Gourd of Douluo

Chapter 213 Return with Tang San in half a year

Wang Xiaofeng couldn't stand the vulgar look of the two of them, so he gave each of them a fist.

Although it looked serious, the swelling subsided within a few minutes of eating the sausage.

Oscar looked at the flower pot on the balcony and asked curiously: "Xiao Feng, you said this is a ginseng doll? Why does it look so sluggish? This thing can't survive at all."

"I don't know if I can feed him, so I'll just treat it as an experiment." Wang Xiaofeng took out a water bottle containing moon slurry diluted a hundred times from the soul guide and watered it.

"By the way, I remember that you got your first soul ring from the ginseng doll."

Oscar nodded, "Yes, but my ginseng doll is more than 410 years old, and yours is only just over 200 years old."

Wang Xiaofeng said: "Well, there are only two leaves on the head. It has just passed two hundred years ago."

"By the way, if you really can't feed this ginseng doll, you can use it to drink in a bar. Drinking wine is quite good for your health. My dad has become more energetic since he drank ginseng wine."

Wang Xiaofeng nodded thoughtfully, "Let's talk about it then. I have more wine here than I can finish."

"But when it comes to soaking in wine, this reminds me."

Wang Xiaofeng took out several wine jars from the soul guide, but they were sealed so well that Oscar and Ma Hongjun couldn't tell what kind of wine they were.

Wang Xiaofeng smiled and said: "This is tiger bone wine. I only made so much in total. I will give Mubai a jar when you leave later."

Oscar's eyes lit up and he took it with a smile, "Then we're welcome." After saying that, he quickly put all six jars of tiger bone wine into the soul guide.

This was obviously the wine soaked in the bones of the Liuguang tiger that Dai Mubai had killed before. No wonder Wang Xiaofeng took so long to deal with the tiger carcass. That was what happened.

Wang Xiaofeng said angrily: "You are so rude, you didn't even leave a jar."

Ma Hongjun came back to his senses and said with a smile: "Hey, Brother Feng is so strong, why does he need something like tiger bone wine?"

"Give it to me, I'll make you angry."

Oscar and Ma Hongjun couldn't help sweating when they saw Wang Xiaofeng clenching his fists, and quickly retreated towards the door, "I don't bother you, old man, to say goodbye. We'll leave now."

Before Wang Xiaofeng could say anything, the two of them disappeared at the door of the dormitory in an instant, leaving only slight explosions echoing in the corridor.

Wang Xiaofeng sighed, "As for that, I even used Shunpo."

He washed up a little, walked out of the dormitory, and continued practicing in the familiar mimicry training environment.

After he closed the dormitory door, the ginseng doll placed by the window sill changed its sluggish look under the moonlight. The two exposed leaves actually emitted a faint light, and a strange fragrance began to linger in the room.

In this way, from this day on, Wang Xiaofeng began to cultivate ginseng dolls with diluted moon pulp. Campus life has also slowly entered a three-point-one-line rhythm. Only when Nidia comes to Wang Xiaofeng to hang out every weekend does Wang Xiaofeng feel the passage of time.

"Bang!" The dormitory door that was ajar suddenly opened with a bang. Wang Xiaofeng, who was recording the growth of the ginseng doll today, unconsciously scratched the pen in his hand to one side, and the paper full of records suddenly left a note. Elongated traces.

Seeing that the fruits of his ten minutes of hard work were gone, Wang Xiaofeng couldn't help but squeeze his right hand lightly, and the pen worth one copper soul coin instantly shattered into pieces, "Oscar, if you can't give me a reasonable explanation, I guarantee that this pen is Your fate."

Oscar saw Wang Xiaofeng exuding a strong aura, silently wiped his cold sweat, forced out an ugly smile and said: "Xiao Feng, I didn't mean to cause trouble, it's just that the mistress is back, so you didn't notify her."

"The mistress is back?" Wang Xiaofeng was stunned for a moment, and hurriedly walked out of the dormitory. Seeing Oscar still panting, he carried Oscar behind him, "It's only because I'm lazy and don't exercise that my physical strength drops so fast. Okay, stop breathing, hurry up Show the way.”

Seeing the familiar figure from a distance, Wang Xiaofeng couldn't help but laugh loudly and said: "Xiao San, you have to pay more attention to Xiao Wu when you come back this time. She has almost turned my mimicry training place into a vegetable patch these days."

The young man showed a gentle smile, looked at the blushing girl beside him and said, "Yeah, then I have to take good care of her."

"It's better to take care of it for the rest of your life!"

"Hahaha." Everyone laughed heartily. This laughter had not been heard for a long time since Tang San disappeared.

When the eight people reunited, Wang Xiaofeng felt as if he had traveled through time. When they were training in the village a year ago, he and Oscar were the last two people in each gathering.

Everyone was naturally surprised to see Tang San again, and they introduced each other to Tang San about their experiences in the past six months, and Tang San also repeated the experiences he had told the master before.

"Xiao San, what did you say? That Dugu Bo came to the academy with you?" Xiao Wu looked at Tang San in surprise, her face turning slightly pale.

Dai Mubai's face was a little serious: "Xiao San, although I know you have good intentions, after all, Dugu Bo almost killed Xiao Feng, so forgive me for not accepting him."

Tang San explained with some embarrassment: "Actually, Dugu Bo didn't mean to embarrass us at that time, he just wanted to return the favor of Prince Snow Star."

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