Gourd of Douluo

Chapter 207

The class bell rang on time, and as the teacher began to explain the knowledge about soul beasts, Wang Xiaofeng quickly entered a state of concentration, but others did not want to let him go like this.

Dai Mubai poked at Wang Xiaofeng and asked in a very gossipy manner: "Hey, Xiaofeng, who is the girl you were talking to just now? Why have I never seen her before?"

Wang Xiaofeng withdrew from his study state and said speechlessly: "Mubai, when did you become as fond of gossip as a fat man?"

"Come on, Xiaofeng, we are really curious." Oscar stretched his head over, and two words were written on his face, gossip.

Although Wang Xiaofeng has always called himself the master of love at Shrek Academy, he often says some weird things that seem reasonable but are weird, such as the love words Wang Xiaofeng invented to tease girls: You are acting weird today. What's wrong? Very pretty.

Wang Xiaofeng had several pages filled with words like this in his notebook, so Dai Mubai and the others didn't have much objection to his self-proclaimed nickname.

But they had never seen any girl around Wang Xiaofeng. If they hadn't often discussed girls together and had no strange behavior, they would have suspected Wang Xiaofeng's orientation.

But at this time, a beauty of the same level as Zhu Zhuqing, Ning Rongrong and Xiao Wu suddenly appeared next to Wang Xiaofeng, which was very problematic no matter how you looked at it.

Wang Xiaofeng's ears twitched slightly, and the voices of Xiao Wu and Ning Rongrong at the back suddenly became quiet. Dai Mubai, Oscar and Ma Hongjun beside him couldn't help but the gossipy breaths came out, and the word "curiosity" was almost written on their faces. .

Wang Xiaofeng sighed and said helplessly: "Okay, okay, looking at you like this, I will definitely be annoyed by you in the future if I don't tell you."

"Actually, it's not something that can't be said..."

Wang Xiaofeng slowly told the grievances between Nidia and him one by one. Except for the very embarrassing incident, which he briefly mentioned, he briefly described the incident.

"Why can't I encounter such a good thing?" Ma Hongjun sighed, patted Wang Xiaofeng on the shoulder, and said with a smile: "I think she is quite beautiful, Xiaofeng, are you not moved at all?"

"No, this kind of young lady is the most troublesome." Wang Xiaofeng slapped Ma Hongjun's fat hand away angrily, "If you want to chase her, I will never stop you, and I will even help you with advice."

"Oh, forget it, no one wants a fat guy like me. It would be great if I also had a bitch face."

Oscar didn't care about Ma Hongjun's ridicule: "You are nakedly jealous. Anyway, if you want to be as handsome as your brother, you will have no chance in this life."

Seeing that the two of them were starting to fight, Wang Xiaofeng hurriedly advised: "Okay, okay, we are in class now, use your words but not your hands."

Dai Mubai said thoughtfully: "Nidia, this name seems familiar to me. I seem to have heard it somewhere."

Oscar and Ma Hongjun stopped arguing and asked secretly: "This female friend of Xiaofeng can't be your previous girlfriend, right?"

Dai Mubai pushed the two people away angrily: "Go, go, don't make trouble."

"It's strange. I'm sure I've heard this name before, but I can't remember it."

Wang Xiaofeng pointed at Zhu Zhuqing behind him and said: "If you can't remember it, don't think about it. If Zhuqing knows that you are thinking about other girls in class, you should be prepared to go to the medical center to pay."

Dai Mubai suddenly broke out in a cold sweat. He turned around secretly and found that although Zhu Zhuqing pretended to study seriously, Dai Mubai, who was familiar with her, knew from her eyes that Zhu Zhuqing must have been eavesdropping just now.

Dai Mubai quickly sat up straight, pretending to be nonchalant, but quietly opened his mouth and gestured: "Thank you Xiaofeng, I owe you a favor."

For a poor student like Xiang Ma Hongjun, class time is boring, but no matter how long it is, the bell still rings on time.

"Ho ho, get out of class is finally over." Ma Hongjun jumped up happily, and when the teacher finished speaking, he ran out of the classroom like a wild horse running wild.

Dai Mubai saw a girl stretching her head out the window, looking for something. He patted Wang Xiaofeng on the shoulder and said with a smile, "We won't disturb your date. Let's go first."

Ning Rongrong and the others didn't think it was a big deal and patted him on the shoulders one after another to encourage him, making Wang Xiaofeng a little bit dumbfounded.

Putting the book into the soul guide, Wang Xiaofeng looked at the expectant expression of the girl outside the door, and said helplessly: "I'm really afraid of you. Let's go. I will follow your arrangements today."

"Oh! Big victory." Nidia happily grabbed Wang Xiaofeng's wrist and walked outside impatiently.

"Men and women don't kiss each other, isn't it good for you to hold my wrist like this?"

Nitya said with an indifferent expression: "You little brat, you are not attracted to this lady, are you?"

Wang Xiaofeng fumed and said, "Are you kidding me that I will be attracted to you? Forget it, you can do whatever you want."

Being distracted by this, Wang Xiaofeng automatically ignored the girl's sweaty palms that were sensed by touch.

Shrek Academy is a long way from the auction house, but Wang Xiaofeng has a somewhat boring personality, so the two of them fell into a somewhat awkward atmosphere without knowing it.

"Gurgling..." A grunt broke the quiet atmosphere between the two of them. Wang Xiaofeng looked at the somewhat embarrassed Nitya and unknowingly showed a smile, "You wouldn't come to the teacher to block me without eating breakfast, would you? .”

The girl muttered: "It's all your fault, it's all your fault..."

Wang Xiaofeng looked at the girl who just turned her back to him speechlessly, and said helplessly: "When you say bad things about me, can you say it when I'm not around?"

Seeing the girl's slender neck turning pink, Wang Xiaofeng stopped teasing her. Looking around, he found that the delicious shops at the entrance of the college were all full of people, and there was not a single empty seat.

Nitya was surprised: "The business of these restaurants must be too good. There is not even a place to sit."

"What's weird about this? It's always like this at meal time." Wang Xiaofeng said doubtfully: "Miss, you haven't eaten in a restaurant like this before, right?"


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