Gourd of Douluo

Chapter 106: Martial Soul Fusion Skill, Light of the Butterfly God (Part 2)

Liu Xing gradually integrated into Liu Yu's body, and suddenly, an icy blue light pillar rose into the sky, instantly submerging their bodies. Thousands of rays of light exploded out from the center of their bodies, and the intense light even made people afraid to look directly at them.

The first thing that appeared from the light pillar was a pair of huge butterfly wings. Then, the ice blue butterfly wings expanded outward at an alarming speed. In the blink of an eye, the size had doubled. If you take a closer look, the butterfly wings are clearly the martial souls of Liu Xing and Liu Yu, the butterfly wings of the flying butterflies.

The gorgeous butterfly wings spread out. On the butterfly wings, it seems that countless water drops are rolling gently, refracting all the refractable light around them. Thousands of brilliance shine. In this dazzling light, a slender figure shines in the light. Appeared quietly in the coma.

It was a woman, a girl who looked to be an adult. The girl was over 1.8 meters tall, and her slender figure looked so charming. Unfortunately, her face was blurry and she couldn't see clearly no matter how she looked.

The next moment, she moved, taking a slight step forward with her left foot, and her slender body was already in front of Wang Xiaofeng.

"Light of the Butterfly God!" The girl's red lips opened slightly, and she held Wang Xiaofeng's hand gently with her right hand. An icy blue light pillar suddenly fell from the sky and shone on Wang Xiaofeng. Wang Xiaofeng only had time to throw the gourd in front of him, The next moment, the whole person was enveloped in the beam of light.

After a while, the icy blue light converged, and the stunning girl turned into a strong colorful halo. The halo quietly dissipated from top to bottom, and the figures of Liu Xing and Liu Yu reappeared on the competition stage. .

Liu Xing was still the same, but his injuries were more serious. The blood he vomited had dyed his white clothes into red. Liu Yu's face was very pale, and he looked like his soul had been exhausted.

The light beam persisted for a few seconds, and then gradually dissipated, revealing a semicircular depression. By the time the entire light beam disappeared, the depression had turned into a two-meter deep pit, and there was an ice-blue figure inside. Take a closer look. At this time, Wang Xiaofeng had turned into an ice-blue statue, and he did not know whether he was alive or dead.

"This is a arena that can withstand the normal attacks of the Soul King. Why don't you be so exaggerated?" The host swallowed in fear.

"Hey referee, lift him down quickly, maybe you can save his life." Liu Xing showed a ferocious smile, and for a moment he completely forgot about his seriously injured body, and shouted excitedly to the referee under the ring.

But before the referee jumped onto the ring, Wang Xiaofeng's statue-like body in the pit began to tremble continuously, and blue powder also fell down. After a while, a thick layer of scale powder covering his body was shaken by him. He fell to the ground, revealing his intact body.

Wang Xiaofeng flexed his muscles and secretly sighed at the power of the martial soul fusion skill. If he hadn't reluctantly used the King Kong Defense to block him at the last moment, otherwise he would have been seriously injured. But even so, he continued to maintain the gourd for defense. , and also consumed most of his soul power.

"This is the martial soul fusion skill. It really opened my eyes. If it were the complete version, the Soul King without the ten thousand-year defense soul skill would definitely be severely damaged by this move." Wang Xiaofeng jumped out of the pit. , touched his chin and commented on Liu Xing and Liu Yu's martial soul fusion skills, and also jumped back, collected some blue powder and put it into the soul guide.

"This, how, is it possible!" Liu Xing looked at Wang Xiaofeng in surprise. He didn't expect that he had completely absorbed a martial soul fusion skill, and nothing happened. The mental turmoil directly affected the injuries in his body, and he fainted when his head tilted.

Wang Xiaofeng waved to Oscar and Ning Rongrong who were hiding in the corner, and said: "You two, drag them off the ring quickly, otherwise, if the delay is longer, this unlucky child may die from excessive blood loss. "

On the other side, the battle between Ma Hongjun and Ye Fan also entered a fierce stage.

Although the first soul skill did not achieve results, Ye Fan, as an offensive soul master, was naturally not that easy to deal with. The third soul ring on his body shone brightly, and the huge wings first turned into iron gray, and then burst out with strong metal. Lustrous, the wings are like a peerless sword coming out of the body, exuding an edge that is difficult for ordinary people to look directly at. This is his third soul skill, Eagle God Slash.

"Melee combat? Just what I want." Ma Hongjun grinned when he saw Ye Fan give up long-range attacks. The second soul ring on his body flashed, and purple-red flames burst out from Ma Hongjun's body. Not only that, Ma Hongjun spun his body while spraying flames. , a flame tornado sprang up around him.

"Self-created soul skill, Phoenix soars to the nine heavens." Ma Hongjun compressed all his flames, and a huge phoenix slowly emerged from his body. The fire phoenix's flame wings spread out, rendering his whole body as if he was a phoenix. Only evil fire phoenix.

Ye Fan was very surprised that Ma Hongjun had such a method, but the arrow had to be fired. Ye Fan accelerated in the air and rushed straight towards Ma Hongjun.

Ma Hongjun did not wait where he was, but also rushed towards Ye Fan. The fire phoenix's huge flame wings suddenly flapped, and his body suddenly accelerated.

The collision between the two was not violent at all. Ye Fan's sharp wings directly cut through Ma Hongjun's flame phoenix, but when the sharp wings were only one centimeter away from Ma Hongjun's head, he could not go further because of his soul skills. The effect has worn off.

"Hey, the successor is powerless, so it's my turn." Ma Hongjun chuckled, and the flame phoenix that was almost cut in half closed up again under his control.

"Oops!" Ye Fan didn't expect that his strongest soul skill would actually do the damage it deserved, and he wanted to fly away as soon as he spread his wings.

What Ye Fan didn't expect was that when his wings cut through the flaming phoenix, they were also stuck with evil fire. The feathers on his wings had been burned away, so he was like a chicken on the ground, unable to fly no matter how hard he fluttered. . Just as he was flapping his wings desperately, he was wrapped in Ma Hongjun's flaming phoenix.

Ye Fan wrapped himself up with soul power and struggled to support himself in the flames, but his soul power could not stop the temperature. The blood vessels emerging on the surface of his body turned blue and purple, and his own endurance was beginning to approach the limit.

After all, this was just a sparring match, and the opponent was Ning Rongrong’s subordinate. In order to meet each other easily in the future, Ma Hongjun did not kill him. He controlled the fire phoenix to spit out Ye Fan, and with a slap of his right wing, he swept Ye Fan out of the ring. .


PS: The Light of the Butterfly God is inspired by Huo Gua’s Golden Road.

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