Gourd of Douluo

Chapter 108 A difficult victory

After receiving this combination of punches, Wang Xiaofeng could no longer compete. Wang Gang thought to himself that this could be regarded as revenge for Liu Xing and Liu Yu.

"Pfft!" Wang Gang's heart beat suddenly, his strong body shrunk visibly to the naked eye, and he directly exited the state of possession by the martial spirit. The duration of the secret technique was finally up. Wang Gang's eyes went dark, he spat out a mouthful of blood and fell from the air, hitting Wang Xiaofeng's side.

What can be expected is that Wang Gang will not be able to wake up in the next week, and will not be able to get out of bed within a month. Of course, if there is a healing soul master to help, this time should be reduced by half, but in any case, this game He was eliminated.

Ling Bingyu waved the ice scepter and controlled dozens of ice crystals to surround her. She looked at Tang San and Xiao Wu and smiled sweetly, "Admit defeat. Although I am surprised that we can fight to this point, the four pairs of Four, you are no match for us." After saying that, he glanced at Oscar who was feeding sausages to Ma Hongjun.

"You don't have much soul power left, right?" Tang San said calmly.

"I've taken care of you enough." Ling Bingyu silently injected a trace of the soul power she had just secretly gathered into the first soul ring again, and condensed a few more ice crystals out.

"Delaying time? It's not certain who is delaying whom. The first soul skill is entanglement."

Tang San saw the Ma brothers rushing towards him, and pulled the blue silver grass fiercely. A figure suddenly appeared in front of Tang San like a moth flying into the flame, blocking Tang San's body from the front. He was so tall that he almost protected Tang San behind his back. If the Ma brothers were to hit Tang San, then this person would be the first to be unlucky.

The person who suddenly appeared in front of Tang San was none other than Wang Gang, who had exhausted his soul power and fell aside. Wang Gang's body was tightly entangled with the Bluesilver Grass, and he was completely forcefully pulled in front of Tang San, becoming his human shield.

"Despicable!" Facing Tang San with the hostage in hand, the Ma brothers wanted to stop. However, in order to defeat Tang San, their attacks were all-out. Their huge soul power could not be compromised. Can be taken back.

The Ma brothers gathered their strength and forcibly cut off the first soul skill, finally stopping their steps. But the consequence of forcibly terminating the soul skills was to make the brothers spit out a mouthful of blood at the same time.

"Bluesilver grass, entangle!" Seeing that the Ma brothers fell into his scheme, Tang San would not let go of such an opportunity. A large amount of bluesilver grass emerged from the ground under the Ma brothers' feet, tightly Tied to their bodies.

Dai Mubai had already consumed most of their soul power, and Tang San had tricked them. The Ma brothers would be unable to move for a while and could only be slaughtered.

And this person, even though he seemed unknown, was Oscar who eliminated the most people from the Qibao Liuli team.

Oscar dragged Wang Xiaofeng aside, and after feeding the detoxification sausage and recovery sausage, he walked happily to the struggling Ma brothers, "Hey, stop struggling, go down and stay with the twin brothers and sisters, otherwise there will be too many of them." So lonely."

When the Ma brothers heard this, they struggled even more fiercely, but unfortunately it was of no use. Oscar used his soul power to drag them both to the edge of the field, and then kicked them off the ring.

Ling Bingyu saw this scene in her eyes, but it was a pity that she was entangled with Xiao Wu and couldn't make a move at all. Xiao Wu, who had teleportation and no cooldown, was like a human bug. He was so elusive that she had a headache.

"Forget it, let's admit defeat." Ning Tian's bitter voice came from behind Ling Bingyu.

"Ning Tian, ​​you..." Ling Bingyu turned around and saw that Zhu Zhuqing's sharp claws were already on his neck, and standing beside him was Dai Mubai, who was eyeing him eagerly.

"How is that possible! Haven't you already been eliminated?" Ling Bingyu said in disbelief.

"We didn't really fall out of the field, so it's not considered eliminated." Dai Mubai shrugged.

Ling Bingyu glanced around and found that Wang Xiaofeng and Ma Hongjun, who were supposed to be eliminated, were sitting nearby chatting happily with Oscar. No one from Shrek's group was eliminated. Seeing this, Ling Bingyu also knew that they had lost. She took a deep breath and said with difficulty, "We admit defeat."

"Team Shrek wins." The wonderful game made people unable to take their eyes off it. After a while, the host announced the result belatedly, looking at Shrek and his group standing on the stage with a special meaning. There is an indescribable feeling in my heart.

For some reason, he suddenly felt that these soul masters with strange green masks would soon become the favorites in the Soto Grand Soul Fighting Arena.

Tang San withdrew the Bluesilver Grass tied to the Ma brothers, and Oscar also summoned a few sausages and handed them to the seriously injured members of the Qibao Glazed Team. It would not hurt to win over these people in advance.

Everyone in Shrek walked off the stage amidst the shouts of the audience, and saw the approving eyes of Master and Flender. Nothing could make people happier than this.

Wang Xiaofeng patted Ma Hongjun on the shoulder and said with a smile: "Haha, this game was really fun."

Ma Hongjun took a breath and smacked Wang Xiaofeng's hand away resentfully, "If you keep slapping it, you will lose a good brother."

"Oh, I just got hit by that rhinoceros. What's the big deal? I even ate a set of his soul skills." Wang Xiaofeng got more aggressive and jumped on Ma Hongjun's body. Ma Hongjun's legs went weak. He was directly pressed to the ground.

Seeing Wang Xiaofeng and Ma Hongjun playing around, Dai Mubai laughed. Regardless of the wound that had just stopped bleeding, he waved his hand and said, "We have won a big victory today. Let's go, brothers and sisters, I'll treat you. Let's go have a drink."


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