Gourd of Douluo

Chapter 207 Little Witch

Now that they had obtained the required soul rings, Shrek and his group had no reason to stay any longer. They gathered around to discuss and prepared to go back to the academy directly.

Since everyone was injured, Dai Mubai proudly bought two special carriages. The carriage is specially equipped with a shock-absorbing device. Even if you ride on it and pass over uneven ground, you will hardly feel any vibration, so you can rest while traveling.

Wang Xiaofeng, Oscar and Ma Hongjun took turns driving. Because of the driving, it took more time to go back.

Fortunately, Flanders approved the leave note for Dai Mubai for one month, so everyone was not in a hurry to go back. They traveled all the way and played hard for several days before reluctantly returning to the academy.

As soon as he drove his carriage to the entrance of the college, Wang Xiaofeng saw three familiar figures standing motionless at the gate.

Wang Xiaofeng said quickly in a low voice: "Come out quickly, the dean and the others are waiting for us at the gate."

After being reminded, everyone quickly squeezed out of the carriage. Looking at the serious faces of everyone, Flanders smiled and said: "Okay, don't be so serious. I just spent a few more days playing on the road and eating thirteen meals." It’s a big dinner, I won’t blame you.”

Wang Xiaofeng and the others complained silently in their hearts: "Then what you said is so accurate. It's strange that you're not afraid."

"You did a good job in this experience." Flanders glanced at everyone and said with a smile: "There is only one year left until the Continental Advanced Soul Master Academy Elite Competition, so I won't let you go out in the future. Practice well in the academy and raise your soul power level as high as possible."

"Right now, there is only a soul power gap between you and the genius soul masters from other colleges. As long as you make up for this shortcoming within this year, the championship will only be within your grasp."

Others listened with excitement, especially Dai Mubai and Ma Hongjun. They wished that the elite competition could start now so that they could show off their skills.

Wang Xiaofeng was very excited on the surface, but he could only laugh in his heart. He went to Qin Ming to learn about the elite competitions over the years. The championship teams in the previous two years were from Wuhun Palace, and the team configuration was a Soul King-level captain, with There are six soul sects above level 45.

If we follow the normal cultivation speed, Wang Xiaofeng will be around level 45 in a year, Dai Mubai will be around level 43, Tang San and Xiao Wu will be at level 389, Oscar will be at level 37, and Zhu Zhuqing will be at level 37. Ma Hongjun should be at level thirty-five, and Ning Rongrong should be around level thirty-three.

In comparison, the level gap is a bit large.

Under the age limit of twenty-five, they are still at a disadvantage. If it is the next competition, they will definitely win the championship. For this competition, we can only try to get a good ranking.

Flanders was pumping his energy in the front, but he didn't know that someone was already paddling down below preparing to compete.

After a less formal speech, Flanders took a step back and gave up his position to the master. The master looked at the crowd and said: "You performed very well in this experience. I was planning to give you two days off, but seeing that you are We had so much fun on the road, so I’ll cancel the vacation and have classes as normal tomorrow.”


Ignoring everyone's sighs, the master said calmly: "Disband."

It is impossible to resist, and everyone can only return to their three-point-one-line life.

However, after a few days of calm, Wang Xiaofeng saw an unexpected figure at the door of the classroom.

Wang Xiaofeng patted his forehead and broke down and said: "Let me go, Miss, you are a dog, why did you come to our college?"

If he had read correctly before, this eldest lady should be a student of Tiandou Royal Academy. And how did she know that he was at Shrek Academy? You must know that when he went to the auction house, he didn't wear anything related to Shrek.

"Don't always call me eldest lady. I always feel that your title has a sinister tone. Just call me by my name, Nidia."

After saying that, Nidia explained: "It took me a lot of effort to find out that you are in this Shiklai Academy. It was very hard for me to find you."

Nidia was indeed right about the last sentence. She used a large number of people. First, she sent people to Soto City to find out Wang Xiaofeng's name. Only then in Shrek's small village did she find out that Shrek had gone to the sky. After going round and round about the news about Doucheng, I finally followed this clue and searched for it in Tiandou City, and then I found the newly renamed Lanba Academy.

Wang Xiaofeng corrected: "It's Shi, Lai, Ke, College. Please read it correctly."

"Oh, that's not important. Let's go. There are good things on sale at the auction today. If you go late, they will be gone." Nidia pulled Wang Xiaofeng and dragged him out, but there was no way she could drag Wang Xiaofeng with just her strength.

Wang Xiaofeng shook his head and said, "Although I am a little interested in what you said will be auctioned at the auction house, I still have to go to class."


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