Gourd of Douluo

Chapter 206 Daytime Meteor (Part 2)

The rising sun revealed its first rays of light, as red as blood. But at this moment, in Wang Xiaofeng's eyes, there was something that could compete with its brilliance.

In an instant, the light ball soared into the sky, and the colorful clouds reflected the hundreds of light beams shooting down from the sky.

Wang Xiaofeng was determined to test the power of Dai Mubai's fourth soul skill. He did not dodge or dodge, and the gourd in his right hand was gently thrown up by him.

"Combined soul skills, diamond defense."

The twenty-centimeter-high gourd instantly expanded under the infusion of soul power, forming a three-meter-high super-large gourd that blocked Wang Xiaofeng's figure like a copper wall.

The next second, dozens of golden energy groups that were almost solid, carrying fierce winds, hit Wang Xiaofeng's gourd hard. When they came into contact, the golden energy groups rippled, and then they were like a ignited ball. The bomb exploded violently.


The roaring sound was heard constantly, and the violent sound waves made the people watching involuntarily cover their ears and look at the field with astonishment on their faces.

The gourd was hit by the continuous ferocious meteors. Wang Xiaofeng's expression also changed slightly. The powerful impact and repulsive force continued to pass through the gourd to his body. His internal organs instantly began to feel uncomfortable. He knew that this was the body. early warning.

Therefore, he had no choice but to step back quickly, constantly releasing this force. Every step he took would leave a footprint embedded in his ankle on the ground.

After taking nearly ten steps back, Wang Xiaofeng was so shocked that he couldn't hold on to the large gourd with a smooth surface. The gourd shuddered violently and was forcibly separated from Wang Xiaofeng's control. It was blown away diagonally by the force of the explosion. It landed in an open space not far away.

"Baji - instant." Wang Xiaofeng's expression changed. Seeing that there were still more than a dozen meteors that had not fallen, he quickly raised his right foot and stepped down suddenly. With the sound of a violent soul power explosion, he suddenly disappeared in the original place. On the ground, in one breath, Wang Xiaofeng left the locking range of the White Tiger Meteor Shower.

Dai Mubai's mental power could not lock onto Wang Xiaofeng, who was a hundred meters away, so the last dozen meteors could only awkwardly hit the spot where he was standing before, adding a few more new ones to the land that was badly damaged by soul skills. pit.

Before Dai Mubai could narcissistically praise his new soul skill, Wang Xiaofeng limped over and cursed: "Dai Mubai, if you didn't want to take the opportunity to kill me, you would just stare at such a big place. Smash it with me."

The fact is as Wang Xiaofeng said, the charred and broken ground is only tens of square meters.

Dai Mubai was speechless when asked, and after a while he said: "Didn't I say that we wanted to test the soul skills and have a casual discussion, so I narrowed the scope of the White Tiger Meteor Shower."

Wang Xiaofeng said angrily: "In this fight, I will be beaten unilaterally. Come over here and hide behind Zhu Qing if you can."

Dai Mubai shrank his head, "In your words, this is called a strategic retreat, and I promised that the outcome would be determined by one move, so didn't you also make a move?"

"You are so shameless."

"Slightly, slightly, can't hit."

After seeing the power of Dai Mubai's White Tiger Meteor Shower, I have to say that this is a very powerful soul skill. Even Wang Xiaofeng's big gourd was slightly dented. If Dai Mubai can accurately control the light group If it hits the same location, a gourd as hard as steel may be smashed through.

Of course, by the time Dai Mubai has that strong mental power, the hardness of the gourd will have already increased to a certain extent. It is not certain whether he will be able to leave some traces like now.

Dai Mubai showed his soul skills to everyone, and Zhu Zhuqing was not stingy. He directly found the boulder next to the camp and showed a small hand.

"The third soul skill, Netherworld Slash."

Looking at the five-meter-high boulder in front of him, Zhu Zhuqing's third soul ring bloomed with purple light, and his hands closed above his head like lightning. The claw blades on the five fingers of his hands merged together at an astonishing speed, turning into a sharp blade about a foot long. .

Black light surged out from Zhu Zhuqing's body, and her whole body seemed to become a part of the sharp blade, and she waved her hands towards the boulder.

The black blade of light condensed in a straight line and struck down on the head. The sunlight also dimmed a bit under this straight line.

There was no roar of collision, and no tooth-grinding sound of friction. Nether Slash passed directly over the boulder and then disappeared into the air.

Looking at the intact boulder, Ma Hongjun said awkwardly: "Is it because the soul skill was not used successfully?"

Oscar glanced at Dai Mubai, whose face was a little dark, and said angrily: "Fat man, can you speak?"

Zhu Zhuqing took a deep breath, then turned around and walked towards the camp without looking back.

The others looked at each other, thinking that there was something wrong with the release of the soul skill, which made Zhu Zhuqing feel bad.

Wang Xiaofeng, on the other hand, looked at the boulder thoughtfully, "Is this the legendary real man...the woman never looks back to see the explosion?"

As soon as he finished speaking, the five-meter-high boulder suddenly burst open and split into two pieces. The middle was very smooth, and it was impossible to tell that it was forcibly split by soul skills.

Ma Hongjun was stunned, his mouth opened wide, and it took him a while to say, "Oh my God."

One mile away from the camp, three figures stood on a high branch, looking at the seven people in the distance, and smiled in unison.

Flanders smiled and said: "Xiao Gang, what I said is right. These kids will definitely give us a surprise. Their soul skills are indeed more powerful than those of the same level. Now Shrek will definitely be able to compete in the elite competition." Achieve good results.”

The master said calmly: "I don't know who strongly opposed my suggestion at the beginning."

Flanders said cheekily: "Without me being a good person, would you have a chance to be a bad person? In any case, after this experience is over, let them practice in the academy with peace of mind. Don't run around here and there. Well, my old arms and legs can’t stand the abuse.”

The master said: "There will be no further arrangements. The experience of this training is enough for them to digest in a long time."


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