Gourd of Douluo

Chapter 205 Daytime Meteor

"Who?" Zhu Zhuqing looked into the darkness and said coldly.

Everyone hurriedly looked at the place where Zhu Zhuqing was on guard, but could see nothing but darkness. However, the soul rings began to appear on his body. As long as there was any trouble, they could attack instantly.

"It's me, don't be so nervous." Wang Xiaofeng's figure slowly appeared in the firelight. He looked at Dai Mubai, who was looking a little strange, and said tiredly: "What's the situation now?"

Everyone looked at each other in silence, until Wang Xiaofeng stared at Oscar, and then he said with some seriousness: "Mubai, the situation may not be very good. It is very similar to Xiao San's situation when he skipped a level and absorbed the third soul ring."

At this time, everyone's eyes were very solemn. Among the crowd, Dai Mubai, who was sitting cross-legged in the center, could no longer see his figure. His whole body was enveloped by a layer of light red mist.

Seeing Wang Xiaofeng's confused eyes, Zhu Zhuqing explained: "It should be because his physical condition is not the best, and the Liuguanghu's age is close to the upper limit of what the fourth soul ring can bear, so this situation occurs."

"It depends on Mubai himself whether he can absorb this soul ring, but it shouldn't be a big problem." Wang Xiaofeng sat down on the ground, leaning on the stone to quietly recover his strength.

At this time, both his soul power and mental power were exhausted, and he needed to take a good rest.

"Xiao Feng, eat a sausage..." When Oscar walked over, he realized that Wang Xiaofeng had already made a slight purring sound.

Ning Rongrong pulled Oscar's sleeve and shook his head: "Brother Feng is too tired, let him take a nap."

"Okay." Oscar nodded, not wanting to cover Wang Xiaofeng with a blanket because he was afraid that Wang Xiaofeng would wake up as soon as he walked over. Anyway, with this monster's physical fitness, he would not be exposed to the cold wind all night. cold.

While Wang Xiaofeng was in a daze, a low roar suddenly sounded in his ears. Before his head could react, his body had subconsciously turned over in a defensive posture.

Ma Hongjun rubbed his eyes, looked at Wang Xiaofeng's alert look, and asked curiously: "Xiaofeng, what are you doing."

Everyone else looked at Dai Mubai and did not notice his embarrassment. Wang Xiaofeng breathed a sigh of relief and explained: "It's nothing, I just dreamed that I was being chased by a group of spirit beasts, and then I heard a tiger roar, and subconsciously... .”

Ma Hongjun smiled and said: "Fortunately, luckily you didn't use soul skills, otherwise none of us would be able to withstand it."

Wang Xiaofeng smiled awkwardly.

On the other side, as a tiger roar came out of Dai Mubai's mouth, the bright golden light of soul power was released instantly, then stopped, and was slowly withdrawn into the body.

The fourth purple soul ring floated quietly on top of Dai Mubai's third soul ring, completely integrated with him, no longer separated from him.

I don't know if he was affected by the 'Flowing Light Tiger', but Dai Mubai seemed to look a bit more handsome after absorbing the soul ring. Under the early morning sun, his long golden hair actually glowed as if special effects had been added. There was a faint light.

Ma Hongjun said with envy: "Wow, why did Boss Dai become more handsome after absorbing a soul ring? He simply doesn't give us a way to survive."

Oscar couldn't help but mocked: "Please don't use us, thank you, I just won't give you a way to survive alone."

Seeing that the two of them were about to start a fight, the others ignored them and gathered around them. Wang Xiaofeng asked impatiently, "Mubai, what is your fourth soul ring skill?"

Dai Mubai chuckled: "My fourth soul skill is the White Tiger Meteor Shower. Its effect is to emit a golden light ball as big as a fist to attack in a wide range."

Wang Xiaofeng asked: "Large range, how big is it? Is it as big as those used by the three Liuguang Tigers?"

Dai Mubai rubbed his cheeks and said with some embarrassment: "Well, maybe, it shouldn't be that big. With my current strength, I should be able to cover more than two hundred square meters."

Wang Xiaofeng said with some disappointment: "Can it only cover more than two hundred square meters? Your soul skill..."

Dai Mubai's face turned dark: "Hey, my White Tiger Meteor Shower can instantly condense hundreds of light groups. Each light group can cause an attack power of one percent of the soul power, not to mention that this is rare. The range attack soul skills can also increase as the level increases."

Seeing the excited look on Dai Mubai's face, Wang Xiaofeng knew that he had said the wrong thing and said quickly: "Sorry, sorry, maybe my requirements are too high."

After experiencing Ma Hongjun's third soul ring and his own fourth soul ring, Wang Xiaofeng subconsciously thought that other people's soul ring skills should be similar to the two of them.

But he forgot that things like soul ring skills depend on whether they are suitable. Moreover, Dai Mubai has not demonstrated the fourth soul skill yet, so it is wrong to deny it without seeing the specific power.

"No, there is no sincerity in such an apology." Dai Mubai touched his chin, as if he had thought of a good idea, "I want to compete with you."

Not to mention others, even Wang Xiaofeng was surprised by Dai Mubai's decision: "Ah, you have just been injured, so why don't you go back to the academy to recuperate first?"

"That's right, why don't we go back to the academy and compare notes." Everyone tried to persuade him.

"It's okay, let's just spar. We won't be serious." Dai Mubai waved his hand, but he didn't see Zhu Zhuqing behind him showing a very scary smile.

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