Gourd of Douluo

Chapter 107 The Rampant Wang Gang

"What!" The rest of the Qibao Liuli team were immediately stunned by the changes on the field. The first reaction is, Ye Fan has never defeated a second-level soul master?

The second reaction was fear. No one could have imagined that Liu Xing and Liu Yu even used martial soul fusion skills, but it didn't have any effect. No one was eliminated. Everyone began to doubt themselves. This game was still going on. Is it necessary to fight?

Just when the team's morale dropped to the lowest, a serious voice suddenly came from behind the Qibao Liuli team, "What are you waiting for? Has a small setback made you afraid of your opponents?"

"That's right!" Wang Gang's eyes lost their confusion, and he shouted loudly, waking up the others from their sluggishness, and said sternly: "Ning Tian is right, I would rather be eliminated by the opponent than admit defeat. What are you waiting for? Take action? .”

"The first soul skill, Crazy Rhino Charge." Wang Gang gritted his teeth and silently used his soul power to stimulate several hidden acupuncture points in his body. The next moment, he seemed to be furious, and the dark soul power continued to spurt out of his body. He stepped hard with his left foot, and the next second, his entire body disappeared in an instant.

"No! The first soul skill, entanglement." Tang San's purple devil eyes immediately caught Wang Gang's figure. Layers of blue silver grass kept appearing under Tang San's control, but no matter Tang San's blue silver grass No matter how much grass there is, as long as it appears in front of Wang Gang, it will be torn to pieces by the violent soul power, and it can hardly stop his footsteps.

"Thousand-hand Shura, I'm here to help you." Seeing Tang San in crisis, Xiao Wu teleported directly in front of Tang San, staring at Wang Gang's figure with a touching pink color in his eyes. color.

"The second soul skill, charm."

"No!" Wang Gang quickly realized that this was a charm soul skill and quickly closed his eyes. Due to the thick layer of weakened soul power outside the body and Wang Gang's quick reaction, Xiao Wu's charm did not have a very good effect. Wang Gang's body only recovered after shaking.

Facing Wang Gang's powerful attack, Tang San and Xiao Wu could only dodge to the sides, but this also exposed Ma Hongjun and Wang Xiaofeng behind them.

On the other side, the battle between Dai Mubai and the Ma brothers also began to show signs of defeat.

It has to be said that the third soul skill of the Ma brothers, Trample, is very restrained against melee soul masters. Whenever Dai Mubai wants to attack or dodge, he will be inexplicably stuck for 0.3 seconds, and the masters will fight for 0.1 seconds. A second can lead to death, let alone 0.3 seconds.

If Dai Mubai hadn't been stronger, more experienced in actual combat, and tried his best to exchange minor injuries for major ones, he would have been eliminated by the Ma brothers. But even so, he couldn't hold on for long.

Dai Mubai rolled like a donkey and once again escaped the attack on his back, but at this moment, his body rolling on the ground suddenly became unable to move.

The Ma brothers' eyes lit up and they did not miss this opportunity. The younger brother of the Ma brothers was closest to Dai Mubai. He accelerated suddenly and hit Dai Mubai with the sharp horns on his head, who was unable to move on the ground.

"Damn it!" Dai Mubai struggled desperately, but his body didn't react at all, and he could only watch the danger coming.

Just when the horns were about to pierce Dai Mubai, a black figure appeared next to Dai Mubai, with sharp cat claws piercing the horns.

There was a harsh friction sound, and under the protection of Zhu Zhuqing, the younger brother of the Ma brothers passed by Dai Mubai, and the horns of the bull were heavily inserted into the ground.

The next moment, Dai Mubai finally regained control of his body, slapped his right hand on the ground, stood up, and said happily: "Zhuqing, you..."

Before Dai Mubai could finish speaking, an icy blue light flashed under his feet, and his whole body was instantly frozen in a piece of ice. Zhu Zhuqing was also frozen at the same time.

Ling Bingyu looked at Zhu Zhuqing and Dai Mubai who were trapped in the ice with cold eyes, and said lightly: "It's really touching, but it's not good to leave me aside to save my little lover."

If he were in his peak state, Dai Mubai would be able to break free from his control in less than two seconds. Zhu Zhuqing might need a little more time, but it would not exceed five seconds. It's a pity that both their soul power and physical strength have dropped to the lowest point.

Ling Bingyu looked at the Ma brothers who were breathing heavily and said angrily: "What are you waiting for? Why don't we eliminate them both quickly?"

"Oh? Oh!" The Ma brothers quickly threw the ice outside the ring. But what they didn't see was that the ice that trapped Dai Mubai and Zhu Zhuqing did not fall directly on the ground outside the ring, but instead landed on a thick layer of blue silver grass.

After dealing with Dai Mubai and Zhu Zhuqing, Ling Bingyu and the Ma brothers breathed a sigh of relief. The three people without opponents turned their attention to the other Shrek people.

At this time, the rampaging Wang Gang rushed in front of Ma Hongjun. Ma Hongjun had just dispersed Fengxiang Jiutian due to lack of soul power, and then faced the rampaging Wang Gang. Now he faces the rampaging Wang Gang like an unarmed ordinary person. .

Ma Hongjun's face was very pale, and he managed to squeeze out a trace of soul power from his body and inject it into the second soul ring. Before a little flame could appear on his body, the next moment Ma Hongjun felt as if he had been hit by a heavy truck, and his body flew away heavily. aside.

But Wang Gang had not stopped yet and continued to charge without hesitation, without even glancing at Ma Hongjun, who was lying aside. It seemed that Ma Hongjun was just a bug that happened to be blocking the road and was easily eliminated by him.

And his target has always been Wang Xiaofeng. He knew very well that if Liu Xing Liu Yu's martial soul fusion skills were used, nothing would happen. He wanted to see what Wang Xiaofeng was capable of now.

Oscar, who was standing at the back, saw the situation on the field clearly and knew that Wang Gang's target was Wang Xiaofeng, so he quickly reminded: "Xiaofeng, be careful."

"Ah?" Wang Xiaofeng belatedly looked at Wang Gang who had already rushed in front of him. He wanted to raise his hand, but his body seemed to be rusty. Before he could raise his hand halfway, he was knocked away by Wang Gang.

Wang Gang saw Wang Xiaofeng's movements and knew that he was not unscathed on the surface. He stepped on his right foot and rushed toward Wang Xiaofeng, who was spinning in the air.

"The second soul skill, Parasitism." Neither Entangling nor Cage could control the air unit, but Parasitism's control was not very strong, so there was no other way. Tang San could only pray that Parasitism could interrupt Wang Gang's offensive.

The blue silver grass seeds hidden in Wang Gang's body grew rapidly under the influence of the soul skill, but there was no need for "Humph, a small skill, the third soul skill, the Hoof of the Crazy Rhinoceros."

"What's the situation? My reaction has become slower?" Wang Xiaofeng looked at Wang Gang who appeared in front of him instantly like a frame skip. As soon as the thought came up, Wang Gang's right palm pressed on his chest, and he didn't react. Coming over, the whole person fell to the ground like a meteorite, hitting the ring hard.


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