Gourd of Douluo

Chapter 203 The Nether White Tiger Reappears

The tyrannical black soul power continuously surged out of Wang Hu, tearing a path out of the messy field.

"The seven treasures have names, one is called strength, and the other is called speed."

As two streams of warmth were injected into himself, Dai Mubai roared, his first and third soul rings suddenly brightened, and the two major increases of the White Tiger Protective Barrier and the White Tiger Shura Transformation were simultaneously blessed on him.

With a soft drink, Dai Mubai stepped on the ground fiercely, and with a burst of energy, he took the initiative to meet him.

In the large open space, two figures, one red and one purple, almost tore two passages out of the chaotic scene.

"Bang!" A crisp voice sounded, and a ferocious wave of soul power surged out from where the two were fighting. Suddenly, the uneven potholes within more than ten meters around the two people were cleared into an empty circle.

But after all, Dai Mubai fell far behind in terms of soul power and physical fitness.

Different from Wang Hu's relaxed look, Dai Mubai's face was ferocious and he had exhausted all his strength. Under the pressure of the power carried by Wang Hu's claws, Dai Mubai's legs were gradually bent.

"Hehe, the little guy has a lot of strength, but it's a pity that he's too weak." Seeing that Dai Mubai was suffocated by him as soon as he made contact, Wang Hu couldn't help but grinned, his soul power quickly gathered in his mouth, and then he spoke like an ink A black ball appeared in front of his mouth.

The white tiger's powerful light wave was hastily condensed by Dai Mubai.

Although with the assistance of the first and third soul skills, Dai Mubai is stronger than Wang Hu in terms of the second soul skill, but it is a pity that the soul master and soul king cannot compete in the end, not to mention the opponent's evil tiger streamer wave with a thousand-year soul ring. Skills.

A rich golden ball of light shot out, and what greeted it was a ball of light as black as ink.

There was no colorful explosion. The dark ball of light directly defeated the golden ball of light, and then hit Dai Mubai heavily.

"Boom!" There was a loud noise, and a circle of purple-black soul power rippled out. It did not gradually dissipate until more than ten meters away.

"Boss Dai (Mubai)!" Everyone shouted worriedly.

Just when they were distracted, the soil at their feet suddenly bulged up, and a figure suddenly jumped out, pointing its sharp claws at Ning Rongrong.

"I've been waiting for you for a long time." Xiao Wu's second and third soul rings flashed at the same time, her beautiful eyes slightly focused, looking at the sneak attack of the rat martial spirit man with a strong red light.

Charming's freezing time is determined by the difference in mental ability between the two parties. Although there is a difference of more than ten levels in soul power, if the difference in mental power is not as big as Zhao Wuji's and the direct backlash, there will still be a period of freezing. Although the time will be short, it is enough for Xiao Wu.

The man with the rat spirit originally wanted to kill Ning Rongrong, the weakest of the four, but when his eyes met the red light in Xiao Wu's eyes, he was obviously stunned for a moment, and the light of the spirit ring on his body also dimmed a little. .

Taking advantage of this fleeting opportunity, he teleported. Xiao Wu relied on her ability to teleport directly across a distance of five meters and appeared behind the rat martial spirit man.

When he woke up, a scorpion braid had already wrapped around his neck.

The first soul ring suddenly lit up, and Xiao Wu started the first form of the eight-stage throw with increased strength. Needless to say, enemies entangled by Xiao Wu's soft skills cannot escape even if they are one level higher.

Now that he had successfully caught the last enemy, Zhu Zhuqing no longer hid, and rushed towards Dai Mubai's position with incomparable speed.

Suddenly there was another ray of light emitted from the Seven Treasures Glazed Tower, and the speed-increasing light concentrated on Zhu Zhuqing, making her ghostly speed a little faster.

The smoke dispersed with the wind, and Dai Mubai was lying on the ground dripping with blood. The evil tiger's streamer wave just now not only directly broke his defense, but also seriously injured him.

Wang Hu walked over, grabbed Dai Mubai's head and lifted him up, glanced at Zhu Zhuqing who was rushing over, and laughed: "Haha, what an enviable love, in this case, let you look at yourself My girlfriend will die in front of you."

Dai Mubai opened his eyes with difficulty, looked at the man and murmured: "Zhu Qing..."

Zhu Zhuqing jumped up high, the two soul rings on his body flashed at the same time, and the sharp claws on his hands suddenly bounced up, heading straight for Wang Hu on the ground.

"It's over!" Looking at Zhu Zhuqing who suddenly came forward, Wang Hu's face flashed with excitement, his second soul ring flashed, and a black soul power condensed on the tiger's claws, and suddenly he With a wave, five bloody claw shadows shot out of the air and flew towards Zhu Zhuqing. The air was distorted wherever they passed.

Seeing the attack that exuded tyrannical soul power coming, Zhu Zhuqing smiled slightly, stepped his left foot in the air, and quickly used the force to spin his body half a circle in the air. The blood-red claw shadow did not hit Zhu Zhuqing at all. The strange turn of events stunned Wang Hu for a moment.

At this time, Zhu Zhuqing found the right opportunity and crashed directly into Dai Mubai. Under Wang Hu's surprised eyes, he penetrated Dai Mubai's body.

The powerful soul power exploded, directly forcing Wang Hu back more than ten meters. The white tiger and the civet merged in the air, and the huge ghost white tiger appeared in front of everyone again.

Compared with before, the appearance of the Netherworld White Tiger this time is no longer so illusory, but has a more substantial feeling.

"Martial spirit fusion skill?" Wang Hu looked at the huge Netherworld White Tiger, his expression became very ugly.

The Netherworld White Tiger's figure flashed and instantly appeared in front of Wang Hu. He raised his right paw, and with a sharp sound that almost tore through the air barrier, he slapped Wang Hu hard.

Faced with the attack of martial soul fusion skills, Wang Hu tried his best. The strength of the first soul ring was increased, and the attack power, defense power, and soul power of the fourth soul ring were increased. These increases were once again blessed on him.

With these increases, the black soul ring, which had always been low-key, finally emitted the light it deserved.

"The fifth soul skill, Evil Tiger Roar."

Wang Hu shouted low, then raised his head, spread his hands, and the sound waves like a substantial light silver lion's roar suddenly spread out from his wide-open mouth.

Where the sound waves spread, time seemed to be frozen, and a huge ravine more than ten meters long appeared in front of everyone.

The Netherworld White Tiger swayed slightly under the sound waves, and its bright body began to dim, but its huge tiger palms continued to slap the King Tiger hard without losing force.

With a loud bang, Wang Hu's body was thrown away, flying far away. Before it landed on the ground, blood was already spurting out.

But the Netherworld White Tiger didn't want to let him go so easily. The next moment, it turned into a stream of light and directly caught up with Wang Hu's figure.


Under the powerful impact of the Netherworld White Tiger, Wang Hu, who had already suffered a lot of damage, was hit hard again, and his bones cracked.


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