Gourd of Douluo

Chapter 219: Visiting the Qibao Glazed Sect

As November enters, the weather becomes much colder.

Wang Xiaofeng took out a scarf from the soul guide and wrapped it around his neck, then opened the door of the mimicry training ground with some trembling.

After practicing in a plant environment all night, I woke up and found that my hands and feet were a little stiff from the cold.

When I walked out of the gate, the morning glow in the east dyed half of the sky red, but the shy sun did not dare to show up. The weather became colder in winter, a cold wind blew in my face, and leaves of all sizes on the campus were flying all over the sky.

Wang Xiaofeng couldn't help but shrink his neck, feeling his nose was a little cold. As soon as he raised his head, he saw snowflakes falling from the sky, getting bigger and bigger.

"It's really killing people. It's not even December yet and it's minus 17 or 18 degrees. Do you want to live?"

Although Wang Xiaofeng's physical condition will not make him sick due to this low temperature, such a low temperature environment still makes him feel uncomfortable as a person who lives in the south all year round.

Wang Xiaofeng wrapped his coat tightly and walked quickly towards the canteen.

I brushed off the snowflakes on my body and came to the familiar window, "Auntie, the same old thing."

"It has been prepared for you a long time ago." Two cafeteria aunts carried out a huge food box, and in addition, there was a pot of hot soup.

Wang Xiaofeng was stunned for a moment, pointed at the hot soup and said: "Uh, that's too much, I didn't order hot soup."

A rather lively aunt smiled and said: "Xiao Feng, this is what we invited you to do. The temperature has dropped rapidly these days, so you need to drink more hot soup."

"Really, then I'm welcome." Wang Xiaofeng put the hot soup and food box into the soul guide, and before leaving, he quietly placed a silver soul coin by the window.

"This kid is still so polite..."

The wind and snow became stronger and stronger, and the distant peaks and woods seemed to be separated by a layer of veil, making it blurry and unclear.

Wang Xiaofeng hurriedly crossed the path and crossed the woods back to Liu Erlong's secluded wooden house.

In the open space next to the wooden house, several boys and girls were fighting fiercely.

"The fourth soul skill, White Tiger Meteor Shower."

Dai Mubai roared angrily, and powerful soul power erupted from his body. The surrounding flying snow directly vaporized into mist under this energy, covering his body, and he could only faintly see the flickering white light inside.

"Pay attention to dodge." Opposite him, Zhu Zhuqing and Xiao Wu's expressions suddenly changed. Ning Rongrong only had time to increase the speed of the two of them. The next moment, countless fist-sized golden light balls instantly passed through the water mist, It blasted toward the three of them.

Dai Mubai locked onto Wang Xiaofeng last time and concentrated all his attack power on him, but this time he spread the attack out to attack multiple enemies at the same time.

Intensive roars continued, and Wang Xiaofeng quickly caught Ning Rongrong, who was thrown out of the field by Xiao Wu. At this time, apart from the smoke and dust caused by the continuous explosions, only figures could be seen dodging on the field.

Although Xiao Wu is considered a strong attack type, her body is very sensitive, and her speed is not much slower than Zhu Zhuqing's. Plus, with the teleportation in her body, Dai Mubai's fourth soul skill may be lonely.

"Oh, no fight, no fight."

On the other side of the clearing, the winner was decided faster than on Dai Mubai's side. A gray-headed and gray-faced figure rolled out of the flames. He was so embarrassed, "Third brother, why are you getting more and more angry like Xiaofeng?" You're so perverted that even my Phoenix flames can't burn through your blue and silver cage. If you can't beat it, I'll give up."

The empty space on one side suddenly trembled, and Oscar showed his figure: "Fat man, you can't do this. Before the fight, you said you could get the mistress within three minutes..."

Ma Hongjun patted the dust on his body and said angrily: "If I challenge Third Brother again from now on, I will be a pig."

The meteor shower finished landing, and before the smoke dispersed, a figure rushed out, turning into a sharp blade as it ran.

"The third soul skill, Netherworld Slash."

"Wow, you want to murder your husband." Dai Mubai's expression changed, his first and third soul rings instantly lit up, and the two major increases were instantly blessed on him.

But Zhu Zhuqing's Netherworld Slash is not so easy to catch. You must know that this is a soul skill that can even chop into a small piece of Wang Xiaofeng's Diamond Gourd.

But it was just a mutual exchange of ideas. Zhu Zhuqing didn't use much strength, but the sharpness of the Nether Slash turned into a super powerful impact, sending Dai Mubai flying away.

"It seems that Zhuqing still loves me."

Before Dai Mubai could breathe a sigh of relief, a figure instantly appeared in front of Dai Mubai. The second soul ring was slightly bright, and Xiao Wu's red pupils reflected the fearful and somewhat distorted face.

"I admit defeat, I admit defeat!!"

Before the scorpion tail could wrap around his body, Dai Mubai had already loudly initiated surrender.

"Oh, it's boring." Xiao Wu landed lightly on the ground, showed a cute yet evil smile, and skipped to find Ning Rongrong and Zhu Zhuqing to celebrate.

"Mubai, don't be in a daze, breakfast is getting cold."

"It's coming, it's coming." Dai Mubai patted the dust on his body. Fortunately, he reacted quickly just now, otherwise he would have to suffer a set of jutsu skills.

Since the master left three days ago, Liu Erlong has been responsible for everyone's cultivation. In addition to daily weight-bearing running and training, Liu Erlong planned an hour of battle training for everyone.

According to her words, only constant fighting can quickly adapt to the body's strength, so this kind of sparring training has been going on for three days.

Of course, except for Wang Xiaofeng, the main reason is that the increase after being strengthened by the elixir is too strong, and there is also an elusive gourd vine. Regardless of whether they form a team or not, they will lose in a fight.

The only way to win was two versus one. Tang San deliberately sacrificed himself, and then Xiao Wu took advantage of Wang Xiaofeng's lack of attention to teleport up close and use a set of eight-level throws to win.

Even so, Wang Xiaofeng became active again after eating some sausages, and it was completely impossible to tell that he had just eaten a set of eight-stage wrestling.

Snow was falling outside the window, and everyone in the warm room was eating steamed buns, steamed buns, and drinking hot soup. They were so happy.

Ning Rongrong suddenly said: "I am going to ask Teacher Erlong for leave and return to the sect."

"Is it because of Wuhun?" Oscar was very smart and got to the point right away.

Ning Rongrong nodded, "Yes, but this is only one of the reasons. The other is that I need to talk to the sect about the hidden weapons."

Hearing what Ning Rongrong said, Tang San only then remembered that he had indeed promised Ning Rongrong to help the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect create hidden weapons when he had free time.

Seeing Oscar turn his head, Tang San nodded and said, "There is indeed such a thing."

"By the way, Brother Feng, didn't you promise my brother before that you would go to the Qibao Glazed Sect as a guest? It just so happens that I also want to go home, how about we come together?"


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