Gourd of Douluo

Chapter 182 Forced to fight back

Wang Xiaofeng, who exploded with all his strength, was naturally not slow. Most of the soul power in his body was concentrated on his legs. Wang Xiaofeng felt as if he had mastered it by constantly using Shunpo.

And after strengthening his five senses, the complex terrain of the Sunset Forest poses no hindrance to him.

Soul beasts hidden in the grass and leaves could also be found. Wang Xiaofeng sensed their location in advance and avoided them from a distance.

A total of six Yunxi Bluebirds flew out of the crater, two of which stayed to take care of their immobile leader and the one that was crippled by Liu Erlong. The rest came to chase Wang Xiaofeng and the others.

No matter how fast Wang Xiaofeng ran on the ground, he couldn't beat the flying Yunxi Blue Bird.

The four Yunxi Bluebirds followed Wang Xiaofeng closely, and the distance between them and the four of them continued to shrink.

Wang Xiaofeng said anxiously: "Master, please think of a solution quickly."

"Don't worry, don't worry."

The master was running his head frantically, but now only Wang Xiaofeng could form a fighting force. Not only did they have to take care of the unconscious Ma Hongjun and Liu Erlong, but they also had to distract themselves from protecting him. This was an almost certain death situation.

The master gritted his teeth and made up his mind: "Xiao Feng, run to the center of the Sunset Forest. Dugu Bo is there and there will be no high-level soul beasts."

Wang Xiaofeng said happily: "Master, have you come up with a good idea?"

The master shook his head, "Now we are almost in a certain death situation. Only by going to Dugu Bo can we have a chance of survival. I will help you buy time to escape, and I will leave the rest to you."

"Hey, Master!"

Before Wang Xiaofeng finished speaking, the master decisively raised his sword and drew it beside him, "Come out, Luo Sanpao."

A burst of lavender soul power flew out from the master's sword finger, and with a pop, he instantly transformed into Luo Sanpao.


Luo Sanpao is connected with the master's thoughts, and of course he knows the master's inner thoughts.

Luo Sanpao quickly climbed to the top of a big tree with a speed that was incompatible with his body. His big eyes stared at the four Yunxi Bluebirds flying at low altitude with determination in his eyes.

When Yunxi Blue Bird approached, the master raised his hand and waved, and the century-old soul ring on his body was instantly put on Luo Sanpao.

"Farts are like smoke, hypnotizing Luo Sanpao into a deep sleep."

Luo Sanpao jumped high and hovered in the air. With a pop, a puff of yellow gas spurted out from its fat buttocks and filled the air.

Yunxi Blue Bird did not feel threatened by Luo Sanpao, so they subconsciously ignored it.

This... became the most regrettable decision they had ever made in their lives.

The Yunxi Bluebirds quickly passed through the yellow gas, and an unimaginable smell instantly hit their souls.

"Chu Xi!" "Chu Xi!"

Although Yunxi Blue Bird is not a canine soul beast, as a soul beast, the Phoenix bloodline gives them strong physical fitness, and the strong physical fitness strengthens their sense of smell.

For the first time, they hated their sensitive noses so much. The Yunxi Bluebirds quickly covered their noses with their wings, forgetting that they were still flying.

As a result, four Yunxi Bluebirds fell down one after another.

The powerful five senses allow Wang Xiaofeng to sense what is happening behind him without using his eyes.

Wang Xiaofeng praised: "Master, you did a good job."

The master shook his head, "Not enough."

My family knows my own business, and once the Yunxi Bluebirds get used to this smell, they will soon catch up.

"Farts are like thunder, cracking the sky and cracking the earth with three cannons."

The master took advantage of the Yunxi Bluebirds to repair and once again directed Luo Sanpao to launch an attack.

Luo Sanpao's clear blue eyes suddenly lit up, and his round body fell from the tree crown and landed in the center of Yunxi's bluebirds.

Before they could react, a yellow light mask was suddenly released, like thunder, covering all four Yunxi Bluebirds.


With the master's cultivation level, it is naturally impossible for Luo Sanpao's attack to cause any harm to the Millennium Yunxi Blue Bird.

But the master never thought of hurting the Yunxi Bluebirds. From the beginning to the end, the master had only one goal, which was to attract the attention of the Yunxi Bluebirds.

And this goal was indeed achieved by the master.

The Yunxi Bluebirds were so smelly that they burst into tears, but after the second attack, they had become somewhat accustomed to the smell and quickly got rid of the impact of the smell on their noses.

Naturally, they would not let go of Luo Sanpao, the culprit who farted again and again. A big fireball shot out from their mouths.


Luo Sanpao screamed, and his charred body suddenly turned into a purple light and reintegrated into the master's body.

The master suddenly couldn't help but spit out a mouthful of blood, and red spots from burns began to appear everywhere on his body.

Wang Xiaofeng noticed that the body of the master behind him was a little hot, and he quickly shouted several times: "Master, master?"

"Master, don't scare me."

Wang Xiaofeng was about to cry but had no tears. Although the master bought him a few minutes, he didn't know how to get to the center of the Sunset Forest.

Sure enough, not long after, Yun Xi Qingniao found traces of Wang Xiaofeng again.


A Yunxi bluebird made a sharp cry, and after a while, the other three surrounded it from different directions.

"call out!"

A sound of breaking the air came from the side behind him. Without thinking, Wang Xiaofeng rolled to avoid the attack, but the master behind him also fell aside.

The remaining three Yunxi Bluebirds also occupied other positions, blocking Wang Xiaofeng's escape route.

"Damn it, since you can't run away, then let me show you the truth." Wang Xiaofeng placed Liu Erlong and Ma Hongjun beside the master, leaning against the big tree, holding the green gourd tightly in his right hand, "Today, I will either beat you to death, or you will be killed by me." Beat to death."


Three Yunxi Bluebirds pounced on Wang Xiaofeng from the air in unison, while the last Yunxi Bluebird flapped its wings and flew behind Wang Xiaofeng from the side.

"Combined soul skills, diamond defense."

A gourd more than three meters high stood in front of Yunxi Qingniao who wanted to go around.

"I have a red gourd."

The ground beneath Wang Xiaofeng's feet instantly shattered, and his figure disappeared instantly.

Before the Yunxi Bluebird closest to Wang Xiaofeng could react, a tiny fist kept enlarging in its eyes.


Violent power spurted out from Wang Xiaofeng's fist, hitting Yun Xi Qingniao's body hard.

Yun Xi Qingniao was directly hit by the huge force and fell to the ground. It was scratched on the ground for more than ten meters. It didn't stop until it knocked down a big tree.

At the same time, the two Yunxi Bluebirds that came from different directions quickly adjusted their bodies, and two dark purple fireballs suddenly hit Wang Xiaofeng.


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