Gourd of Douluo

Chapter 209 Moonlight Gem

When the old man saw Nitya's ignorant and cute look, he immediately smiled and said: "Little girl, you have never eaten a box lunch. Even though the food cooked by this old man doesn't look very good, the taste is nothing to say. Today. We’ve almost sold it and there’s not much left. How about I charge you two five copper soul coins to keep me satisfied?”

Wang Xiaofeng waved his hand, "No, boss, I have a big appetite, so just take what you have."

Seeing that Wang Xiaofeng looked like he was not short of money, the old man nodded and said, "Okay, are you going to pack it away or eat here?"

"Let's eat here." Wang Xiaofeng took out a folding table and two small benches from the soul guide and placed them under the big tree.

The old man opened several pot lids, put two meat and two vegetables in the box, then took out a few large white steamed buns from the bamboo strips and placed them on a somewhat broken porcelain bowl.

Although the steamed buns had been left out for several hours, they were still warm under the insulation of the quilt.

Nitya sat on the small bench and watched the old man put the lunch box in front of her. She stared at the potato stewed vermicelli, potato stewed pork, cold shredded chicken, and fried eggplant in front of her with wide eyes and said, "These are all Is it food? This is the first time I’ve seen such food.”

"What you young ladies eat every day is soul beast meat. It's very exquisite. It's definitely different from what poor people like us eat."

Wang Xiaofeng unceremoniously grabbed a steamed bun with one hand and took a bite, and picked up the few pieces of meat in the food box with the other hand. "Try it, this one is quite delicious."

"Really? Then I want to have a good taste." Nidia followed Wang Xiaofeng's example, picked up a steamed bun with her left hand and took a bite, then picked up a piece of potato and put it into her mouth to chew.

After chewing for a few times, Nidia's eyes suddenly lit up and she said in a whimpering voice: "Jie Jin Jie Wu rides a drunk monkey and rides a trick." (This is really the most delicious meal I have had in the past few years)

Wang Xiaofeng said helplessly: "Okay, okay, what kind of alien language are you talking about? Swallow it and then talk properly."

Even though it was just a cheap box lunch, Nidia still ate it happily, as if she was eating some delicacy from the mountains and seas.

Nitya felt full after eating for a few minutes, and then put down the bowl and chopsticks. For the next half hour, she watched Wang Xiaofeng stuffing food into her mouth quietly, but she was already shocked in her heart.

The old man had seen Wang Xiaofeng and Nidia as children before and thought that they could not eat much, and Nidia was as beautiful as a fairy. The old man had never seen such beautiful children, so he said that he had enough.

But seeing Wang Xiaofeng eating more and more, and soon eating all the food left in the boiler, he couldn't help but feel a little glad that he didn't insist on promising to eat.

Wang Xiaofeng put the last piece of cucumber into his mouth, swallowed it and burped, looking like he had just eaten.

"Boss, here, here is the meal money." Wang Xiaofeng woke up Nidia who was in a daze, then put away the seat, flicked his right hand, and a silver soul coin fell on the stall.

The old man was stunned for a moment and shouted hurriedly: "Young man, you gave me too much. I can't use so much money."

Wang Xiaofeng waved his hand behind the old man's back, said nothing, and disappeared into the crowd with Nitya's head.

This is the second time I came to the auction house, but last time I came alone, this time I came with two people.

Under the guidance of the waiter, Wang Xiaofeng and Nitya quickly arrived at the familiar purple area.

At this time, it was the intermission auction time. Wang Xiaofeng asked in a low voice: "Miss, can you tell me now, what is the interesting thing?"

"They say don't call me Miss, please call me Nidia." Nidia snorted dissatisfiedly and suddenly mentioned something unrelated to the question: "Do you know why I suddenly broke in two years ago?" Your room?"

Wang Xiaofeng's face suddenly turned ugly when he mentioned that incident back then, but he still picked up the topic and said, "Isn't it because you were perverted and wanted my body that you suddenly barged in?"

"Who wants to see those chops of yours?" Nidia seemed to have thought of something, An Shiyu's pretty face suddenly turned red, and then spread all the way to her snow-white neck.

After a while, she calmed down. Seeing that Wang Xiaofeng didn't seem to notice her embarrassment, she continued: "I broke in because my martial soul suddenly trembled, and I followed the induction and found that I was in your room. "

Wang Xiaofeng said expressionlessly: "Is this why you took off my bath towel to see if I had any hidden treasures?"

"Well, aren't you young and ignorant?" Nidia said with some embarrassment: "And how do I know that you are really not wearing anything underneath?"

(This chapter has not been finished yet. There are still 600 words left. Book friends who have subscribed do not need to worry. The following words are free of charge)

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