impartially.


The blood mist exploded all over the sky, and Lu Hongye's right palm was smashed into powder by the fox tail.

The latter's momentum still persisted, and then he slapped heavily on the chest of this high-ranking golden core.

There was only a muffled sound, and a flash of clear light flashed across Lu Hongye's chest, as if something had broken.

This high-ranking golden core flew out like a kite with a broken string, blood spewed out of its mouth, and spit out a lot of internal organ fragments.

Before Wang Chen could start chasing and killing, Lu Hongye turned into a streak of light and fled away at an unbelievably fast speed!

Wang Chen could only watch him run away.

It is somewhat regrettable that this high-ranking golden elixir has not been retained even after using the trump card, but this is also a helpless thing. How could a person like Lu Hongye not point his own trump card! ——

The second one is delivered.

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