Gourd of Douluo

Chapter 220 Goodbye Ningtian

The hot soup in Wang Xiaofeng's mouth couldn't help but spurt out. Oscar, who was sitting next to him, was immediately sprayed. Others were frightened by these tough words and stopped.

Wang Xiaofeng coughed and said: "Ahem, Rongrong, do you know what you are talking about?"

Oscar was so shocked that he even forgot to wipe the hot soup off his face. He had never been to Qibao Glazed Sect, but Wang Xiaofeng was able to go there first, biting his handkerchief and looking pitiful.

Ning Rongrong showed an innocent smile and said, "What's the matter? I just invite you to be a guest, Brother Feng. There is no other meaning."

Everyone immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

Oscar said resentfully: "Rongrong, I have never been to the Qibao Glazed Sect."

Ning Rongrong's lips curled up slightly, "Okay, it just so happens that my father also wants to meet Shrek's most talented food-type soul master."

"Uh." Oscar then remembered that his future father-in-law was one of the most noble people in the continent, and he suddenly felt relieved, "Forget it, wait until one day for me to formally visit him alone to show my sincerity."

"You said this." Ning Rongrong then showed a crescent-like smile. Oscar is good at everything, but he tends to be indecisive about small things like this and needs to be pushed.

Wang Xiaofeng knocked on the table, "Okay, okay, remember the dinner table agreement! It is forbidden to feed dog food."

Ning Rongrong stuck out her cute tongue and changed the subject: "Brother Feng, you haven't said whether you want to go or not."

"If I say not to go, you will definitely continue to harass me." Wang Xiaofeng said helplessly: "I'm afraid of you, why don't I go? Let's make it clear that I don't want to join the sect yet."

"Brother Feng, don't worry, our Qibao Glazed Sect is a large sect and will not force others to join." Ning Rongrong thought to herself, "You will definitely change your mind when you see the financial resources of the Qibao Glazed Sect."

Looking at Ning Rongrong who was full of confidence, Wang Xiaofeng could only lower his head and eat his breakfast in silence, otherwise he would be stared at by Oscar on the side.

After receiving Wang Xiaofeng's affirmative reply, Ning Rongrong moved quickly. Within a few minutes of resting after breakfast, she got the leave request form from Liu Erlong.

It wasn't until he got into the Qibao Glazed Sect's exclusive carriage that Wang Xiaofeng realized that he seemed to have fallen into that girl Ning Rongrong's scheme.

"Oh, Brother Feng, why don't you just say nothing? I'm so scared." Ning Rongrong sat on the soft animal skin and picked up a bunch of fresh grapes from the fruit plate with a smile and brought it to Wang Xiaofeng's mouth.

"I'll treat you to some delicious grapes and forgive me."

It's not like Wang Xiaofeng has never been deceived by her acting skills. He took the grapes and said angrily: "Speak nicely and I will forgive you."

"I'm talking properly." Ning Rongrong lay relaxed on the animal blanket, her shoes casually thrown aside, she summoned the Nine Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda with her right hand, and took the trouble to count the layers one by one.

Wang Xiaofeng shook his head and continued to control the gourd vine to bring the grapes into his mouth.

Ning Rongrong watched Wang Xiaofeng's gourd vine stuffing grapes into his nostrils, and chuckled, "Brother Feng, can you really exercise by doing this?"

Wang Xiaofeng calmly took out the grapes and threw them out of the window, "Of course, it just tests your patience."

The Qibao Glazed Sect is located in the northwest of the Tiandou Empire, not far from Tiandou City. As one of the three major sects, it is not only the auxiliary system.

The Qibao Glazed Sect's sect is built on a mountain. Due to its rapid development in recent years and the increasing number of outer sect disciples, the sect certainly does not have such a large place to house and support so many people.

So some disciples with poor talents were sent out. In order for the sect to protect their families, a small village was built at the foot of the mountain. Over time, a prosperous town gradually formed.

"You told me this is a small town?" Wang Xiaofeng looked at the bustling crowds and bustling shops outside the carriage and felt that this so-called small town was almost the same as Soto City.

No wonder Ning Rongrong acted like he was superior to others when he first came to the academy. Even the peripheral construction was so good. There was something special about the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect.

Passing through the lively town and going straight up the mountain along a wide stone road, we soon arrived at the gate of the Qibao Glazed Sect.

They must have known in advance that Ning Rongrong was on the carriage, so the dozen or so guards let him go without stopping.

Wang Xiaofeng glanced secretly and sensed that these people all had the cultivation of great soul masters. I was secretly surprised, good guy, a dozen great soul masters came to guard the gate, and this was done openly, the secret whistle should be stronger.

The carriage ran to a small courtyard before stopping. Ning Rongrong jumped down excitedly. It seemed that he had not been back for a long time, and he was quite happy to see a familiar scene.

As soon as Wang Xiaofeng got off the carriage, a mature voice sounded from behind him: "Brother Feng, I swept the bed to welcome him. I have been waiting for a long time."

Wang Xiaofeng turned his head following the voice and saw that it was Ning Tian, ​​whom he had only met once. Seeing how polite he was, he quickly said: "Ah, I promised Brother Ning to be a guest, but it took me so long to come. It's really... Ashamed.”

Ning Rongrong raised her eyebrows, "Oh, aren't you tired of speaking in such a formal manner?"

After saying that, Ning Tian hurried out of the yard without waiting for anything to say, leaving behind a few words that disappeared in the wind, "I'm going to see dad first. Brother Feng will leave it to you. Please treat him well."

Ning Tian smiled bitterly and shook his head, "My little sister's temper has not changed."

Wang Xiaofeng smiled and said, "She wouldn't be so startled in Shrek. It seems she has been suppressed for a long time."

Ning Tian said: "This is not a place to reminisce about old times, come with me."

Ning Tian waved his hand and dismissed the other servants, and took Wang Xiaofeng to wander around the Qibao Glazed Sect.

"This is the sect's mimicry training ground. Except for some rare beast martial spirits, most soul masters can enjoy the bonus of mimicry training. Of course, it is definitely not as good as the Tiandou Royal Academy."

"Not only can soul masters with relevant attributes be allowed to practice mimicry here, but some older herbs are also planted here, which can basically meet the needs of disciples."

Wang Xiaofeng's pupils narrowed and he could see clearly the herbs in the medicinal fields thousands of meters away. Although they were ordinary herbs that were simple and easy to grow, their value would not be much lower as they age.

Ning Tian continued to introduce, "This is the Soul Fighting Platform. Generally, any conflicts among disciples will be resolved here."

Wang Xiaofeng looked in the direction Ning Tian pointed and saw arenas all over the wide square, large and small.

At this time, there happened to be many soul masters competing with each other on various soul fighting stages. Various soul skills were bombarded on the fighting stage. However, except for the smoke and dust, the floor tiles under their feet were intact. From here, it can be seen that Qibao The Liuli Sect became rich and powerful.


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