Gourd of Douluo

Chapter 102 The Powerful Qibao Glazed Team (Part 2)

The leader asked both sides if they were ready. Dai Mubai, the captain, and Wang Gang, who was opposite, both said they were ready.

"Brothers, activate your martial spirit." Dai Mubai roared, his momentum increasing sharply. The muscles all over his body swelled instantly, and his arms stretched to both sides of his body at the same time, releasing his martial spirit, White Tiger.

At the same time, the martial spirits of both sides were released at the same time. For a moment, the beast soul master's body changed, the weapon soul master summoned his own martial soul, and the entire soul fighting stage suddenly became extremely dazzling.

On the Shrek team, the colors of the soul rings on the four soul masters are exactly the same. Dai Mubai, Wang Xiaofeng, Oscar, Tang San, and Xiao Wu all have two yellow and one purple, which means two hundred years and one thousand years, a total of three Soul rings, the other three people also have two hundred year soul rings. But there is a clear gap compared to the Qibao Liuli team on the other side.

Wang Gang shouted loudly, and his already very strong body swelled up again after being possessed by the martial spirit. The clothes on his body burst apart due to the expansion, revealing the black muscles like marble, and there was an extra layer of skin on the skin. It has thick armor-like cuticles and three yellow, purple and purple soul rings hovering around the body.

The Ma brothers behind them were not to be outdone. Under the possession of Wuhun, their whole bodies were filled with strong muscles, and two pairs of very thick horns grew out of their heads.

The hands of the twin brothers quietly turned into two pairs of lavender wings. The wings flapped and slowly flew into the air, looking down at Shrek and his group.

The cold-faced woman Ling Bingyu stretched out her hands, and a very luxurious blue scepter appeared from between her hands. The three soul rings did not hover around her body like others, but were set on the scepter. Floating up and down.

Among all people, the one who changed the most after being possessed by the martial spirit was probably the Iron Feathered Eagle Spirit Master Ye Fan. A pair of very huge wings stretched out from his back. His wings were silver-white, and the feathers on the wings glowed with an icy cold light under the light.

Ning Tian summoned the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda with a smile on his face. His ungrateful smile made Ning Rongrong, who had been looking at him, grit his teeth in anger.

The pressure brought by the optimal configuration of two yellow and one purple soul rings is unparalleled. Regardless of the quality of the martial souls or the configuration of the soul rings, the Shrek team is already at a comprehensive disadvantage.

Although this battle has not yet begun, the faces of the eight Shrek people hidden under the masks are already extremely solemn. For them, this must be an unprecedented hard battle.

"The countdown begins in five seconds. Five, four, three, two, one. The team battle spirit, the fourth game, begins." With the sound of the start, the host had already flew away, his movements were extremely fast, and he was obviously a very capable person. The soul master.

The first ones to activate were not the fighting soul masters standing at the front of both sides, but the auxiliary soul masters in the back row.

The Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda in Ning Tian's hand flashed with light, and the three soul rings on his body lit up at the same time, covering the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda.

"The seven treasures have names, one is called strength, the second is called speed, and the third is called soul."

The next moment, six rays of colored light were injected into Wang Gang and the Ma brothers, and four more rays were released on himself, Ling Bingyu and the twin brothers and sisters respectively. Except for the cold brother Ye Fan, everyone else had a glow on their bodies.

On Shrek's side, Wang Xiaofeng held a green gourd in his right hand, exuding powerful soul power, and his three soul rings shone brightly.

"I have a purple gourd, I have a red gourd, I have a yellow gourd."

A brilliant light curtain suddenly enveloped Shrek and his group, and a wave of warmth instantly spread throughout everyone's body. Their strength increased by 20%, their defense increased by 35%, and their soul power increased by 100%. On the 15th, the attack power increased by 10%, and a purple film flashed past, and the next second it was hidden on everyone.

"Come on!" Wang Gang shouted, the yellow light of his century-old soul ring surged up from his body, and he rushed towards Dai Mubai with an indomitable momentum.

The two century-old soul rings on the Ma brothers also began to glow, and in coordination with Wang Gang, they launched a charge at the same time.

Behind Wang Gang and the others, the twin brothers also flapped their wings and flew towards Shrek, but their speed was much faster and they directly passed the three of them. The two hundred-year-old soul rings on the two men shone brightly, and a burst of gray-white scale powder continued to fall down as the wings of the two flapped.

Tang San watched the situation coldly and shouted, "Fat man, in the air, Phoenix Fire Line, release."

Ma Hongjun was already prepared, and the purple-red flames spurted out and went straight towards the gray fog in the air. The butterfly's poison is mainly spread by scale powder, so Ma Hongjun's flame alone can completely burn it.

At this time, Tang San also started to move. Dozens of bluesilver grasses quickly stretched out from under his feet, and the entanglement skill was activated instantly, laying a huge net in front of Wang Gang.

Dai Mubai shouted loudly, and the white tiger protective barrier appeared on his body, directly blocking the charge of the two Ma brothers who possessed the Barbarian Bull Spirit.

Although this was Shrek's first team battle, before that, they had fought against each other for three months under the master's training. Although they didn't have a clear understanding of each other at this time, there was still no problem in achieving simple cooperation.

"Don't even think about it!"

Seeing that the team's first wave of attacks was about to be blocked, Ling Bingyu's expression changed, and the ice scepter in his hand suddenly emitted extremely low temperatures.

"The first soul skill, withering ice crystal."

Under the influence of the soul skill, dark blue ice crystals continued to condense in the air. Ling Bingyu waved the scepter in her hand, and ice crystals flew out one after another, hitting Tang San's blue silver grass. The giant net, Ma Hongjun's flames and Dai Mubai's body.

The first thing hit by the ice crystals was Tang San's giant web. The ice crystals shattered as soon as they hit the bluesilver grass, and the giant web woven from the bluesilver grass also began to become very brittle due to the drop in temperature, completely It was crushed by Wang Gang before it had even the slightest effect.

"Entangle." Tang San had no intention of stopping Wang Gang with just a big net. Under his control, layers of blue silver grass appeared in front of Wang Gang again. At this time, Wang Gang was far away from Tang San. It was only a short five meters, but his huge body only advanced two meters before being stopped by the resilient Blue Silver Grass.

Xiao Wu jumped up high and kicked the ice crystals that shot towards Ma Hongjun's flames into pieces one by one. However, her feet were frozen stiff by the power of ice contained in the ice crystals. Xiao Wu quickly ate a large recovery sausage, and the sausage suddenly It turned into a stream of heat and dissipated the cold air in her body, and Xiao Wu felt a little better.

"Hmph." Zhu Zhuqing's figure flashed, and the ice crystals in front of Dai Mubai suddenly shattered, without affecting Dai Mubai's battle at all.

Xiao Wu and Zhu Zhuqing didn't stop, they crossed over and rushed toward Ning Tian in the back row.

At this time, the only people standing in front of them were Ling Bingyu, who possessed the Ice Scepter martial spirit, and Ye Fan, the cold-blooded brother who possessed the Iron Feathered Eagle martial spirit.


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