Gou Becomes a Boss in the Fairy World

Chapter 954 Killing Demons (Continued 2)

In the elegant room, there was complete silence.

Except for the dealers and maids in the gambling house, the people present were all prominent figures in Guangping County.

However, at this moment, all of them were silent, and some even had their legs shaking uncontrollably and their teeth chattering.

Shi Hongyuan, who was choked by Wang Chen, could no longer see his human form.

A lump of extremely ugly flesh and blood was trying its best to get out from under the human skin, tearing open the skin and revealing dark red tentacles waving up and down, making a "squeaking" sound.

The top of each tentacle has a mouthpart full of sharp teeth, which makes people shudder when looking at it.

Several beautiful gambling house maids were so frightened that they collapsed on the floor and shrank to the corner. Their skirts were all wet.

It was the first time in their lives that these people saw the true appearance of the evil spirit. It was considered a good thing that they were not frightened and fainted on the spot.

The monster that occupied Shi Hongyuan's body struggled hard and made a hoarse voice: "Let me go, or you will die!"

Although the words were threatening, they could not hide the vanity and fear in his tone.

Because the head of the demon-killing spear pierced into the body is continuously absorbing the demonic breath, making it become weaker and weaker!

This monster feels the fear of death!

The extraterrestrial demon has no emotions and relies entirely on instinct to act. However, after taking over the human body and devouring the human soul and blood essence, it develops seven emotions and six desires.

Greed for money, gluttony, lust, cruelty, bloodthirsty...

In order to satisfy these desires, they will devour more people!

And with desire comes the fear of death.

"How many of your kind are left here?"

Wang Chen said: "As long as you tell everything, I can let you live."

Fengyue Xiaoshujin Cave like Zhuangyuan Building is the most likely to attract monsters, and if a monster is found, there is probably a nest inside.

Demons have many similarities with cockroaches!

All Wang Chen has to do is to completely dig out this nest of evil spirits, and then the disappearance case will most likely be solved.

"Hang bang bang!"

Upon hearing the conditions proposed by Wang Chen, the monster's chest trembled and it let out a deep laugh: "We are everywhere!"

"wrong answer."

Without thinking, Wang Chen slapped its chest with his palm, blasting into it with unparalleled evil force.


The monster's body swelled up instantly, and then it suddenly burst like a balloon stuck with a needle. Countless flesh and blood debris flew everywhere and sprayed into every corner of the room.

Everyone present was covered in blood and was stunned.

Wang Chen, who was protected by evil armor, was not stained by any dirt. He reached out and grasped the head of the demon-killing spear and strode to the window sill.

The next moment, Wang Chen shook his hands and shot out a string of communication fireworks.

Bang bang!

Ouchi's secret fireworks exploded into brilliant fireworks in the night sky, which could be seen clearly from dozens of miles away.

Wang Chen admired it for a moment, then jumped out from the open window.

The evil spirit surged up in his body, and he fell to the ground like a light feather. He flew to the door of the Peony Building in the blink of an eye.

At this time, there was a small chaos in the Peony Building, and many warriors wearing strong shirts ran towards the direction of Yum Casino.

Wang Chen waited in front of the door for half a cup of tea before a group of heavily armed men hurried over.

Among them were many blood-clothed guards wearing burqas!

Someone asked loudly: "What happened?"

Wang Chen took a step forward and shouted in a deep voice: "Wang Chen, the captain of Donglu Baihu and the Demon-Suppressing School, is here. Where is the Guangping Guard?"

The person in charge of the Xueyi Guard in the local county is also called the Guard Chief, usually with the title of General Banner.

As soon as Wang Chen finished speaking, a middle-aged man immediately stepped in front of him, clasped his fists and saluted: "Guangping Guard Chief Duan Yongfeng is paying homage to your lord. I didn't know that lord was here, so I apologize for being so far away from you!"

"It doesn't matter!"

Wang Chen showed his captain's bronze medal to the other party for inspection, and said: "I just captured and killed a demon in Yum Casino. I suspect there are other demons inside. You and I will immediately lead people to surround the entire Peony Building. Xu Jin Don’t come out!”


Duan Yongfeng couldn't help but look embarrassed: "Sir, I came in a hurry and only brought a few people with me. Look at this..."

The Peony Building is divided into three buildings, one main, two auxiliary, and it covers a large area, and there are hundreds of guests living and drinking inside. How can it be simply surrounded!

Moreover, Peony House has a powerful background, and even its owner, Duan Yongfeng, is quite wary and does not dare to provoke him easily.

If Wang Chen came with a large team of people to find trouble in Peony House, then he would naturally have no choice but to join in, even if he was just waving the flag and shouting, he would have to contribute.

The problem is that Wang Chen is alone. Even with the blood-clad guards from Guangping Guards, it is still a wishful thinking to surround and seal the Peony Building.

There is no way to control the situation!

"You take my warrant and transfer all the people from the county government and the army."

Wang Chen's face was expressionless: "Whoever dares to disobey will be shot to death!"

His title of Demon-Suppressing Colonel is not an empty title. Whenever a major demon incident occurs, he has the power to temporarily dispatch the local garrison, guard, and security forces.

Of course, this power should not be used lightly, and full responsibility must be taken. Once a mistake is made, the consequences will be extremely serious.

Wang Chen is naturally not afraid of the consequences.

But some people obviously don't think so.

"grown ups!"

At this moment, a fat and muscular man with a curly beard came forward and saluted, "Hu Mengde, Lieutenant of Guangping County, is there really a demon in the Peony Building?"

Wang Chen's eyes flashed coldly: "Are you questioning me?"

The county lieutenant and the county magistrate are both assistant officials of the county magistrate. They are in charge of public security and catching thieves. They have the power of government officials and police officers. They have a very high position of power in a county.

Anyone who can serve as a county captain is not weak in strength.

"I don't dare, my subordinates."

Hu Mengde replied in a neither arrogant nor humble manner: "It's just that the matter is serious and the county government cannot handle it lightly. I have to report to the county magistrate before I can make a decision. Please forgive me."

Wang Chen said coldly: "If you push back and forth like this, what will you do if you escape from the demon?"

Hu Mengde hesitated for a moment and then replied bravely: "This Peony Building is of great importance, please consider it carefully."

"How brave!"

Wang Chen's expression suddenly changed and he shouted sternly: "Even a mere county captain dares to stop me. I think you are colluding with the devil, so how dare you be so bold? Do you really think that I, the blood-robed guard, can be bullied or humiliated?"

Hu Mengde's hair stood on end, and great fear suddenly arose in his heart. He quickly backed away and shouted: "Sir..."

"Death to those who disobey!"

Following Wang Chen's angry shout, a bright sword flashed across Hu Mengde's neck in an instant.

The county lieutenant's head suddenly flew into the sky, and blood spurted out from his broken neck.

Everyone who witnessed this scene, including Duan Yongfeng, was speechless and couldn't believe their eyes.

"What are you still doing?"

Wang Chen, holding the Yanling knife in his hand, said solemnly: "Surround the Peony Building for me immediately!"


The first update is sent.

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