Gourd of Douluo

Chapter 183 A tragic victory

The Yunxi Bluebirds are not vegetarians either.

When he spit out the fireball, Wang Xiaofeng was in a state where his old strength had just gone away and new strength had not yet been regenerated, and he was still in the air where he could not borrow any strength. This opportunity could be said to be just right.

Unfortunately, what they don't know is that Wang Xiaofeng has a self-created soul skill that can move his body in the air.

Powerful soul power suddenly burst out from Wang Xiaofeng's feet, and the shoes made of soul animal skin were instantly smashed to pieces by the manic soul power.

Under the reaction of the soul power, Wang Xiaofeng's body suddenly lifted up by two meters.


The air rippled slightly, and two fireballs passed under Wang Xiaofeng and collided violently, forming a big explosion.

"I have a purple gourd."

A purple film instantly covered Wang Xiaofeng's body, and the high temperature and impact force caused by the explosion surged over him.

Wang Xiaofeng quickly protected his chest with both hands and was pushed to the ground by the impact.

"It's so hot, so hot." Wang Xiaofeng quickly wiped out the small sparks on his clothes.

The two fireballs looked so light, but he didn't expect them to explode. The temperature was so high that they almost burned his clothes.


When the Yunxi Blue Birds saw that Wang Xiaofeng not only killed one of their brothers, but also escaped the fireball attack so easily, they suddenly felt fearful in their hearts.

I couldn't think of any good ideas for the time being, so I just flapped my wings and flew to the left and right in front of Wang Xiaofeng, staring at him.

Seeing them standing in such a stalemate, Wang Xiaofeng was happy to do so and silently restored his body's soul power.

Don't look at Wang Xiaofeng now, who looks like he is invincible.

But when I was looking for Yunxi Blue Bird, I used the fourth soul skill frequently and consumed a lot of soul power. Coupled with the multiple explosions while escaping, the soul power in his body was already less than the second level at this time.

On the other side, the Yunxi Bluebird responsible for circling behind was also troubled because it failed to sneak up on the rear.

The three-meter-high gourd standing in front of it was made of someone who knew it was very hard.

Its sharp claws can easily cut through the muscles and bones of a century-old spirit beast, but it can't even scratch the skin of a gourd.

If he wasn't afraid of hurting the brother in the fat human's arms, he would have breathed out flames long ago.

(Above the gourd are the branches of the big tree. Although it cannot stop the Yunxi Bluebird, it can hinder it a little)

Wang Xiaofeng was silently recovering his soul power when suddenly, the sound of wings flapping slightly came from behind.

He turned around and saw that the Yunxi bluebird that was sneaking around had already bypassed the gourd and the big tree, and was grabbing Ma Hongjun with its sharp claws.

"Don't even think about it!"

Wang Xiaofeng concentrated most of his remaining soul power on his legs.

Before the two Yunxi Bluebirds in front of them could launch an attack, they suddenly turned around and stamped hard on the ground with their right foot.

The huge force left a footprint about an inch deep on the ground. With the force of the reverse push, Wang Xiaofeng's body rushed out, and his right foot drew an arc in mid-air.

"I have a yellow gourd."

In a screen of light, Wang Xiaofeng hurriedly hurried and finally blocked the Yunxi Blue Bird and collided with its sharp claws.


The claws connected, and a muffled sound, like muffled thunder, spread out from the junction.


At the same time, a harsh sound of broken bones was heard, and the bodies of Wang Xiaofeng and Yun Xi Qingniao were shot out almost simultaneously.

After being absorbed by the purple film, Yun Xi Qingniao's power is still very strong.

Wang Xiaofeng hit the ground hard, his throat felt sweet, and a mouthful of blood couldn't help but spurt out, spreading all over the ground.

But the Yunxi Blue Bird was even worse. It hit a big tree hard, and the sharp claw that collided with Wang Xiaofeng was almost twisted to the point where it couldn't be seen from its original shape.

It fell to the ground and howled miserably.

After once again destroying an opponent's combat effectiveness, Wang Xiaofeng did not dare to relax at all, because the remaining two Yunxi Bluebirds had already launched an attack.

The moment he fell to the ground, Wang Xiaofeng jumped up with the force of the rebound. The moment he left his original position, a very sharp beak landed on the position where he had previously stayed, and pecked out a basin-sized hole on the ground. Potholes.

But the attack didn't end. Along with a sharp sound breaking through the air, a white fluffy wing suddenly made a beautiful arc.

Looking at the soft wings like marshmallows, they were as hard as steel at this moment, and with great force, they slapped Wang Xiaofeng's body hard.


Wang Xiaofeng hit the trees nearby heavily.

The huge force absorbed by the purple film was not something that Wang Xiaofeng could withstand now, and his body, which was already deteriorating, was hit hard again.

The Yunxi bluebird that had not pecked Wang Xiaofeng just now raised its head high. After a short period of energy accumulation, a stream of lavender flames spurted out from its mouth.

The intense heat generated by the flames burned all the leaves on the ground as it passed by.

Wang Xiaofeng lay on the ground and stared at the incoming flames. When it was about to enter the distance of five meters above his head, Wang Xiaofeng struck out with his palm towards the ground beneath him. His invisible soul power rushed out, and upon contact After reaching the ground, Wang Xiaofeng's figure was immediately kicked up into the air.

The flames fell, and with a "chi" sound, the trees behind them were turned into charcoal.

"Gourd, come back!"

Wang Xiaofeng used his mind to take back the martial spirit. He turned his right hand and the green gourd appeared in his palm again.

With only the last bit of soul power left, Wang Xiaofeng compressed the remaining soul power into the gourd.

"Combined soul skills, meteor flash."

A black shadow flashed past, and the head of the Yunxi Bluebird, which was still breathing flames, suddenly shattered like a watermelon and scattered, and then the headless body fell to the ground.


The sudden death of the brother next to him frightened the last Yunxi Bluebird. It glanced fearfully at Wang Xiaofeng, who was only a few meters away from it, and fled in panic, crawling and flapping its wings.


Wang Xiaofeng held on for a few minutes, and when he saw that Yun Xi Qingniao didn't come back again, he spurted out the blood that had been stuck in his chest.

Ignoring Yunxi Qingniao who was too frightened to cry out, Wang Xiaofeng took out a silver bottle from the soul guide and swallowed the pills inside.

The pills immediately turned into a stream of heat and began to treat Wang Xiaofeng's remaining body.

This is a special pill that Wang Xiaofeng bought from the medical clinic. It has a very good therapeutic effect on internal injuries.

Wang Xiaofeng, who had taken the medicine, managed to regain some energy, picked up the three people who were still unconscious, and dragged the three people in a certain direction with heavy steps.

The direction is no longer important. The most important thing is to leave here first. The smell of blood here has spread. I don’t know how many soul beasts have smelled it. They will not let go of this opportunity to give themselves a feast. .


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