Gourd of Douluo

Chapter 200: The oriole is behind

"The physical quality of the soul beast is not that fragile."

Wang Xiaofeng closed his eyes and channeled his soul power, and circles of soul power continued to spread out from his body.

Ning Rongrong watched as circles of lavender light continued to pour out, sweeping around, and complained helplessly: "Soul power scanning technique? Isn't this something only high-level soul masters can use?"

Oscar smiled and said: "Rongrong, you have to know that there are always some people who are born in this world just to challenge common sense."

"That's right." Ma Hongjun nodded, "If someone had told me a year ago that a guy who was playing Blue Silver Grass wanted to join Shrek, I would have slapped him in the face right away."

Xiao Wu, who had always been lackluster, immediately pricked up his ears, waved his pink fist and said fiercely: "Fat man, you are not allowed to speak ill of Third Brother."

Ma Hongjun shrank his head in fear, "I, this is a compliment."

Dai Mubai said helplessly: "Okay, please be quiet and don't disturb Xiaofeng."

Before he finished speaking, Wang Xiaofeng opened his eyes. Seeing this, Dai Mubai glared at them fiercely.

Wang Xiaofeng smiled, shook his head and said, "It's okay, I found them."

Dai Mubai joked: "Sure enough, we have to rely on Brother Feng for help at critical moments."

"Okay, come here quickly." Wang Xiaofeng waved helplessly and led everyone to the center of the explosion.

This is a small dirt bag, but compared to other uneven ground, it is a little weird.

"There is a soul beast under the soil bag that still exudes a faint aura of soul power, but we don't know if it is the soul beast we need to find."

"There are several places with soul power fluctuations like this one. Mubai, you and Oscar can dig here, and I will take the others to other places to have a look."


Seeing that the two of them had no objections, Wang Xiaofeng took the other three women to a peripheral location. There are several charred trees here that are crisscrossed and fallen together, piled high, no different from the uprooted trees around them.

Wang Xiaofeng reminded: "There are fluctuations in soul power down here, and they are not weak. You should be prepared to fight."

Ning Rongrong said gently: "Don't worry as Zhuqing and Xiaowu are here."


Wang Xiaofeng didn't dare to be careless, and added the damage reduction, defense, and soul power enhancements to his body, and then slowly moved away several fallen trees in front of him.

The big tree is very heavy, at least several tons, but this is nothing to Wang Xiaofeng now.

Slowly moving the two big trees away, a powerful soul power appeared in Wang Xiaofeng's perception, and he quickly stepped back.


The big tree in front of him suddenly exploded. With quick eyes and quick hands, Wang Xiaofeng quickly blocked the gourd in front of him. In an instant, several sparks flew out of the gourd.

Under the burst of white light, several figures quickly fell to the ground, revealing their figures under the illumination of the explosion flames. Ning Rongrong said in surprise: "These are those shadow cat monsters, and they are actually fine."

This turned out to be a shadow cat demon, but what Ning Rongrong said was fine was a relative term, because they had many small wounds on their bodies that were constantly bleeding, and a few of them had large holes in their bodies. If the wounds hadn't been black and scorched A piece of it, I'm afraid it would have bled to death long ago.

Zhu Zhuqing's figure flashed and rushed towards the shadow cat demon. She knew very well that this was her own battle, and it was also a battle that she had to go through.

At this moment, five streams of heat surged in from behind, and her attack power, strength, soul power, defense, agility, and reflexes were greatly improved at the same time, immediately making her condition surpass the peak.

The Nether Thrust was activated, and Zhu Zhuqing's petite body directly collided with the most seriously injured shadow cat demon. The sharp blade of his fingertips passed under its neck mercilessly, leaving several deep scars.

A large stream of blood spurted out, and the shadow cat demon who was already seriously injured died.

The other shadow cat demons roared loudly, purple light surged all over their bodies, and they clawed out the claw blades on the five fingers of their hands. Their soul power turned into a sharp blade about a foot long in the air, and slashed towards Zhu Zhuqing.

The sound of tearing sounded, and the air on both sides of the blade twisted into water-like ripples, clearly visible cracks from it.

Zhu Zhuqing was at a time when his old strength had just faded away and new strength had not yet been regenerated. He could not escape and could only watch the purple blade fall on him.

At the critical moment, Wang Xiaofeng dropped from the sky with a big gourd and hit Zhu Zhuqing hard.

"Qiang!!" Five purple sharp blades hit the gourd hard, making a sharp sound.

After a brief stalemate, the five sharp blades slowly disappeared into the air without the blessing of subsequent soul power. However, the big gourd that had withstood many attacks but never showed any traces was also cut with five scars. Wang Xiaofeng's throat felt sweet and he swallowed a mouthful of blood. Couldn't help but spit it out.

"Brother Feng!"

"I'm fine, it's just a backlash from the martial spirit." Wang Xiaofeng stopped Zhu Zhuqing from trying to help him, "The opponent hasn't been solved yet."

The big gourd disappeared in front of the two of them. Zhu Zhuqing and Wang Xiaofeng looked at the five shadow cat monsters not far away with great vigilance, fearing that they might make some small move.

The soul power of the shadow cat demons who made this attack became increasingly dim. They looked at each other and realized that the strength of the human beings in front of them was beyond their imagination. They wanted to squeeze the soft persimmon but did not touch the iron plate.

The shadow cat monsters suddenly let out a low roar, then turned around and ran away. Only the body of a shadow cat demon with a purple soul ring was left.

Wang Xiaofeng was stunned by this decisive look. This was the first time he saw a soul beast that could run away.

Xiao Wu ran over quickly with Ning Rongrong, "Brother Feng, are you okay?"

"It's okay, it's just a minor injury." Seeing that there was no danger, Wang Xiaofeng sat down on the ground, gasping for air.

Zhu Zhuqing turned over the body of the shadow cat demon that he killed and said happily: "The age of this shadow cat demon is between 1,300 and 1,800 years, which just meets my needs."

Ning Rongrong and Xiao Wu said happily: "Congratulations to Zhuqing."

Just when the three of them were happy, Wang Xiaofeng suddenly shouted: "Who!"

"Brother, what I said is right, there is indeed a soul master here." A man with a thief-like appearance emerged from the ground. He had four white, yellow, yellow and purple soul rings on his body, which represented that he had the soul master's status. Cultivation.

"Hey, we are still a group of young masters and ladies with tender skin and tender flesh. We are so lucky."


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