Gourd of Douluo

Chapter 221 Misunderstanding

After watching the Soul Fighting Platform, Ning Tian continued to take Wang Xiaofeng to visit the Qibao Glazed Sect.

"This is the Library Pavilion. There are many books in it. It is one of the most important places in our Qibao Glazed Sect."

Wang Xiaofeng looked up at the huge loft in front of him and couldn't help but shake his head in wonder.

On the plaque of this huge attic, there are three ancient characters of "Collection Pavilion" painted on it. The plaque is slightly yellow, and the ravines on the plaque show the vicissitudes of time.

Ning Tian took Wang Xiaofeng in for a walk. Although he could only take a look at the first floor, Wang Xiaofeng was surprised by the millions of books alone.

"The first floor is divided into the medical area, the soul beast area, the medical area and the miscellaneous talk area."

Ning Tian said quite proudly: "Except for the Wuhun Palace and the academies of the two empires, the Qibao Glazed Sect has the largest collection of books."

Wang Xiaofeng looked up and found a plaque in the corner that said Martial Arts Area. He walked over curiously and picked up a book to read.

"Brother Ning, do you dare to put this kind of thing on the first floor casually?"

Ning Tian smiled and said: "Haha, these are just some superficial tricks. The disciples of our Qibao Glazed Sect are all taught by the most experienced soul masters, and they train their bodies to lay a foundation. When they are of the right age, talented disciples will enter. There will also be soul masters behind the door who will teach you specifically, and these books are just here to fill up the quantity."

Wang Xiaofeng said: "As expected of a disciple of the sect, he is so domineering."

After leaving the library, Ning Tian took Wang Xiaofeng to a residential area and pointed out: "That is where the outer disciples live, and some outer deacons also live in that area."

Although Wang Xiaofeng did not live there, he was also curious about what the outer disciples of the richest sect lived like.

As the host, Ning Tian naturally would not disappoint the guests, but when the two of them walked to the entrance of the residential area, they met a fierce-looking young man.

The young man was dressed in white and looked quite handsome, but his thick limbs and hideous and terrifying muscles ruined his appearance, making him look extremely weird.

"Fifth brother, why are you here?" Ning Tian was stunned for a moment and introduced each other: "This is my fifth brother, Ning Zeshan. Fifth brother, this is the distinguished guest that my little sister and I invited to visit, Wang Xiaofeng."

Ning Zeshan's cheeks darkened and he said coldly: "Are you the pretty boy who has a good relationship with my little sister?"

Wang Xiaofeng was stunned. Was this talking about him and not Oscar? He asked in a low voice: "Brother Ning, what kind of drama are you performing?"

Ning Tian whispered back: "I don't know either. I'll ask Fifth Brother if there is a misunderstanding."

"Fifth brother, could it be that there is a mistake? Brother Feng is just my little sister's classmate, not a close relationship."

"Everyone says that, how could they be wrong?" Ning Zeshan said coldly: "Listen, pretty boy, you can marry Rongrong, as long as you beat me, our Ning family doesn't need weak people."

Wang Xiaofeng said dissatisfied: "You fifth brother, do you have some problems with your head? How can you come to fight with me because of some rumors?"

He was obviously a guest to relax, but why was he suddenly involved in trouble, and even helped Oscar block the gun, which made him even more unhappy.

Ning Tian smiled awkwardly and did not answer, "Brother Feng, wait here, I will explain to Fifth Brother."

Ning Zeshan is indeed relatively simple and honest. He inherited the martial soul of the Explosive Ape King from his matrilineal clan. His innate soul power is level nine. In addition, his mind is relatively simple. He has made rapid progress in cultivation. He has reached forty-seven after just passing the age of twenty-four. He is the most powerful among his direct disciples.

Ning Tian and Ning Zeshan chatted for a long time, and then walked over with helpless expressions: "Brother Feng, although I explained it clearly, Fifth Brother didn't know where you knew that you were very powerful in combat, and I insisted on competing with you. ,look…"

No need to ask, it must be that after the team competition a year ago, someone was impressed by his heroic appearance, so when he came back, he spread his power to others.

Wang Xiaofeng thought for a while and realized that he couldn't suffer this loss in vain. He suddenly stretched out his hand and said, "It's okay to compete, but you have to pay an appearance fee."

Ning Tian looked bitter, took out a black card from the soul guide and put it in Wang Xiaofeng's hand, "I have almost spent my pocket money this month, and only have 10,000 gold soul coins left."

"Enough is enough."


"In this soul fight, friendship comes first and sparring comes second. Don't make a killing move. Do you understand?" The old man looked at Wang Xiaofeng and Ning Zeshan and said quietly.

"I understand."*2

I don’t know who spread the news. In addition to the daily maintenance servants and patrolling guards of the Qibao Glazed Sect, most of the disciples came to watch the fun, and the entire square was surrounded by water.

Looking at Ning Tian in the corner who was starting to place bets, Wang Xiaofeng gritted his teeth and thought, he is indeed the most profitable sect. If they don't share his money after the fight, then they will break off the relationship.

"Ning Zeshan, the forty-seventh level attack-type War Soul Sect, please give me some advice."

"Wang Xiaofeng, level 43 auxiliary fighting soul sect, please give me some advice."

Although Wang Xiaofeng was only an auxiliary type, Ning Zeshan did not dare to be careless. He was a ruthless person who could resist martial soul fusion techniques with his physical body. With a roar, he instantly completed the possession of the martial soul.

Ning Zeshan's whole body was forcibly raised to two meters. With a series of sounds of breaking silk, the dark muscles directly burst his shirt, revealing his steel body. Two yellow and two purple soul rings floated on his body, full of momentum. .

Wang Xiaofeng chuckled lightly, raised the gourd in his right hand, and its color changed three times in an instant.

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