Anyang City, Ling Mansion Study Room.

Ling Hongfeng leaned weakly on the teacher's chair, staring at the ceiling blankly.

Sitting in the position of the head of the Ling family was once his biggest dream.

One of the biggest reasons for Ling Hongfeng's dandyism and depravity when he was young was that he knew that he would never be able to compete with his wise and powerful elder brother, so he simply let himself go.

But when his dream came true and the Ling family was in his hands, he realized how naive he was back then.

This seat is really not for ordinary people to sit in!

The intrigue within the family and the infighting in business management made Ling Hongfeng exhausted.

In just half a year, he felt ten years older.

The most important thing is that after Ling Hongyun's death, the Ling family's prestige was not as good as before, and many cooperations with other families were interrupted, resulting in a great loss.

Moreover, many people in the family were not convinced by Ling Hongfeng, thinking that he was useless except for being a direct descendant.

The prestige is seriously lacking, and the talent is not much. How can we solve the Ling family's external and internal troubles?

Ling Hongfeng now regrets it every day.

If I had known today, why bother at the beginning!


Just as he was wandering away, the door of the study was pushed open forcefully.

Without raising his eyelids, Ling Hongfeng asked lazily, "What happened?"

There was a hint of boredom in his tone.

In the entire Ling family, only one person dared to break into his study so rudely, and he had to coax and hug him.

It was Steward Zhang who came.

Seeing Ling Hongfeng leaning on the chair like a puddle of mud, Butler Zhang's eyes flashed with disdain, and he said in a deep voice, "Qianjilou has already found Ling Zhiyuan's whereabouts!"

"Find it?"

Ling Hongfeng straightened up immediately: "Where is this little brat now?"

At the beginning, something went wrong in the plan and Ling Zhiyuan ran away. This matter has always been his heart disease, and he was afraid that the former would come back suddenly and drive him out of power.

Although Ling Zhiyuan is also very incompetent, he is the legitimate heir of the patriarch!

And once Ling Zhiyuan comes back, his conspiracy may be exposed.

Steward Zhang did not directly answer Ling Hongfeng's question, but sat down in front of the desk in a grand manner, picked up the teapot on the table, and poured himself a cup of tea slowly.

Ling Hongfeng was stunned.

He wanted to get angry, but he knew very well that he couldn't afford to offend him, so he could only swallow his breath and said, "Steward Zhang, didn't you say that your nephew wanted to do the grain business last time? My family has a rice grain shop in the east of the city, so I let you Let your nephew become a shopkeeper."

When the other party brought up this matter last time, Ling Hongfeng didn't want to cut meat to feed the wolves, so he was vague and perfunctory.

Butler Zhang didn't say anything at the time, and now he's here to choke his neck!

Ling Hongfeng had no choice but to satisfy the other party's greed.

Anyway, sooner or later.

"Thank you, my master."

Butler Zhang smiled, put down his teacup and said, "Ling Zhiyuan is now in Linjiang County."

"Linjiang County?"

Ling Hongfeng was at a loss: "Where is that place?"

He hadn't even heard of it.

"Linjiang is an upper county in Taiping County..."

Butler Zhang patiently explained to this ignorant guy: "Ling Zhiyuan's current identity is a blood-clothed guard, and he works as an errand in the Linjiang county guard!"


Ling Hongfeng couldn't believe his ears: "How is this possible, how could this little bastard be a blood-clothed guard?"

Although he didn't know Linjiang County, he knew a lot about Bloody Guards.

Ling Zhiyuan is just a warrior, what qualifications does he have to join the Blood Guards?


"The higher-ups don't believe it either, but the Qianji Tower has made a very clear investigation, so it can't be wrong."

Butler Zhang said in a deep voice: "Ling Zhiyuan first went to Taiping County, where he joined the Bloody Guards, and after three months of training in the Iron Stove Camp, he was transferred to Linjiang County."

"He is still the leader of the current freshmen, and has obtained the silver medal status!"

Ling Hongfeng felt that he was listening to a fairy tale.

Is Butler Zhang talking about Ling Zhiyuan?

He was dumbfounded.

Butler Zhang was somewhat helpless.

There is one thing to say, when he first got the information, he was not much stronger than Ling Hongfeng.

Everyone knows Ling Zhiyuan, this is what the father and son of the tiger are talking about. He obviously has excellent family inheritance skills and a high talent for martial arts, but he loves literature and dislikes martial arts. He is simply reckless!

"Ling Zhiyuan should have hidden his cultivation strength..."

Steward Zhang said in a cold voice: "He deceived everyone. This must be Ling Hongyun's idea. He wants to protect his son."

The Ling family has many enemies in Anyang City. If Ling Zhiyuan performs extremely well, it will inevitably arouse the fear and calculations of others.

"Ling Hongyun is very smart. To be honest, even a hundred of you can't compare to him!"

"so what!"

Steward Zhang's ruthless ridicule made Ling Hong jump like thunder: "He is dead now, I am sitting in this seat!"

In shame, he swept everything on the desk to the ground!

Butler Zhang looked at the impotent and furious Ling Hongfeng indifferently, and said, "Since we have found the true master, we must cut the weeds and root them out."

"He's the Bloodcloth Guard now!"

Ling Hongfeng calmed down suddenly, shrank his head and said: "Assassinating the blood-clothed guards without reason will be executed everywhere!"

"So what about the blood-clothed guard? It's not like he hasn't been killed before!"

Butler Zhang sneered and said, "Don't even think about it, why didn't he go back to Anyang City after he escaped, but went to Taiping County, thousands of miles away, to join the Blood Clothes Guard?"

"Qianjilou also found out that he was appreciated by a hundred households!"

"When he has a higher strength and status, he will return to Anyang City, and he will be able to crush you to death without using his hands!"

After hearing this, Ling Hongfeng's face turned pale, and he sat back on the chair weakly.

"Do not worry."

Butler Zhang said: "This matter can be entrusted to Qianji Building. They and the Blood Yiwei are not on the right track. As long as the money is in place, it will definitely not involve you."

Ling Hongfeng cheered up: "How much money do you need?"

Steward Zhang raised a finger.

Ling Hongfeng was stunned for a moment: "Ten thousand taels is so much?"

Butler Zhang sneered: "One hundred thousand taels!"

Ling Hongfeng almost spat out a mouthful of blood: "One hundred thousand taels? Is Qianjilou crazy?"

Butler Zhang said indifferently: "Market price, you are so easy to kill as a blood guard?"

"Then kill me!"

Ling Hongfeng howled: "It took tens of thousands of taels to rebuild the ancestral hall at home, and you have blown away so much. Now where do you tell me to get another hundred thousand taels back?"

Steward Zhang said viciously: "Who made you so incompetent? You haven't found out the real secret storehouse of the Ling family for so long, and the skills of the Xuantian seven evil wheels didn't exist in the first place. We are at a big loss!"

"Anyway, it's one hundred thousand taels. Whether you're selling a shop or a house or a child or a daughter, you have to scrape together the money."

"Otherwise you will know what regret is!"

In fact, Ling Hongfeng regretted it to the extreme now.

He has truly learned the fate of seeking skin from a tiger, and it is far from the end! ——

PS: These two days have been very busy, and the normal update will resume tomorrow.

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