Gourd of Douluo

Chapter 110 Ning Tian’s Recruitment

With all the teachers gone, everyone was naturally less restrained. Everyone did not forget about the dinner party. They returned to their dormitories to wash up, change clothes, and then go to the dinner party.

In fact, everyone didn't go far, so they booked a private room in the restaurant of the hotel where they stayed, ordered a table of sumptuous dishes, and a few barrels of gourd wine, which was enough.

Ning Rongrong led Ning Tian in, and everyone greeted him friendly. They were all teenagers and had no overnight feud, and they were no longer acquainted with each other.

Ning Tian drank three large bowls of wine in a row under the cheers of everyone. Even though he had a good drinking capacity, he couldn't help but feel a little drunk at this time.

When Oscar saw how this was going, he quickly stood in front of Ning Tian and said, "Ning Tian is also a guest after all. Don't keep pouring wine on others. Eat the food first. Eat the food first."

Everyone looked at each other and immediately laughed. This made both Oscar and Ning Rongrong feel a little embarrassed. Only Ning Tian looked strangely confused and didn't know where the joke was.

At Oscar's request, everyone stopped making him drink, but without Ning Tian's ability to attract fire, everyone found their own opponents.

"Xiao San, come here and let me salute you. Thank you for catching me in time." Dai Mubai picked up the full glass of wine in front of him and gestured to Tang San.

Tang San smiled slightly, picked up his own wine and drank it down with Dai Mubai. Of course he knew that Dai Mubai was not thanking him for himself. Instead, he thanked him for controlling Dai Mubai in time and not letting him affect the battle situation due to his anger.

If he hadn't been caught in time, even if Ning Tian and Ye Fan could be eliminated, the Ma brothers would still be able to rush into Shrek's rear. Ning Rongrong and Oscar would not be spared either. Without Oscar, whether they can win this game depends on I don’t know, after all, the phantom sausage and the big sausage did play a great role.

"Xiaosan, I respect you too. Although my strength is not as good as yours, I'm afraid you won't be able to drink." Oscar picked up the cup with some evil intentions and said with a smile.

Before Tang San could raise his glass, Xiao Wu stepped in and said, "Oscar, do you want to get him drunk? I'll drink with you." As she said that, Xiao Wu fully displayed her eldest sisterly demeanor and drank all the contents of the glass in one gulp. liquor.

Oscar drank helplessly, but out of the corner of his eye he saw Tang San sitting there drinking with him.

Facing Xiao Wu, Oscar didn't dare to act recklessly. If Xiao Wu was angered, he would be killed or injured. Oscar turned his eyes and saw Wang Xiaofeng, who was competing with Ma Hongjun in eating speed, and walked over quickly. He had been thinking of avenging the last time he drank in the dormitory and got drunk.

"Xiaofeng, come on, come on, how can you keep eating vegetables, drinking and drinking!" Oscar said, putting his arm around Wang Xiaofeng's shoulders, and at the same time he raised the glass filled with wine in his right hand. If he didn't drink, he wouldn't give him face.

"It's good to drink. I'll join you." Before Oscar could react, Ma Hongjun drank a lot.

"Oscar, I thought you wouldn't dare to come to me after the last time we had a drink, but I didn't expect you would still have the courage to challenge me. But I don't feel like drinking like this. If you want, just drink from a bowl." Wang Xiaofeng took it from the barrel. He drank a large bowl of wine in one go, and even looked at Oscar provocatively after finishing the drink.

Oscar swallowed with some fear. You must know that the content of Wang Xiaofeng's gourd wine is much higher than that of ordinary ale, but now he can't leave even if he wants to. You must know that Ning Rongrong is still beside him.

"Ahem, that's a good suggestion. Only drink from a bowl is worthy of my title as the little prince of the wine shop." How can you be a coward in front of your sweetheart? Oscar took a bowl of wine and took a sip not to be outdone. "Whoever falls first is the pig."

The three of them started drinking wine one bowl at a time. Before they had finished a few bowls, Ma Hongjun banged his head on the table and was the first to be eliminated.

Although Oscar's drinking capacity was much better than Ma Hongjun's, he couldn't help but drink bowl after bowl like this. After a while, his face was red and he was swaying.

Ning Rongrong was chatting with Ning Tian on the sidelines, and suddenly she saw Oscar was dying from the corner of her eye. She quickly stood up and helped Oscar aside.

"Wang Xiaofeng, you're going to bully Oscar. Come on, come on, I'll drink with you." Ning Rongrong changed her usual gentle image and directly moved a large barrel of wine in front of her.

If you win, you will bully girls, and you will definitely be disgusted by Xiao Wu and Zhu Zhuqing. If you lose, it will be even worse. This black history will definitely accompany you for the rest of your life, so Wang Xiaofeng decisively begged for mercy, and after three bowls in a row, he said: "I give up. , please also ask the heroine to show your noble hand!"

Seeing that Wang Xiaofeng had given up, Ning Rongrong did not nod and said, "Then I'll give you a break."

PS: This chapter is not finished yet, please upload it first.

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