Gourd of Douluo

Chapter 109 Summary after the game

When the audience who were leaving the 13th District of the Great Fighting Spirit Arena saw them one after another, many people were whispering, especially Tang San who was dressed in simple clothes and Wang Xiaofeng who was laughing and joking, which attracted the most attention.

Needless to say, Tang San didn't escape his control during the entire team battle. The Qibao Glazed Team almost followed his rhythm.

But the one who stood out the most was Wang Xiaofeng. He used the legendary martial soul fusion technique to kill his opponent, and finally replaced Wang Gang. (The audience couldn't tell that Wang Gang was eliminated by the backlash.) The audience liked this kind of passionate battle. As for Tang San's overt and covert plans, few audience members present could see it, so his popularity was less than that of Wang Xiaofeng.

The eight people, still wearing masks, registered their points amidst cheers, then received the reward of one hundred gold soul coins and walked out of the Soto Great Soul Fighting Arena and walked to a dark corner. Only then did the eight people They took off their masks, looked at each other, and couldn't help but laugh.

They often fought together during training, but they never had the same feeling as when they were actually fighting against the enemy in the Great Soul Fighting Arena.

The ones who felt the deepest feeling were Dai Mubai and Zhu Zhuqing. Every time at a critical moment, Tang San's Blue Silver Grass would always pull them back in time, allowing the team's strength to avoid damage. You also do this in normal sparring, but it's always different when fighting with others. They immediately had a deeper understanding of the importance of cooperation mentioned by the master after experiencing real group combat.

Ning Tian was already waiting outside. As for the other members of the Qibao Liuli Team, they were taken for treatment. Ning Rongrong saw Ning Tian's figure at a glance, ran over, held his hand, and said with a smile: "Sixth brother, how are you? Now you know how powerful our Shrek is."

"Yes, yes, our Rongrong is the most powerful." Ning Tian nodded in agreement, and touched Ning Rongrong's head when she wasn't paying attention, which made Ning Rongrong puff up her cheeks angrily. .

Wang Xiaofeng secretly glanced at Dai Mubai, who nodded, walked up to Ning Tian and said: "Brother Ning, we have to go to the teacher to report the situation now, but we will have a dinner together later. ?”

Ning Tian looked at Shrek and his group and said, "Will this bother you?"

Ning Rongrong said coquettishly: "Sixth brother, we haven't seen each other for a long time."

"Okay, then it's better to be respectful than to obey." Ning Tian was so entangled that he had no choice but to nod and agree.

After making an appointment with Ning Tian, ​​everyone returned to the hotel and rested for a while. The master once again called everyone to Tang San's room, including Flanders and Zhao Wuji. Looking at the disciples who were a little tired but extremely excited, he asked calmly: "Tell me, how did you feel during today's soul fighting?"

Everyone looked at each other, and Dai Mubai was the first to say: "It was fine in individual battles, but our cooperation in team battles was still not tacit enough. For example, when Zhuqing first cut to the back, we couldn't provide much help. .”

Ning Rongrong said with some bitterness: "I have become a drag on everyone in the team fight. Without one fighting force, it will be difficult for us to win when we face strong opponents."

Compared with Wang Xiaofeng and Oscar, Ning Rongrong's role is indeed much smaller. The whole game only provided a little increase at critical moments.

Others wanted to say something to refute Ning Rongrong, but the master raised his hand to stop them.

A smile gradually widened on the master's stiff face. Except for Tang San, the other students couldn't help but rub their eyes, thinking that they were dazzled by fatigue. This is the first time they have seen the master's smile since the devil's training.

"What you said is wrong. What I want to say is that you did a good job today, which makes me very satisfied. Yes, you don't have a tacit understanding, but this is your first team fight after all. And you are facing That’s right, it’s a team that has all levels 34 or above, and has a thirteen-game winning streak, and its martial spirit is not weaker than yours.”

"Among your opponents, whether it is the control power of the female spirit master of the ice scepter spirit, the powerful attack and defense power of the iron-armored rhinoceros spirit master, the unexpected spirit fusion skills or brother Ning Rongrong's Strong support. It can be said that among the thirty-level and first-level soul masters, they are all top-notch beings. But you still won the final victory even though your cooperation was not completely tacit. I hope you will grow up quickly, But it is by no means overwhelming. You have exceeded my expectations to be able to do this today. Thank you for bringing me a surprise."

Everyone looked at each other and couldn't help but laugh. Getting the master's approval was the best reward for them.

The master looked at Ning Rongrong, "Rongrong, you don't need to belittle yourself. Yes, in real battles, you cannot directly participate, but you have never stopped contributing to the team, and your increase will be timely at every critical moment. It fell on them. Although Tang San controlled the situation, Xiaofeng also turned the tide at the critical moment. But without your assistance, this battle would not belong to Shrek. To be precise, each of you is in the team battle played a key role.”

Flanders on the side couldn't help laughing when he heard the master's chicken soup, "I said master, you didn't come back to praise these children on purpose today, right?"

The master smiled calmly and said: "Of course not, I just want to tell them that they are the best, but they are not perfect yet. Tomorrow I will allow you to stop participating in the soul fighting for one day. But apart from rest, you must be together Summarize the gains and losses of today’s team battle, and tell me before tomorrow’s soul battle. That’s it, let’s leave first.”

Flanders said: "Soto City is different from our village. The forces here are more complicated. Try to cause as little trouble as possible. However, if someone bullies you, you must not lose the face of our Shrek Academy."

Ma Hongjun stuck out his tongue secretly, looked at Wang Xiaofeng beside him, and couldn't help but laugh. A few days ago, they defeated two scumbag soul sects, and now their bodies are still cold.

The three masters walked out of the hotel, and Flanders said: "Xiao Gang, these children are bringing me more and more surprises. It seems that it is a good idea to give them all to you for training."

The master said: "This is also their own talent. Facing an opponent whose average level is five levels higher than their own, they can win with one fell swoop even if the total number of soul rings is three more. This is not just about the quality of their martial souls and soul rings. It is very important to work together to gain the upper hand.”

Flanders sighed, "But I still lost. Compared with Tang San, that kid Hong Jun is really far behind. After so many years of teaching, I am still not as good as you."

Hearing Flanders admit defeat, a smile appeared on the master's face again, "This is obvious, it's rare for you to admit it."

Flanders said angrily: "Am I the master who refuses to admit defeat?"

Zhao Wuji on the side intervened at the right time, "It seems that last time you made a bet with me, you lost ten gold soul coins to me, but you still don't acknowledge the account until now."

"How can you taint someone's innocence out of thin air..."

Flanders blushed and argued angrily that verbal agreements don't count and teachers can't gamble. He said some words that were incomprehensible, causing Zao Wuji and the master to burst into laughter, and the air was suddenly filled with joy.

The master laughed and said, "Flanders, I suddenly want to drink. Since you admit defeat, let's treat you."

"Okay, let's see if I don't drink you to death." Flanders said fiercely.


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