Gourd of Douluo

Chapter 113 Wang Dahuo is online

"The winner is the Evil-Eyed White Tiger! Let us congratulate him on his seventh consecutive victory in single-player spirit fighting."

Seeing Dai Mubai leave the stage amidst the cheers of the audience, Oscar said with envy: "Boss Dai is already invincible in the Soul Fighting Arena, and he has reached level 39 at this time. How can other people play?" .”

Ma Hongjun asked strangely: "What's there to envy? Isn't the winning rate of you and Boss Dai's Sausage White Tiger combination quite high?"

While eating the meat skewers, Wang Xiaofeng wondered: "This is called eating from the bowl and looking at the pot. Isn't it good to be an auxiliary soul master? I don't understand why you like the feeling of punching meat."

"A real man should speak with his fists, Xiaofeng, you will never understand us." Ma Hongjun looked at Wang Xiaofeng with contempt.

Wang Xiaofeng put the bag of meat skewers aside, clenched his fist, hit Ma Hongjun on the ground with a hammer, and said angrily: "I think your skin is itchy. Have you ever seen a fist as big as a sandbag?"

"Can you finish your words first before taking action, so that I can be prepared?" Ma Hongjun stood up shakily, feeling as if many chicken legs were flying around him.

"It's about being caught off guard."

Dai Mubai walked off the stage refreshed and high-fived Wang Xiaofeng and Oscar one by one in celebration. Being able to break through to level thirty-nine before the soul fight and defeat the opponent cleanly can be considered as venting his depression.

"Xiao Feng, I will definitely break through the Soul Sect before you do." Dai Mubai looked at Wang Xiaofeng and said seriously.

"No, no, no, no, if you set the flag now, I won't win."

Dai Mubai asked curiously: "Flag? What does this mean?"

Others also gathered around curiously. They were not too bored. In fact, there were two thirty-level novices on the field pecking each other, playing a rigid turn-based system. Everyone who had seen the big scene naturally felt that It's boring, it's better to listen to Wang Xiaofeng bragging.

Wang Xiaofeng explained: "This is a special curse. For example, before going to the battlefield, if you say that after this war is over, I will go back to my hometown to get married, then you will definitely die on the battlefield."

"Wow, this curse called Flagg is so powerful. Can I learn it?" Ma Hongjun asked excitedly.

Wang Xiaofeng was a little confused, "Why are you learning this? Curse yourself to death?"

Ma Hongjun quickly waved his hand and said: "No, no, I just want to be more skilled and not overwhelm myself, and I can give it to my opponent."

Wang Xiaofeng took Ma Hongjun and secretly walked to the corner and said: "This curse will only be effective if you say specific words on specific occasions, and you must be sincere. If you are sincere, you will be successful, you know..."

Tang San watched Wang Xiaofeng deceive Ma Hongjun and wiped his cold sweat, "Xiaofeng will deceive people like this and nothing will happen."

"It's okay, Fatty can't beat him, and although Fatty is a little stupid, he won't really believe it. This is a friendly way of communication between the two of them." Oscar said nonchalantly.

"Oscar, stop nagging. It's time for our doubles match. Let's go quickly." Dai Mubai shouted.

"...First like this...and then like this...Understand." Wang Xiaofeng patted Ma Hongjun on the shoulder and said. The expression on your face is that I have already transferred my peerless magic to you, and I am very optimistic about you, young man.

Ma Hongjun's eyes widened, he nodded, and said excitedly: "I understand, I understand."

People who have obtained peerless magic will always want to show off their skills, and Ma Hongjun is no exception.

He looked around for the target and suddenly saw Oscar standing on the ring ready to fight. He rolled his little eyes and said, "Well, let's take Oscar."

Everyone was watching the match between Dai Mubai and Oscar, when suddenly they caught sight of a figure doing strange movements from the corner of their eyes.

Wang Xiaofeng pointed at Ma Hongjun who was doing the Yangko dance seriously, holding his stomach and laughing so hard that he was out of breath, "Hahahaha, this move of the fat man is really amazing."

Tang San twitched the corners of his lips, suppressing a smile and said: "Xiao Feng, if Fatty finds out, you will definitely die miserably."

Ma Hongjun finished the Yangko dance and started dancing Jiangnan style. The audience quickly moved away from Ma Hongjun. Who knew if he was ill.

After dancing seriously, Ma Hongjun was not affected by the people around him at all. He returned to the team happily, laughing until his mouth cramped. Wang Xiaofeng, who was rubbing his cheeks, said: "Xiao Feng, I have already cursed that I will lose the Oscar competition. Wait." If he does, he will definitely lose."

"Let's not talk about why you cursed Oscar." Wang Xiaofeng pouted, "Anyway, if Oscar finds out, you will definitely be beaten by him."

Eight minutes later…

"The winner is Thunder and Wind, let us congratulate them." The host's voice echoed in the No. 13 Fighting Spirit Arena.

"Xiaofeng, the curse you taught is really useful." Ma Hongjun hugged Wang Xiaofeng excitedly, and his happy face made Oscar and Dai Mubai who had just left the stage couldn't help but want to hit someone.

Tang San's eyes widened with an expression of disbelief, and he murmured: "Could it be that the curse Xiaofeng said is true? Do I want to learn it too?"

"Xiao San, what are you stunned for? It's time for you one on one." Xiao Wu reminded Tang San by patting his arm, feeling that something was wrong with his state.

"Haha, I thought about the problem but didn't react, so I'll go first." Tang San said haha, and quickly ran to the ring, preparing to fight.

"Oh, that Thunder and Wind combination is so powerful. They have powerful spirits and rich combat experience. They defeated me at the beginning of the game." Oscar said depressedly.

Wang Xiaofeng watched the whole game and knew that this was a non-war crime, so he quickly comforted him: "They must have collected your information specifically, otherwise they wouldn't have targeted Oscar from the beginning, so that he wouldn't even be able to use the phantom intestine. "

"Those two uncles' Thunder Shadow Leopard and Gale Tiger spirits are not weak to begin with, and they have a perfect understanding of each other. They are strong opponents." Dai Mubai also concluded, but he did not regret it, but was full of energy.

Although Dai Mubai didn't say it, breaking through level 39 tonight still made his mentality a little inflated. He originally thought that he had no opponents in the level 30 fighting spirit, but he was scolded when he participated in a two-player battle. However, this made him sober up a lot, and made him realize that there are people outside the world, and that such a personal lesson is much more profound than a master preaching from the side.


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