Gourd of Douluo

Chapter 214: Immortal grass?

While everyone was chatting, the level was mentioned somehow. Ma Hongjun said with a smile: "Third brother, have you practiced hard in the past six months? I am super strong now."

After saying that, Ma Hongjun also showed a strong posture, but there was no muscle at all on his broad body, which was very funny in the eyes of everyone.

Tang San smiled and said: "Fat man, I'm already level thirty-eight, are you sure you want to compete with me?"

Oscar said with some uncertainty: "Xiaosan, I remember you were only at level thirty-four more than half a year ago."

"Promoting to level four in eight months is a bit exaggerated." Dai Mubai smacked his lips, "This speed is even faster than Xiao Wu."

Xiao Wu said: "Isn't it normal to surpass me? You haven't seen how hard Xiaosan usually works. When he went to Dugubo, he practiced hard and lost a lot of weight."

Wang Xiaofeng nodded, "Yes, only the mistress is working hard to practice, we are all sitting in the dormitory."

Everyone else could hear the teasing tone in Wang Xiaofeng's words, and they all made fun of Xiao Wu for a while, making her so embarrassed that she couldn't even lift her head.

"Stop teasing Xiao Wu, come here and take a look at the gifts I brought for everyone. These are treasures that can improve your cultivation." Tang San's words attracted everyone's attention.

There are many items in Douluo Continent that can help people improve their level.

The lowest level is for a pharmacist to refine the elixir, because the soul power increased by taking the elixir is extremely frivolous, and the quality of the soul power is only one-third of what is condensed through normal cultivation breakthroughs. It takes a lot of time to condense the soul power. Therefore, only those who are really stuck at the peak level and cannot break through will take pills.

The better thing is to take soul beast essence, which has no side effects except for the strict conditions. For example, the soul fluid of the thousand-year-old jade tree that Wang Xiaofeng encountered before was like this.

The best ones are the heavenly materials and earthly treasures, but the number of heavenly materials and earthly treasures is rare, and most of them are mutated martial spirits. Upgrading the level is just incidental.

The master asked doubtfully: "Xiao San, is your gift the medicine you brought back from Dugu Bo?"

Tang San has been with the master for many years, and he knew the meaning of the master's words as soon as he heard it. He explained with a smile: "Teacher, don't worry, the things I give you will never have any side effects."

Except for Wang Xiaofeng who was thoughtful, everyone else's eyes showed curiosity at this time. They all wanted to know what special gift Tang San brought them.

Tang San said: "By the way, you can't be disturbed while taking medicine. Is there a quieter place in our academy?"

Liu Erlong said carelessly: "In terms of peace, no place can be as quiet as the wooden house I lived in before. No one would go there at ordinary times."

The master thought for a moment and said, "Indeed, the wooden house Erlong lived in before is both remote and a forbidden area recognized by the academy. It does meet your requirements, mistress."

Liu Erlong's angry flames burst out, "Yu Xiaogang, tell me clearly what a forbidden land is! That's called a paradise."

After half a year of getting along with each other, Liu Erlong was obviously not worried that the master would run away and returned to his original temperament.

The wooden houses where Liu Erlong lived were still the same as before. Except for a little dust inside, there were no major changes. But the flowers outside seemed to be growing well, and the faint floral fragrance filled the surroundings, making everyone feel happy. Somewhat pleasant.

Oscar put his arm around Tang San's shoulders and said impatiently: "Xiaosan, give me a gift! Take it out quickly."

Tang San chuckled, "Don't be anxious, come one by one."

Liu Erlong and the master smiled at each other, walked to the stone table and sat down, "We will protect you."

Tang San nodded, his right hand reached into a brocade pouch at his waist, and took out a large chrysanthemum.

Everyone else's attention was focused on the chrysanthemums. Only Wang Xiaofeng noticed the extra pouch around Tang San's waist.

Wang Xiaofeng thought to himself: "Xiao San seems to have taken out the chrysanthemum. This seems to be different from the soul guide, but it can store life, and it seems to be a space of its own. Could it be the legendary fairy magic weapon? ?”

(Not finished coding, there are still a few hundred words left)

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