Gou Becomes a Boss in the Fairy World

Chapter 955 Killing Demons (Continued 3)


Hu Mengde's head fell to the ground, and Gulu rolled away several steps, with his face turned to the sky and his eyes open!

He probably never dreamed that he, a high-ranking county lieutenant, would be beheaded by Wang Chen with a single blow.

No rules at all!

However, it was Hu Mengde's bloody head that shocked all the blood-clad guards and police officers present. They woke up from a dream amidst Wang Chen's orders and hurriedly began to block the entrance and exit of the Peony Building.

Although the Peony Building is divided into three buildings, the entire building is surrounded by high walls. There are only two main entrances at the front and three side entrances for access. It is actually very simple to block them.

However, the several-foot-high wall can block ordinary people, but it does not have much restraint on second- and third-level warriors. It is not difficult to climb out from inside.

"My lords!"

Just as the blood-clothed guards started to take action, more than a dozen guards from Peony House rushed out from the main entrance. The leading warrior among them asked in a deep voice: "Do you know..."


Before he finished speaking, his head suddenly flew into the sky.

Wang Chen said calmly: "Whoever dares to talk nonsense again will suffer the same fate!"

It's not that Wang Chen is bloodthirsty, it's that if he doesn't use thunderous methods, he will tangle with people endlessly. It's just a waste of time!

The dozen or so Peony Tower guards seemed to have been poured cold water on them. Their heated heads quickly calmed down and they all retreated inside.

Never dare to show up again.

Wang Chen jumped onto the wall, and then reached the top of the main building of Peony Building one floor after another.

He was condescending and shouted in a deep voice: "I am Wang Chen, the captain of the Demon Suppression School of Donglu Baihu. I have been ordered to track down the demons and temporarily seal off the Peony Building. I hope you all stay safe and do not run around while waiting for inspection. Anyone who breaks through will not be shot!"

Wang Chen's voice was condensed with energy, so it penetrated the walls of the building and was clearly transmitted to the ears of everyone inside.

At this time, the entire Peony Building was like an ant nest poured with boiling water, and commotion was inevitable.

Several figures came out of the building and jumped onto the high wall, obviously trying to escape.

A romantic place like this is often a mixed bag, and it is normal for there to be wanted criminals.

Wang Chen said he was tracking down a demon, but who can guarantee that he wasn't using the name of a demon to track down the criminal?

Of course, these people would not place their lives and fortunes on Wang Chen's words.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

However, just as these people jumped onto the wall, sharp arrows struck through the air. The speed and strength were incredible. By the time they realized the danger, it was too late to dodge.


A shrill scream suddenly sounded, and one by one fell to the wall, not knowing whether they were alive or dead.

One of them reacted the fastest and successfully climbed over the wall into a nearby alley.

Just as he was about to disappear into the darkness and flee, he suddenly heard a "bang" sound, and his whole body felt as if he had been hit hard, and he fell forward involuntarily to the ground.

A bloody hole as big as a fist exploded in his back!

On the roof of the Peony Building, Wang Chen put away the flintlock gun that was still smoking from the muzzle.

Against these little thieves, bows, arrows and fire guns are extremely powerful.

And with these tragic examples, those who are ready to take action in the Peony Building no longer dare to show up.

If you go out, you will die, but if you stay in the building, you may have a chance of survival.

After another cup of tea, groups of heavily armed soldiers appeared on the street in front of Peony House.

Under the officer's orders, they quickly surrounded the Peony Building and set up heavy crossbow and chariot formations specifically designed to deal with martial arts masters.

Wang Chen then came down from the roof of Peony Building and returned to the front entrance.

These new soldiers were dispatched by Duan Yongfeng from the guard barracks with Wang Chen's captain's badge. Wang Chen ordered the officers leading the team to guard the surrounding arteries, and then began to investigate the people stranded in the Zhuangyuan Building.

The method of investigation is very simple, that is, let the guards in blood clothes bring people out, and Wang Chen will conduct the identification personally.

See if it has been invaded by demons or infiltrated with demonic thoughts.

Without the tip of the Taihao Demon-Slaying Spear, it would be difficult for him to use this method to be effective, because many demons that have blended into the human world now have mastered ways to hide their own demonic aura, which cannot be detected using ordinary demon identification talismans.

Only by using special magic weapons, or by using the power of these demons themselves, can we get a glimpse of the clues!

This kind of magic weapon is extremely precious and can only be found in the governor's office of the county and city and in the imperial capital.

Wang Chen is naturally not qualified to borrow it for use.

But the Taihao Demon-Slaying Spear is stronger than any magical weapon. Even if the demon's aura is well hidden, it will be sensed within close range, and there is no possibility of mistakes.

Each guest was able to leave the Peony Building after inspection. They did not dare to stay outside to watch the excitement and hurriedly went back to their homes.

The night must have been a huge letdown, but being alive and unharmed was more important than anything else.

Because Wang Chen's inspection was extremely efficient, the inspection process went smoothly. Hundreds of guests went out without any problems.

This situation made Duan Yongfeng and Duan Zongqi, who was responsible for assisting Wang Chen, murmur in his heart.

If there is no demon found in such a large-scale war, how can Wang Chen end it?

You know, he mobilized the local guards!

When the higher-ups come to hold him accountable, Wang Chen's position in the Baihu household will no longer be preserved, and he may even have to go to jail...


Just when Duan Yongfeng started to have random thoughts, Wang Chen suddenly stopped a guest of Peony House who had just walked out of the door.

The other party was wearing a brocade robe with a jade belt around his waist. He was broad and fat and had a kind face. At first glance, he looked like the kind of wealthy businessman or landlord who would come to the Peony Building to have fun.

The chubby man in brocade robes panicked: "Sir, you know what you're doing, I'm not a monster!"

He was so frightened that he almost knelt down in front of Wang Chen.

Wang Chen smiled slightly and said, "I know you are not a demon, but can you take off the human skin mask on your face first?"

This guy was very good at disguise, and Wang Chen was almost fooled by him. If he hadn't noticed the slight color on his face and neck, he would have let him go.

When he heard Wang Chen's teasing, the man in brocade robe suddenly shouted angrily and slammed towards Wang Chen.


He hit Wang Chen hard, but the latter didn't move at all and slapped him down with a palm.

The man in brocade robes was suddenly slapped to the ground, and red blood gushed out from his mouth, eyes, ears, and nose at the same time. He looked like a dead dog with its backbone removed, and could no longer move.

Duan Yongfeng, who was next to him, quickly stepped forward, leaned over, and pulled off the human skin mask that the other party was wearing.

A pale new face was immediately revealed.

Duan Yongfeng couldn't help but widen his eyes: "Young Master Hua Die!"


The second update is sent.

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