A strong medicinal fragrance filled the room.

Wang Chen opened the lid of the decoction pot, and sprinkled a handful of sealwort fragments into the boiling liquid.

The charcoal fire in the furnace was booming, and these debris quickly melted away.

Feeling that the cooking time was almost done, he lifted the decoction pot and poured the boiling hot liquid into the porcelain bowl next to it.

Just the size of a bowl.

Picking up the bowl of hot liquid medicine, Wang Chen drank it all in one gulp!

A hot current passed through the throat and went straight to the stomach, and the strong medicinal power spread out of Wang Chen's body in an instant, and quickly penetrated into his internal organs, reaching all limbs and bones.

Fine beads of sweat oozed from the surface of Wang Chen's skin.

He put down the empty bowl and let out a long breath.

Although this bowl of liquid medicine is only enough for Wang Chen to suffocate in one mouthful, the cost of making it is at least two or three hundred taels of silver.

It is higher than the annual salary of Linjiang county magistrate!

During this period of time, Wang Chen drank such a bowl almost every day.

Poor and rich in martial arts, it is really difficult for ordinary people to afford the cost of martial arts. High-level martial artists are basically piled up with large sums of gold and silver, but even the children of the royal family cannot be as extravagant as Wang Chen .

What he consumed was the accumulation of the Ling family for hundreds of years!

But the effect is immediate.

【Potential +1】

An extremely familiar information prompt appeared in Wang Chen's field of vision.

Before he called out the panel to check, another eye-catching message popped up.

[Do you want to upgrade? 】

The premonition came true!

The 1 point of potential added just now brought Wang Chen's total potential to 1000 points.

Variables appeared immediately!

Or to be more precise, he now meets the conditions for panel upgrades.

Without the slightest hesitation, Wang Chen immediately chose to upgrade.


The next moment, he couldn't help but let out a heart-piercing scream.

Because of a sudden sharp pain, Wang Chen was instantly engulfed—from soul to body!

Such a change was never expected by Wang Chen.

He was not prepared for it, and was caught off guard by an unprecedented test.

The pain was extremely severe, as if countless steel needles were pierced into Wang Chen's head and body at the same time, piercing every inch of his muscles and bones.

The most frightening thing is that these "steel needles" are all hot red, and they are still stirring at different angles after piercing!

With Wang Chen's strong will, he couldn't help losing his composure on the spot.

The only thing he could do was try his best to suppress the screams, and then grabbed something and bit it tightly in his mouth.


The medicine bowl just stuffed into his mouth was directly crushed by Wang Chen!

Sharp fragments pierced his lips and mouth, and bright red blood gushed out immediately.

But this little pain is insignificant compared to what Wang Chen is enduring!

He fell to the ground, curled up, his limbs twitched unceasingly, his whole body was sweating like pulp, and his clothes were soon soaked.

pain! pain! pain!

Wang Chen was so painful that his whole body was numb, his eyes were full of stars, and his head was buzzing!

He didn't know how he persevered, and he didn't know how long he struggled on the ground until the pain that made people want to die on the spot gradually subsided, and his consciousness gradually recovered.

After lying on the ground for nearly a stick of incense, Wang Chen reluctantly got up.

His clothes were completely soaked in blood and sweat, his skin was covered with a thick layer of dirt, and gave off a very bad smell, and all the hair on his body, including his hair, had fallen off!

But at this moment, Wang Chen felt unprecedentedly relaxed, as if a heavy burden had been thrown away.

He exhaled the panel.

【Name: Wang Chen (Ling Zhiyuan)】

【Age: 16】

【Cultivation level: military commander】

【Cultivation method: Xuantian seven evil wheels (swallowing thieves): 126/400】

【Potential: 0】

【Luck: 3】

After consuming 1,000 points of potential and experiencing unprecedented pain, there was one more item on Wang Chen's panel.


As for the function of this "luck" and how to increase it, Wang Chen does not know. Obviously, he still needs to explore and explore by himself, and he feels a bit at a loss.

However, intuition tells Wang Chen that this luck value is definitely a more important and powerful attribute than potential!

Then Wang Chen discovered that this "air luck" could be used or consumed.

Because the points were too few, he didn't act rashly. After figuring out how the points increase, it's not too late to study its use.

After all, Wang Chen still understood the meaning of the word "luck", so of course he couldn't squander it at will.

At this time, his strength recovered a little, and he went to take a bath first.

After washing off the dirt, blood and sweat, and putting on a set of clean clothes, Wang Chen felt himself alive again.

And the state is unprecedentedly good, especially the spiritual consciousness, which is exceptionally sharp and clear.

Although there is no slight increase in cultivation base, Wang Chen feels that the current self can 100% beat the self before the upgrade of the panel!

It is similar to Yijin and marrow washing, reborn!

Excited, he immediately went to the small courtyard outside the room, took out the seven-plume spear and began to practice Liaoyuan marksmanship.

After practicing a few tricks, Wang Chen realized that his strength had grown by leaps and bounds.

His comprehension of the essence of this spear technique has made terrible progress within these few moves. Even if the power of the Shalun was not activated, the spear tip exploded while shaking, and the fierce killing intent spewed out. out.

After practicing Liaoyuan Nine Strikes, Wang Chen's marksmanship has reached a new level!


At this moment, someone knocked on the courtyard door: "Master Ling, Pang Zongqi, please go over now, we have important matters to discuss!"


Wang Chen fixed his eyes and replied: "Okay, I'll go there right away!"

He put away the Qiling spear, fetched the Bloody Guard waist badge, Yanling sword and other items to hang on, and then went out to the guard.

In order to facilitate his daily martial arts practice, Wang Chen moved out of the guard dormitory early on, and rented another house not far away.

Due to the short distance, Wang Chen arrived at the guard quickly without riding a horse.

Meet Pontai in the hall.

"Guard Ling Zhiyuan, I have seen a huge man!"

Wang Chen noticed that besides Pang Tai, the general banner, there was another man with a resolute look in the hall.

The latter was looking at him with interest.

"No need to be polite."

I only heard Pang Tai say: "Ling Zhiyuan, let me introduce you, this is Xue Zongqi from Fucheng!"

Wang Chen hurriedly bowed to the other party: "I have seen Mr. Xue!"

Xue Zongqi waved his hand and said with a smile: "You are worthy of being the new leader of Iron Furnace Camp. You are indeed a dragon and phoenix among the people. Ling Zhiyuan, do you know why Pang Zongqi called you here?"

Wang Chen's heart moved, and he had some vague guesses.

But he was still at a loss on the surface: "The subordinates don't know, please let me know."

"Of course it's a good thing!"

Pang Tai laughed and said: "I have already discussed with President Xue, and I will report to Fucheng to ask for credit for you. You will soon be the new Xiaoqi of Linjiang Guard!"

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