Gourd of Douluo

Chapter 114: Tactics No. 1 (Revision)

The opponent Tang San encountered was an agility attack spirit master with a rat spirit. Under the restraint of the spirit, Tang San quickly defeated his opponent.

Wang Xiaofeng looked at the battle table and realized that he was going to battle next. He quickly finished the meat skewers in his hand and put the bag aside, "It's my turn, fat man, don't eat my meat skewers."

Ma Hongjun said angrily: "You're kidding, am I the kind of person who likes to eat secretly?"

After Wang Xiaofeng left, while everyone in Shrek was paying attention to Wang Xiaofeng, Ma Hongjun quickly took out a meat skewer from the bag and ate it happily. Well, it was so delicious.

"The next two teams to compete are Colorful Gourd and Wang Yue Fighting Soul Lord! Wang Yue Fighting Soul Lord has won three consecutive victories before this. Let's wait and see whether he can win four consecutive victories tonight!"

Wang Yue observed Wang Xiaofeng calmly. Although Wang Xiaofeng was wearing a mask and loose clothes, his figure could not be seen, but with many years of experience, Wang Yue felt that the person opposite him should be a kid under twenty years old.

What is this uncle looking at? Could it be that my mask can’t stop me from looking handsome? Or that he likes it to be more difficult. Wang Xiaofeng was so frightened by Wang Yue's sight that he couldn't help but take a few steps back.

Wang Yue saw Wang Xiaofeng's little moves and sneered in his heart. He was even more sure that his opponent was a little kid with no fighting experience.

"The battle begins!"

"Shadow rat, possessed."

As the host announced the start, Wang Yue completed the martial soul possession very quickly, and three white, yellow and purple soul rings wrapped around his body.

His purple hair turned black, his ears grew several times larger, and his thin body began to slowly swell. The clothes that originally seemed loose became more suitable after he was possessed by the martial spirit. Black hair covered the entire palm, and dagger-like sharp claws stretched out from the palm, flashing with a cold light.

"Most of the rat martial arts are of the agility and attack type, and the uncle on the opposite side should be no exception." Wang Xiaofeng silently analyzed the opponent's intelligence, and slowly summoned the gourd martial spirit and tied it on his belt. .

With the growth of Wang Xiaofeng's soul power and the continuous development of his martial soul, he can now release soul skills without holding the gourd. Although he cannot leave his body more than ten centimeters, it is still an improvement.

"Plant-type martial spirit? Control-type?" Wang Yue watched Wang Xiaofeng summon the green gourd. Although he was very surprised why he tied the martial spirit around his waist, he had been fighting in the spirit fighting field for so many years and knew that he could not give it to the control-type spirit. When the soul master was setting up the venue, his body slightly bent forward, and with the first soul ring shining, he disappeared directly from the spot.

"The first soul skill, Shadow Stab."

Wang Yue followed the Z shape and rushed to Wang Xiaofeng's side. His gray-brown claws turned pitch black under the effect of the soul skill, and stabbed Wang Xiaofeng's right shoulder mercilessly.

Wang Xiaofeng used an iron bridge to avoid Wang Yue's attack. He turned his body ninety degrees to the left, supported the ground with his left hand, and swept over with his right foot.

Wang Yue did not expect Wang Xiaofeng to react so quickly. He quickly dodged Wang Xiaofeng's sweeping leg with a backflip and put away his previous contempt.

"The soul power fluctuation is about level 36, the attack strength is average, and the speed is much slower than Zhuqing. It's boring." Wang Xiaofeng stood up slowly. Seeing his opponent's appearance as if facing a formidable enemy, he suddenly felt Means nothing.

Seeing Wang Xiaofeng motionless, Wang Yue couldn't help but take the lead. "The second soul skill, shadow clone."

Wang Yue began to circle around Wang Xiaofeng, getting faster and faster, and two figures exactly like him appeared.

"I'm here, I'm there, guess where I am." A middle-aged uncle's rough voice came from all directions, with the purpose of making Wang Xiaofeng a little irritated, but Wang Xiaofeng did not fall for his trick, you know Maintaining such a clone with a hundred-year soul ring consumes a lot of soul power, so waiting for work is the best option.

"This little brat can really endure it. If he doesn't, if this continues, my soul power will be dragged away by him."

Wang Yue maintained his second soul skill and ran for three minutes. The soul power in his body had dropped to half, but Wang Xiaofeng still looked like he was doing nothing. He was so anxious that he had no choice but to get stuck in a blind corner of his field of vision and use Use your strongest soul skills to fight to the death.

"The third soul skill, Death Claw."

The gray soul power attached to Wang Yue's sharp claws under the influence of the soul skill. As he grabbed it with his right hand, the claw energy formed by the three soul powers flew towards Wang Xiaofeng's back. Moreover, the phantom from Wang Yue's second soul ring also grabbed three claws at this time, which was completely indistinguishable.

"Too slow." Wang Xiaofeng lowered his head slightly, stepped suddenly with his right foot, and rushed out of the encirclement in an instant. He made a fist with his right hand and smashed it, causing a phantom in front of him to shatter.

"One." Wang Xiaofeng's expression remained unchanged, and the soul power of his feet exploded. Before Wang Yue could react, a fist as big as a sandbag came into view. "two."


Wang Yue was directly punched out of the ring by Wang Xiaofeng, and the last phantom disappeared as the main body fell into coma.

"You're lucky, the second one hit the real body." Wang Xiaofeng blew his fist and walked off the stage to the cheers of the audience.

When Wang Xiaofeng returned to the team, his first reaction was to check his meat skewers, "Fat man, did you steal my meat skewers? I clearly had eighty-nine meat skewers left before I came on stage, but now I only have eighty-seven." "

Ma Hongjun pretended to be stupid and said: "No, I have been watching the game."

Wang Xiaofeng looked at Oscar who was standing aside. Oscar nodded. He indeed didn't notice Ma Hongjun eating.

"It seems you didn't eat it secretly. Come on, I'll treat you to two."

Ma Hongjun took the meat skewers with a smile. After everyone turned their attention to other places, he secretly wiped the cold sweat and thought to himself: "Sure enough, I resisted the strict rules and went home to celebrate the New Year. I learned another skill."

There was no disturbance in the one-on-one and two-on-two battles. Except for Dai Mubai and Oscar who unexpectedly lost in the duel battle, everyone else won.

It was still some time before the team spirit battle, so everyone found a quiet corner to sit and rest. The master came over with a piece of information, "After these few days of fighting spirit, you are also familiar with the fighting methods of team battles. This is your next opponent. What I ask of you is to win the game within three minutes." .”

Tang San took the information, glanced at it, and couldn't help but nodded. Wang Xiaofeng quickly looked up and saw that only the name of the team and the victory or defeat were written on it, and nothing else. He couldn't help but complain: "Master, this information is too crude, it's the same as nothing."

The master's expression remained unchanged, "It costs a lot of money to get detailed information. Although this is provided for free by the Soul Fighting Arena, you can still learn a lot from it."

Dai Mubai took the information from Tang San and couldn't help but read: "Team Money, thirty-seven wins and thirty-five losses."

After hearing this, Oscar nodded and said: "The wins and losses are almost the same, which means that the team's level and martial spirit are not good enough. We can crush them directly."

Wang Xiaofeng took out a small notebook from the soul guide, pointed to one of the pages and said, "Since that's the case, let's use tactic No. 1."


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