Gourd of Douluo

Chapter 181 The Great Escape

Seeing Liu Erlong fall down safely, the master breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Erlong, how are you?"

"Xiao Gang, it's almost as you thought. There is indeed a group of Yunxi Bluebirds inside, and one is giving birth."

"Giving birth? No wonder!" The master suddenly realized, and now he could explain why the griffon and the purple-eyed stone sparrow would invade the Yunxi Bluebird's territory at this time.

Liu Erlong held a Yunxi Bluebird in each hand and threw it casually on the ground. "I can't understand the age of the Yunxi Bluebird, so I grabbed two. Xiaogang, please try and see which one is more suitable for Xiaogang." Fatty."

Two Yunxi bluebirds screamed miserably on the ground. Their cotton-like wings were now bare, like chicken wings placed on a barbecue grill, exuding a burnt smell.

"Ah, it's so miserable." Wang Xiaofeng somewhat understood why Liu Erlong was called the Killing Horn. Not a single part of the soul beast he handled was intact.

There is very little information about Yun Xi Qingniao, and the master can only judge the approximate age based on the information he knows.

"This one should be around 1100 to 1800 years." After judging the smaller Yunxi Bluebird, the master turned his attention to the other Yunxi Bluebird with a larger circle.

"The age of this one is a bit high. It is at least two thousand years old."

Wang Xiaofeng stared at the black shadow in the sky that covered the sky, and said with a wry smile: "Master, I think we should put aside the age issue and run for our lives first."

The master was shocked, "Yunxi Blue Bird King? How could it come so fast?"

"Stop talking nonsense and run away." Liu Erlong stood in front of everyone, intending to buy them time to escape.

Without saying a word, Wang Xiaofeng picked up the master and ran down the mountain. Ma Hongjun picked up the smaller Yunxi Bluebird and followed Wang Xiaofeng's pace.

When Yunxi Bluebird saw that humans had abducted its own child in front of it, it became furious. A blue fireball with a diameter of two meters shot out from its mouth and flew towards Ma Hongjun.

"What a high temperature."

As soon as the blue fireball appeared, the surrounding temperature instantly increased by more than ten degrees.

Wang Xiaofeng didn't need to look to know that he couldn't take this move. The powerful soul force surged under his feet, and his figure appeared twenty meters away in a flash.

Ma Hongjun was not so fast. He could barely run five meters using Shunpo. The next moment, a powerful impact came from behind him.

Before he passed out, he vaguely heard a voice, "You dare to hurt the little fat man in front of me, I will fight with you!"


A huge explosion instantly swept across a radius of more than ten meters.

Fortunately, Liu Erlong protected Ma Hongjun in time, and Wang Xiaofeng took the opportunity to use the Flying Divine Claw to hook Ma Hongjun in time without causing secondary damage.

Wang Xiaofeng picked up Ma Hongjun and suddenly felt something was wrong. When he looked down, he found that he was still holding the Yunxi Bluebird in his hand.

"Why is this fat man carrying a soul beast with him? Is he desperate for his life?"

The master weighs fifty kilograms and Ma Hongjun weighs one hundred kilograms. Their weight has already affected Wang Xiaofeng's speed. In addition, Yunxi Blue Bird is also quite heavy, so Wang Xiaofeng is ready to throw it away.

After all, the nest of Yunxi Blue Bird is already known, so it will be nice to catch one next time.

However, Ma Hongjun still held Yunxi Qingniao tightly until he was unconscious. Wang Xiaofeng ran away while carefully observing the rear. His left hand was a little weak, and for a while he couldn't pry Ma Hongjun's hands open.

After trying several times to pry it open, Wang Xiaofeng could only focus on escaping.

"The first soul skill, tyrannosaurus possession."

"The second soul skill, Dragon Arm."

Since he had used the seventh soul skill Red Dragon Avatar before to gain the ability to fly, Liu Erlong was in a weak state at this time. Facing Yun Xi Qingniao who was also in a bad state, he really didn’t know who he would be without a fight. Can win.

Under the influence of the first and second soul skills, Liu Erlong's dragon scales covered his body, forming a dragon-shaped armor, which enhanced his strength, attack power, defense power, and attack speed in all aspects.

"Come on, you bald bird."

Yunxi Blue Bird cried out angrily, and in an instant, Sharp Claw collided with Liu Erlong more than ten times in a row.

The cotton feathers of Yunxi Blue Bird can absorb most physical damage, and it is also very immune to flames. Overall, it is somewhat restrained by Liu Erlong.

Unfortunately, most of its feathers disappeared from the previous battle, and the scratches on its chest were still bleeding.

Liu Erlong happened to not be in his strongest condition, and the two sides began to stalemate in a short period of time, and for a while they couldn't even defeat each other.

Just when Liu Erlong couldn't help but want to use his sixth soul skill, the griffon suddenly rushed out from behind, and its sharp eagle claws hit Liu Erlong's body heavily.


The armor formed by the dragon scales instantly shattered. Liu Erlong was directly knocked down by this powerful force, and a boulder made of volcanic ash instantly turned into pieces.

On the other side, the purple-eyed stone bird also used petrified light to sneak attack the Yunxi Bluebird, and the Yunxi Bluebird fell to the ground with a mournful cry.

The griffon happily flew around the crater, then flapped its wings and slowly landed on the ground. Taking small steps, it walked up to the Yunxi Bluebird, whose right wing had turned pale white.

Its strong and powerful talons pressed against Yunxi Bluebird's body, and its head was raised high, ready to deliver the final blow.


"The sixth soul skill, explosive fire dragon disease."

The fire shot into the sky, and a figure whose whole body was burning with flames rushed out, like a fireball, and hit the griffin head heavily.

The griffin let out a mournful cry, and was instantly knocked back dozens of meters by the powerful impact, and its body couldn't stop rolling down the mountain.

The purple-eyed stone bird that was still flying in the air was stunned by the change in front of him. Looking at Liu Erlong who was full of shocking murderous aura, he hurriedly flapped his wings and fled towards the distance without looking back. .

It wasn't until the purple-eyed stone sparrow disappeared into the air that Liu Erlong exited the state blessed by the sixth soul skill.

The attack from the ten thousand year soul beast was not so easy to resist, not to mention that it was still only at 50% of its usual state. Liu Erlong's throat sweetened, and he spurted out a mouthful of blood.

"Erlong, are you okay?"

Because Liu Erlong's burst of soul power was so amazing, the master couldn't help but want to come back and take a look, so Wang Xiaofeng could only take the master and Ma Hongjun back quietly, but he saw Liu Erlong vomiting blood as soon as he came.

"Xiao Gang..."

Liu Erlong shook his body, exited the state of possession by the martial spirit, and fell to the side.

"Two dragons!"


As if poking a hornet's nest, several Yunxi Bluebirds suddenly flew out of the crater. The purple soul power wrapped around their bodies showed that they were all Yunxi Bluebirds with at least a thousand years of experience.

"Master, hold on tight to me."

Wang Xiaofeng picked up Liu Erlong with his left hand, unleashed all his soul power without hesitation, and ran a hundred meters away in a flash.


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