Gourd of Douluo

Chapter 101 The Powerful Qibao Glazed Team (Part 1)

Tang San finally turned to Ning Rongrong and said: "Be careful to protect yourselves. You and Oscar should not stay away from Xiaofeng. If the other party attacks you, don't be nervous. I will help Xiaofeng protect you together."

Ning Rongrong smiled and said, "Xiao San, you are looking down on me too much. I've been to such occasions many times, so I won't be nervous."

There were a total of five team spirit battles in District 13. The Shrek team got half an hour's rest in the first three spirit battles. Finally, it was their turn to appear.

The Shrek team walked out of the soul master preparation area with the Qibao Liuli team. At this time, they finally saw all the members of the Qibao Glazed Team.

Walking at the front of their team was a strong young man, followed closely by two young men of similar age to him. They seemed to have similar looks. They should be a pair of brothers, and they were also somewhat strong. , his face was very calm.

Behind him is a very cold-looking woman with short light blue hair and a dark blue skirt. She looks like a thousand-year-old iceberg.

Behind the iceberg woman are a pair of twin brothers and sisters. The younger sister is looking around curiously.

Walking at the end of the team was Ning Tian and a cold boy. When Ning Tian saw Ning Rongrong, he smiled and waved.

Although no one in the Qibao Glazed Sect recognized Ning Rongrong, judging from Ning Tian's behavior, there must be someone they knew on the other side.

Ning Tian saw the questioning looks from the others, shrugged and said, "Just treat it as a normal team battle. Fight now as you normally would. No mercy."

"It's over. I didn't expect Sixth Brother to bring them here." Ning Rongrong obviously recognized the person opposite and couldn't help showing a very surprised expression. But she took a look at the people walking in front of her and regained some confidence.

"I didn't expect that Sixth Brother would bring the strongest team of soul masters in the sect. Time is tight, so I'll cut the story short."

Ning Rongrong pointed at the sturdy young man walking at the front, "Wang Gang, a level 37 attack-type war soul master, with martial soul and iron armor, extremely powerful strength and defense."

Ning Rongrong introduced them one by one according to the order of appearance: "The Ma brothers are thirty-five-level attack-type war spirit masters with violent spirits. They are not inferior to Wang Gang's iron-clad rhinoceros in terms of strength."

"Liu Xing and Liu Yu, both of them are level 34 control-type war soul masters. Their martial souls fly like butterflies, and their control method is poison. It is rumored that they can use martial soul fusion skills, but I have never seen them before. I don't know. It’s true or false.”

"Martial soul fusion skill!" Wang Xiaofeng and Tang San looked at each other, and their expressions suddenly became serious. The martial soul fusion skill can be challenged at different levels, so they have to be prepared for the worst in the battle later.

"The cold-looking young man next to Ning Tian is called Ye Fan. He is also a genius. He reached level 35 at the age of fifteen. My father is very optimistic about him. His martial spirit is the Iron Feathered Condor."

"Three controls, three strong attacks, and a quick attack to reinforce at any time, coupled with the support of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Tower, this lineup is a bit unsolvable."

Tang San thought for a while and said: "The opponent's advantage is that they are high in level. Evil-eyed White Tiger, you are responsible for containing the two Niu Martial Spirit brothers. Fatty, I will leave the twins in charge of you. Your Phoenix Martial Spirit can suppress their Butterfly Martial Spirit." . Soft Bone Charm Rabbit, Nether Civet Cat, you find the right moment to deal with Ning Tian, ​​Oscar is responsible for assisting you, leave the rhinoceros on the opposite side to me, I will control him as much as possible."

Tang San looked at Wang Xiaofeng, "Colorful Gourd, how long can you hold on to the increase of all members?"

"Half an hour is no big deal." Wang Xiaofeng shrugged.

Tang San nodded, "Okay, Qibao Liuli, you will always pay attention to the battle situation on the field later. If you have the chance, stack the boost with the colorful gourd and eliminate them all in one go."

"Put it on me." Ning Rongrong patted her chest and responded.

Because this was the penultimate team match, the previous matches had already heated up the atmosphere. Therefore, as soon as both sides appeared on the stage, they ignited the audience's enthusiasm, and strong cheers resounded throughout the audience.

The area of ​​the team battle soul platform is much larger than that of one-on-one and two-on-two, with a diameter of forty meters. The surrounding auditorium should also be doubled in size. By this time the audience was full. There was a little blood on the soul fighting stage, which was obviously left from the previous group battle against souls.

The circular soul-fighting platform with a diameter of forty meters is already very large, covering thousands of square meters, so even though there are sixteen people on both sides, it will not seem crowded.

The host on the stage stood in the middle of the Soul Fighting Stage, looked at the small book in his hand and said excitedly: "The fourth game is an eight-person team battle. The two sides are the Qibao Glazed Team and the Shrek Team. Although the Qibao Glazed Team is not well-known, , but they once won thirteen consecutive victories in the Tiandou Great Soul Fighting Arena, and they can be said to be very powerful. The mysterious combination on the other side of the Soul Fighting Arena, Team Shrek, has just completed registration today, and this is their first time. A team battle between souls. Unfortunately, they encountered the Qibao Glazed Team."

Compared with the Qibao Liuli Team, which is full of handsome men and women, the masks on the faces of the Shrek Team obviously gave the audience a bad feeling. So as soon as the host announced their names, there was a burst of boos from the audience.

Following Director Ao's announcement, Team Shrek and Team Qibao Liuli each formed their own formations.

On the side of the Qibao Liuli team, standing at the front was Wang Gang, who possessed the Iron-Armored Rhinoceros Martial Spirit. With his strong body and height of two meters, a strong sense of oppression suddenly swept over them. Immediately behind Wang Gang were the two similar-looking Ma brothers. The three of them formed a triangle formation.

The twins, who had two flying butterflies, stood in the center of the eight people. The elder brother had an expressionless face, while the younger sister still had a smile on her face.

The woman with the ice staff spirit and the cold-faced boy stood together, with Ning Tian at the end. The entire formation is like a pointed cone.

The Shrek team also set up its own formation. Different from the opponent's 3-2-2 formation, the Shrek team set up a 3-2-3 formation. The eight people were divided into three rows.

The ones in the front are Dai Mubai, Xiao Wu and Zhu Zhuqing, and the second row are Tang San and Ma Hongjun. The last row is Wang Xiaofeng, Oscar and Ning Rongrong.

Oscar stood close to Ning Rongrong. He actually had no mission now. The three sausages Tang San asked for each person had already arrived in everyone's hands. Even if he needs to replenish it, he can do it quickly.

"Why are you so close to me?" Ning Rongrong whispered.

Oscar said: "If someone attacks you, I can be a human shield for you."

It is good to have three auxiliary soul masters, but it also reduces the Shrek team's combat strength to only five people, and what they have to face is a team that is all level 34 or above and also has the support of the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Tower. , the pressure can be imagined.


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