Gourd of Douluo

Chapter 199 Fishing in troubled waters

In the woods, six shadows were seen constantly colliding with the white tiger, making it almost impossible to distinguish their true bodies from their shadows.

Only the continuous breaking and falling of trees can make onlookers realize the intensity of the battle at this moment.

Although the fighting power of each Streaming Tiger is stronger than that of the Shadow Cat Demon, it is not strong enough to even out the numerical gap.

At the beginning, the Liuguang Tigers could barely maintain the situation by relying on their soul power, but the Shadow Cat Demons were also very smart. They did not fight head-on, nor exchange injuries with you. They continued to leave a mark on the Liuguang Tigers with their tacit cooperation. Small wounds.

Although these wounds are not fatal, as the body continues to add wounds, the loss of blood makes them unable to wear out the shadow cat monsters.

The largest Liuguanghu's eyes narrowed slightly. As a Liuguanghu, the pride in his heart would never allow him to suffer such a humiliating defeat. Even if he died, he should have been defeated by a truly powerful enemy, instead of being consumed to death like this.


The Liuguang Tiger let out a tiger roar, and saw a surge of soul power in its body, and the deep purple soul power outside its body was stimulated. At the same time, tiger stripes emerged on his body, lifelike, like branches wrapped in white ice crystals in winter.

The other two smaller Flowing Light Tigers also made the same move, and a dangerous aura began to emerge from them.

Many soul beasts hiding around them showed ferocious smiles in unison. They knew that the battle between the two sides had reached the final moment.

As long as these three white tigers release their soul skills, and the six shadow cat monsters are both injured, it will be time for them to share the victory.

The Shadow Cat Demons naturally felt the danger signals coming from the Light Tigers, but the fruits of victory were right in front of them, so they were a bit unwilling to retreat like this.

Moreover, they also knew that there were many spirit beasts around them who were staring at them eagerly. If they retreated at this time, it would give the surrounding spirit beasts a signal that they were dying.

By that time, those soul beasts will never let go of the meat that falls into their mouths and escape. What awaits them will be a double attack.

So it is absolutely impossible to retreat like this, but to interrupt the attack of the Flowing Light Tigers, the Shadow Cat Demons looked at the increasingly large light group on the Flowing Light Tigers and quickly refused in their hearts.

If you stay far away, you can use your sharp speed to avoid this trick and get close to being beaten? Anyone who wants to die can do so.

So the field fell into a strange scene. The six shadow cat demons watched quietly not far away as the three Liuguang tigers charged up their ultimate moves, and the two fell into a brief calm.

Dai Mubai was not as calm as the shadow cat demons. He showed a frightened expression and immediately picked up Oscar and ran back. He said as he ran: "Hurry back, that's Liuguanghu's innate soul skill. Meteor falling.”

Without saying a word, Zhu Zhuqing picked up Ning Rongrong and chased after her. Although the others were a little confused, they still followed Dai Mubai's footsteps and stayed away from the edge of the battlefield.

Dai Mubai didn't stop until he ran a distance of about two hundred meters.

Ma Hongjun asked doubtfully: "Boss Dai, is it necessary to run so far? We are more than a hundred meters away from those group of spirit beasts. Why can't it affect us no matter how fierce the fight is?"

Although the battle scene between the two sides looks very fierce and the spirit beasts are very powerful, if you look closely, you can find that even if the thousand-year-old spirit beasts try their best, the area they cause will not exceed a radius of ten meters. Therefore, Ma Hongjun is against Dai Mu. It's normal to feel confused about Shiro's decision-making.

Oscar, who had just landed on the ground from Dai Mubai's shoulder and looked a little pale, agreed with Ma Hongjun's words: "Yes, although those tigers seem to be preparing some special moves, they are still far away from us. If those spirit beasts take the opportunity to sneak attack, I don’t know when to find the right soul beast.”

Dai Mubai shook his head: "You guys underestimate the Liuguang Tiger. This is an extremely large-scale attack."

As soon as he finished speaking, a white light ball hung high in the distance.


With an explosion, countless white meteors surged out from the light group, completely rendering half of the sky golden.

The violent explosion covered a hundred meters in radius, causing half of the forest to erupt in bursts of wails. The strong explosive force kicked up countless dust. Finally, a mushroom cloud made of soil rose into the sky, leaving only a burst of light and heat. .

The surrounding trees roared in front of this huge impact.

Wang Xiaofeng enlarged the gourd and blocked it in front of everyone, blocking the shock wave caused by the explosion.

Twenty kilometers away from the grove, three gray figures crossed the border.

One of the thieves-looking men pointed to the bright sky in the distance and said: "Boss, there is a strong soul reaction over there. We don't have much supplies. Do you want to take a look."

Another man with a pale face and an ordinary appearance suggested: "Boss, go and have a look. Even if the baby is not born, there may be a soul master fighting."

The man whom the two called the boss nodded, revealing a strong back in the moonlight.

"Then let's go and take a look. I was chased all the way by those dogs from the Wuhun Palace. I'm so frustrated. I met the soul master just in time to get out of my way."

The three of them stopped staying and ran towards Shrek and his group.

When the dust settled, the long night once again covered up the light. Wang Xiaofeng and the others then walked out from behind the gourd.

Seeing the gourd slowly shrinking in Wang Xiaofeng's hand until it disappeared, Oscar showed envy and said, "Brother Feng, your self-created soul skill is so cool. Can I learn this soul skill of enlarging the martial soul?"

Just when Wang Xiaofeng was about to explain that this was not a self-created soul skill, but a talent, Ma Hongjun had already ridiculed: "It's just you, what can you do with the sausage when it gets bigger? Can you use it to stab people?"

Oscar's face turned blue and white, "You!"

Wang Xiaofeng had a headache and separated the two people who were about to fight, "Okay, okay, stop arguing, let's go see if Boss Dai and Zhuqing's soul beasts are still angry. If they are taken advantage of by other soul beasts, let's go today It’s going to be a wasted trip.”

After Wang Xiaofeng said this, everyone decisively returned to the place where the Shadow Cat Demon and the Flowing Light Tiger fought.

The originally uneven ground was in a mess. The trees with a radius of hundreds of meters seemed to have been ravaged by a high-speed bulldozer. They were full of scorch marks. The pitted ground told the story of the brutality of the battle.

Ma Hongjun lightly touched a big black tree, and it collapsed instantly, shocking him. "Wow, is this really the damage that a thousand-year soul beast can cause? Isn't it a tree covered in a ten-thousand-year soul?" The skin of an animal."

Ning Rongrong looked at the scorched black area, with no trace of life any longer, and worried: "In such an explosion, wouldn't both the Shadow Cat Demon and the Flowing Light Tiger turn into carbon?"


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