Gourd of Douluo

Chapter 222 Acting

"When you're ready, let's get started."

The old man stepped lightly on the ground and floated out of the venue full of fairy spirit.

Ning Zeshan said dullly: "You are a guest, you invite me first." Ning Zeshan, who transformed into the violent ape king, was no different from a giant ape at this time.

"Okay." Wang Xiaofeng suddenly stepped on his right foot, and his whole body turned into a shadow and rushed towards him quickly. He made a fist with his right hand and slammed it down towards Ning Zeshan.

Not to be outdone, Ning Zeshan made a loud noise in his throat, his soul power surged, and his right arm roared like a dragon's roar. Wang Xiaofeng felt a fishy wind blowing against his face, and his pair of giant palms were like giant apes reaching up to the sky, which was breathtaking!

"The first soul skill is the Ape God Transformation. The second soul skill is the Shocking Palm."

Wang Xiaofeng was in a daze for a moment, his sixth sense sounded a warning, and just as he was about to dodge, Ning Zeshan's right palm struck him heavily.

Wang Xiaofeng flew backwards, rolling in the air to lose his strength.

This is Ning Zeshan's little routine. The first soul skill increases the strength, and the second soul skill absorbs the mind. Coupled with his huge strength, anyone who fights him for the first time will suffer a small loss because of this combination of soul skills.

Ning Zeshan took a step forward and caught up with him like lightning, slapping Wang Xiaofeng with his right palm. .

Wang Xiaofeng quickly jumped up, stood up, and tapped Ning Zeshan's right arm with his toes, using his strength to avoid Ning Zeshan's pursuit.

Ning Zeshan refused to let go, waving his giant palms like iron pincers, and grabbed Wang Xiaofeng, but Wang Xiaofeng was like a nimble ape, dodging one by one.

Ning Zeshan was a little impatient. The third soul ring on his body lit up, and a surging blood-colored soul power suddenly spurted out and attached itself to Ning Zeshan's body.

"The third soul skill, the beast's blood boils."

Ning Zeshan, who was possessed by these bloody soul powers, instantly doubled his speed and power. Fortunately, Wang Xiaofeng had anticipated it and took the opportunity to distance himself, and was not taken away by the opponent's sudden burst.

However, Wang Xiaofeng still underestimated the opponent's speed. He saw Ning Zeshan moving around, as nimble as a real ape, stomping his feet three times in a row, directly crossing the distance of more than ten meters and rushing in front of Wang Xiaofeng, stepping with his toes. , hitting the lower abdomen with a heavy punch.

Wang Xiaofeng only had time to cross his hands to defend himself before his whole body flew out as if he had been hit by a car.

Ning Zeshan showed a ferocious smile, and his fourth soul ring glowed.

"The fourth soul skill, lava punch."

Ning Zeshan's right arm suddenly expanded in a large circle, and suddenly split open under the influence of the soul skill, forming a huge fist made of lava.

Ning Zeshan struck Wang Xiaofeng fiercely with a harsh sound of breaking wind.


A powerful explosion erupted from Ning Zeshan's fist, high temperature and fire light spurted out, and the entire Soul Fighting Platform felt a little shaky.

The hearts of the people around him also trembled. This is the hardest stone brick, and it was all broken by this punch. I hope that person is okay.

"Rongrong, Grandpa Gu wins this time. Your classmate is no match for Shan'er." On a high platform, an old man with a haggard face said with a smile.

Ning Rongrong showed a mysterious smile, shook her head and said, "Grandpa Bone, you are happy too early."

The old man in white on the other side also nodded, "Old Bones, you did see it wrong this time."


"I seemed to have missed the hit just now." In the smoke, Ning Zeshan felt something was wrong with the blow just now, but as soon as he became alert, a huge force came from his waist.

Although this force is powerful, the violent ape king's martial spirit is unable to harm him at all under his copper skin and iron bones. It generates more of a push.

Ning Zeshan was pushed out of the smoke, and a figure came straight towards him, landing heavily on him.

Ning Zeshan took a few steps back. A gourd vine appeared quietly behind him and locked Ning Zeshan's legs tightly like iron pliers. Ning Zeshan's center of gravity shifted and he became unstable. Get into a hurry.

Wang Xiaofeng took the opportunity to jump up high and punch down.

Ning Zeshan took a few more steps back, causing the ground to thump, but the fourth step was missed. Ning Zeshan's body tilted and he fell off the Soul Fighting Platform.

Ning Zeshan was suddenly confused, and three questions appeared in his mind: Who am I? where am I? What am I doing?

It wasn't until he came back to his senses that he discovered that he had been brought to the edge of the field by Wang Xiaofeng unknowingly, and he was so addicted to fighting that he didn't even know it.

"Admit defeat!" Ning Zeshan's face turned green. He didn't expect that he would lose this match because of one wrong move. He had no shame in staying any longer and left the Soul Fighting Stage with a wave of his sleeves.

The surroundings were quiet for a while, and suddenly a strong exclamation broke out. Ning Zeshan had been suppressing the opponent, but he didn't expect to lose the game in such a dramatic way.

"Hehehe." Ning Tian was so happy that his mouth was twisted. This time, he had enough pocket money for this month.

The old man once again floated onto the soul fighting platform: "The winner is Wang Xiaofeng."

Although Wang Xiaofeng didn't win very well, he staged a wonderful counterattack this time and still played very well.

Listening to the shouts around him, Wang Xiaofeng said modestly: "Good luck, good luck."

He thought to himself: "Such a one-move victory shouldn't be a slap in the master's face."

On the high platform not far away, Ning Rongrong smiled and said: "How about it, I'll say Brother Feng can win."

Sect Master Ning praised: "Not bad, you Shrek are really outstanding people. First there was Tang San, and now there is Wang Xiaofeng."

The old man in white nodded with deep approval: "I don't know who is more suitable to be our grandson-in-law."

"Dad, Grandpa Jian..." Ning Rongrong blushed with embarrassment, but suddenly thought of a certain figure in her heart.

Wang Xiaofeng put his arm around Ning Tian's shoulders and said rudely: "Brother Ning, you have to be open-minded. After all, you used me as a tool to make money without my consent. At least compensate me for my mental losses." That’s all.”

Ning Tian did not give in at all, "Five to five at most."

"Seven three."

"Five five!!"

Wang Xiaofeng licked his lips and said, "Okay, 50-50, just 50-50." Anyway, he didn't pay any capital, so he made money no matter what, it was just a matter of more or less.

After solving the farce, Ning Tian continued to take Wang Xiaofeng for a walk.

The Qibao Glazed Sect is indeed a sect that occupies a mountain range. With the cultivation levels of Ning Tian and Wang Xiaofeng, they only visited one-third of the area after a whole day of shopping.

And this is a place where you can wander around without restrictions.

After the super luxurious dinner, Wang Xiaofeng saw Ning Rongrong in his room, who had been missing for the entire day.

Ning Rongrong smiled and said: "Brother Feng, I watched today's competition. It was really beautiful. It has ruined our Shrek's reputation."

Wang Xiaofeng said speechlessly: "Your fifth brother will definitely cry when he hears this."

"And today neither of us used our real strength, it was just an exhibition match."

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