Gourd of Douluo

Chapter 202 Evil Tiger VS White Tiger


At the critical moment, Wang Xiaofeng grabbed Oscar's clothes and pulled hard.

Listening to the fierce wind in his ears, his hair was blown tightly to the surface of his scalp, and the sharp claws that passed by made Oscar break out in a cold sweat.

Even Wang Xiaofeng didn't expect that there would be someone hiding in the dark at this time, just waiting for such an opportunity.

If it weren't for the added reaction power of the fourth soul skill, Wang Xiaofeng wouldn't have been able to save Oscar's life in time.

"The number one soul skill, Kamaitachi."

Seeing that the blow missed, the man waved the sharp claw in his hand again and stabbed Oscar, who was in an embarrassing state and unable to move.

"Seeking death." Wang Xiaofeng was furious. He didn't expect that the other party would kill Oscar three times in front of him. Do you really think he has a good temper?

"Shunpo!" With the soft shout that sounded in his heart, lavender soul power quickly emerged on the soles of Wang Xiaofeng's feet, and then he stepped heavily on the sharp claw on the man's right hand.

With a bang, the soul powers of both sides collided, creating a medium-sized explosion.

Wang Xiaofeng took advantage of the impact of the explosion to take Oscar back, and adjusted his body shape in the air. The position he was half lying on the ground just now was not very good for receiving the opponent's attack.

If the other party's soul attack wasn't very strong, he could only avenge Oscar now.

As the smoke dissipated, Oscar said in surprise: "Xiao Feng, the other party is gone."

Wang Xiaofeng looked around cautiously, "I know, you just turned your back to him and didn't see that all four of his spirit rings were in use. I speculate that at least two of them are specifically used to eliminate sound and reduce the sense of presence."

After saying that, Wang Xiaofeng remained silent. He wanted to focus all his attention on finding the enemy and not be distracted.

As Wang Xiaofeng concentrated his attention, the surrounding gradually became as quiet as a pool of water. It seemed that all living things had disappeared, and everything seemed so peaceful.

"Found it." A breathing sound suddenly sounded in Wang Xiaofeng's ears. Wang Xiaofeng did not hesitate to gather his soul power, stepped on the ground with his soles again, and with a loud bang, his body shot out.

In the blink of an eye, the figure appeared ten meters away. The fist of his right hand clenched slightly, and then with fierce force, he smashed down towards a place that seemed to be nothing but air.

"How did you find out..." A figure suddenly appeared under Wang Xiaofeng's fist mark where there was nothing.

The sharp sound of breaking wind struck, making the man's pale face look even more ugly. The soul power in his body surged wildly, and his white soul ring shone brightly, and he rushed forward unavoidably.

"Bang!" The clear sound of fist seals and sharp claws intersecting resounded on the charred and empty ground.

But what the man couldn't believe was that as soon as the sharp claws came into contact, the huge power contained in them made the man's body suddenly sink, and his feet sank deeply into the ground, making it difficult for him to extricate himself.

"Too weak." Looking at the man who was clenching his teeth under his fist mark, Wang Xiaofeng sneered. He bulged his muscles and pressed down with his fist mark, slowly forcing the man to half kneel on the ground.

Oscar didn't know when he sneaked behind the man. He raised a fist-sized stone high and threw it towards the man.

When the man heard the sharp sound of breaking through the air behind him, he thought it was some powerful attack method. He quickly mustered up most of his soul power to push Wang Xiaofeng back, and then dodged in a panic.

But this was exactly what Oscar wanted. He originally just wanted to attract the other party's attention and create opportunities for Wang Xiaofeng, but he didn't expect that the other party would be so cooperative and even expose his back.

Seeing that the man dodged Oscar's stone attack, Wang Xiaofeng smiled and stamped his right foot on the ground again.

With the sound of an explosion, a figure appeared behind the man who was retreating like lightning. His right foot used the inertia to rotate half a circle, and with fierce soul power, he kicked the man hard on the back.

The powerful force passed directly through the man's chest, and the air in his chest fluctuated slightly.

With a pop, the man's blood spurted out in the air, and his body rolled on the ground like a gourd for more than ten meters.

"Done, let's call it a day." Wang Xiaofeng clapped his hands, took Oscar's sausage and ate it happily.

When a squishy assassin meets a heavily armored warrior, nothing will end well in a head-on confrontation.

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