Gourd of Douluo

Chapter 210 Intermediate Auction (Part 1)

Looking at Wang Xiaofeng who was angry but helpless and compromising with her, Nidia happily covered her mouth and stopped provoking him, turning her gaze to the auction table where the lights suddenly turned on.

Under the gaze of countless eyes, a beautiful woman who looked about thirty years old walked onto the auction stage wearing a purple cheongsam that looked somewhat similar to her previous life.

The plump figure, tightly wrapped in the cheongsam, looked uneven, which immediately made some people in the venue look hot.

The host said a few words with a sweet smile on the stage, and immediately people started to echo loudly, and the place became lively inexplicably.

Looking at the suddenly heated atmosphere around him, Wang Xiaofeng couldn't help but smack his lips. It was indeed an auction held only once a month. The host had already aroused the atmosphere of the whole place before the auction started.

In such a hot atmosphere, even some ordinary things can be sold at high prices here.

Seeing that the atmosphere was almost stirring, the beautiful host opened her red lips slightly and said with a smile: "Everyone, Laiya knows that many distinguished guests can't wait, so now, I would like to invite the first auction item."

As he spoke, the host raised his hand lightly, the lights on the stage suddenly dimmed a lot, and a small stage slowly rose from the center.

There is a jade plate in Taichung. On the plate, there is a small white jade bottle.

Looking at the small white jade bottle, the eyes of everyone in the audience immediately became much hotter, and everyone was gearing up to put it into their pockets.

Wang Xiaofeng looked at the people around him in confusion. He didn't know why they were all so excited. He secretly poked Nidia beside him and asked, "Did you already know what would be auctioned today?"

Nitya nodded matter-of-factly, "That's natural. Didn't you receive the invitation? I remember that the auction house will attach a list of items to be auctioned that day for purple-level VIPs. Didn't you receive it?"

Wang Xiaofeng thought about it carefully, and then said awkwardly, "Well, I think I just threw it on the table."

The auction house would send invitations to his dormitory every day. At first, Wang Xiaofeng would take a look at them, but then he really didn't find anything interesting, so he just threw them on the table every time he received them.

"It seems that many distinguished guests already know what is in the jade bottle." The host chuckled, becoming more and more charming, "This is the spiritual fluid taken from the heart of the thousand-year-old soul beast Yushu. Although there are only three drops, But it’s enough for a great soul master to directly break through a level.”

Wang Xiaofeng looked shocked and said: "Can you break through level one if you drink it? Is this the legendary krypton gold to become stronger?"

Although Nidia didn't understand what krypton gold was, she probably understood the meaning. She curled her lips and explained to Wang Xiaofeng: "It's true that the spiritual liquid of Yushu can be upgraded to one level, but if you include the harsh Given the conditions for taking it, this thing is pretty useless.”

Wang Xiaofeng calmly took out his notebook. Of course he had to write down something he had never heard of before, "Is it troublesome to take this kind of thing?"

"The person who takes it must be under thirty years old, and the level cannot exceed the soul master. The martial spirit must be a tree-type martial spirit, and this is just a prerequisite for taking it."

Next, Nitya went on to talk about several conditions for taking it, including that it must be placed in an environment with 15 degrees Celsius and sunshine before taking it. After hearing this, even Wang Xiaofeng felt that this thing was useless.

Watching the host talking on the stage, constantly introducing the advantages, but skipping the harsh conditions for taking it without mentioning it, Wang Xiaofeng sighed: "Oh, this woman...it is a waste not to be a businessman."

Although this method was not a big deal in the previous life, it was nothing more than information inequality.

But in this world, it is a dimensionality reduction attack, and every killing is accurate. Moreover, paying some IQ tax is nothing to these wealthy people.

After bidding for nearly half an hour, the bottle of spiritual liquid finally settled at the high price of seventy-seven thousand.

Looking at the fat man who looked full of joy because of the successful auction, Wang Xiaofeng was speechless. He heard Nidia say that although this thing is rare, the price in Xingluo is only about 5,000 gold coins.

Even with the travel expenses, this thing was worth at most six thousand gold soul coins, but it was raised more than ten times at this auction. This kind of terrifying huge profit made Wang Xiaofeng smack his lips.

Seeing that the first auction item, Yushu Spirit Liquid, fetched such a high price, the host Laiya also breathed a sigh of relief. If nothing goes wrong next, then her position as chief auctioneer will be secure.

Laiya looked at the people in the venue who were full of regret because of the failure of the auction, and smiled and said: "I will invite you to the second auction item..."

The next things couldn't attract Wang Xiaofeng's attention. They were all weapons made by famous craftsmen, large-space soul guides and some slaves.

Wang Xiaofeng originally wanted to buy those slaves and let them go, but a middle-aged man appeared out of nowhere. Although he was sitting in the white area, his bid was so fierce that he couldn't compete with them.

Wang Xiaofeng could only watch as those young girls were bought one by one.

Nidia comforted her: "Okay, I can't blame you for not having enough money. Just bring more money next time."

"No money." Wang Xiaofeng raised his head and glanced at Nitya, not wanting to pay attention to this rich woman who didn't know the value of money.

After an hour, it was finally the turn of the Moonlight Gem that Nidia was interested in to appear. She rubbed her shoulders and flexed her muscles, showing her courage to spend a lot of money.

Looking at the moonlight gem that was brought out, the venue felt strangely calm. Because the host Laiya introduced that this moonlight gem is just a rare item that can slightly increase the speed of cultivation, and the user must be an ice type. Wuhun.

This disappointed many people. If this thing were placed in an auction house in a large northern city, it would definitely fetch a sky-high price, but here it can only be regarded as an interesting gem.

"Gemstone rare item, auction base price: 10,000 gold soul coins! Interested guests can bid now."

As soon as the host Laiya finished speaking, Nitya couldn't wait to press the button, "Twenty thousand."

"Twenty thousand." After a moment of silence, the uncle in the white area suddenly increased the price.

Wang Xiaofeng glanced behind him secretly and whispered: "It seems that the uncle is going to have sex with the two of us today."

"I've never been afraid of anyone who has more money." Nitya pressed the one hundred thousand button angrily, as if she wanted to show off her financial strength and force her opponent to make concessions.

However, the low-key but wealthy uncle didn't seem to care, and the next second he added a thousand gold soul coins to it.

During the competition between the two parties, Laiya kept a charming smile on the stage. When the final price was decided, she smashed the small hammer in her hand with some unfulfilled feelings.

At this time, the price had reached 187,000 gold soul coins.


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