Gourd of Douluo

Chapter 234 The Pig Head Duo

Zhu Zhuqing appeared behind Zhao Wuji instantly with a series of faint phantoms, three tails bent in beautiful arcs, and a pair of sharp claws that captured people's attention.

After taking the narcissus jade muscle and bone given by Tang San, Zhu Zhuqing's martial spirit also changed. Not only did it have two more tails on its tail, but the sharp claws in its hands were also sharper.

Ma Hongjun originally wanted to name the three-tailed cat demon, but Zhu Zhuqing was very disgusted after hearing this, and then let it go and could only use the original ghost civet cat.

"The second soul skill, Hundred Claws of the Netherworld."

As an assassin, Zhu Zhuqing grasped the timing of his attack very accurately. It happened to be the moment when Zhao Wuji exploded his soul power to force out Wang Xiaofeng's soul power, and then relaxed and regained his strength.

"Possessed by the martial spirit." With little drops of blood falling, Zhao Wuji finally completed the possession of the martial spirit, but the strong shield and steel-like muscles formed by the soul power did not completely block it as Zhao Wuji thought. Zhu Zhuqing's attack was only hindered by his stronger muscles, and the blood hole was much smaller.

The last fight did not break the shield formed by Zhao Wuji's soul power, but Zhu Zhuqing finally broke it this time.

"The number one soul skill is Fudo Mingwang Shen."

Zhao Wuji knew that he had underestimated Zhu Zhuqing's progress, so he had no choice but to use his soul skills. The powerful soul power burst out from Zhao Wuji's body, forming a giant bear shadow.

The giant bear looked up to the sky and howled, and a burst of golden light burst out instantly. Zhu Zhuqing's figure was also bounced away and disappeared with the wind. What people didn't expect was that it was just a phantom.

Oscar, who was hiding aside, snickered and said, "I didn't expect it. Fake can also be real and real can also be fake. It's like a dream."

But Zhu Zhuqing didn't run far away, just hiding among the leaves of the nearest big tree.

Zhu Zhuqing, who saw the phantom disappear but deceived Zhao Wuji into using a soul skill, quietly made a surprise attack again. This was another good opportunity for the old power to die and the new power to be reborn.

The surging soul power made Zhu Zhuqing, who was close to Zhao Wuji's body, feel a tightness in her chest, but her expression remained unchanged and she suppressed the strangeness in her body.

"The first soul skill, Netherworld Thrust."

The sharp claws, coupled with the power of soul skills, quickly pierced towards Zhao Wuji's ear holes. This is one of the weaknesses of the human body, and it is also where the protective barrier formed by soul power is weak.

Accompanied by the sound of sharp ears, the sharp claws that could have pierced the defense could only pierce the phantom of the giant bear on Zhao Wuji's body, but the sharp claws got stuck on the soul shield and could not hurt him at all.

"The little kitten pricks me so much." Zhao Wuji looked happy. He couldn't use the third-ring soul skill or above. He was most annoyed by agility attack type soul masters like Zhu Zhuqing. He couldn't catch this annoying little one unless he showed some flaws. Cat.

Zhao Wuji waved his bear paw, turned around and was about to slap Zhu Zhuqing on the body.

"Teacher Zhao, I'm afraid you have forgotten me." Taking advantage of Zhu Zhuqing's attention, Wang Xiaofeng rushed forward without hesitation, and at the same time, a gourd vine as thick as a thumb suddenly sprang out from the ground and locked it. Zhao Wuji’s limbs.

The gourd vine cannot match the toughness of Tang San's Blue Silver Grass, but the sudden appearance of the gourd vine undoubtedly disrupted Zhao Wuji's attack rhythm, causing his body to inevitably stagnate.

Zhu Zhuqing's eyes brightened slightly, and he took this opportunity to dodge and leave the place.

"One move from me, a powerful punch that will shatter the sky and split the earth." Wang Xiaofeng shouted the name he had just thought of on a whim, clenched his fist with his right hand, and suddenly swung it towards Zhao Wuji's chest.

"If you dare to scold me, I'll give you a big mouth." Zhao Wuji laughed loudly, the second soul ring on his body shone, and his right palm struck Wang Xiaofeng with a golden light.

But unexpectedly, Wang Xiaofeng made a feint at this time, suddenly stepped on the air with his left foot, and his body immediately changed direction and moved half a meter to the right.

Zhao Wuji's golden palm suddenly slapped the air, and the giant palm formed by golden light hit the ground heavily, and exploded with a "boom".

Wang Xiaofeng ignored the explosion behind him and passed by the side. His right fist made an arc, passed through the giant bear's shadow and the soul shield, and hit Zhao Wuji's left waist with unabated force.

A feeling of severe pain instantly passed from his waist to Zhao Wuji's brain through the nerves.

"Ouch, it's my waist." Zhao Wuji suddenly shouted and staggered a few steps while supporting his waist.

Wang Xiaofeng was shocked and quickly walked over and asked, "Teacher Zhao, are you okay?"

Zhu Zhuqing stopped, and Oscar also saw something was wrong. He ran over from behind the big tree in a panic, chanted a spell to summon the sausage, "Teacher Zhao, eat a sausage quickly."

Wang Xiaofeng, who was closest to Zhao Wuji, suddenly saw an unusual smile, and instantly realized that they might have been deceived.

"Oh..." As soon as he finished speaking, Zhao Wuji stood up suddenly, took a step forward, and grasped Oscar, who had not yet reacted and looked anxious, in his hand like an eagle catching a chicken.

Wang Xiaofeng pulled Zhu Zhuqing and stepped back a few meters to prevent Zhao Wuji from attacking again.

Oscar was stunned, patted the steel arm and said resentfully: "Teacher Zhao, won't your conscience hurt if you do this?"

Zhao Wuji nodded as he should: "Soldiers never tire of deceit. That's what that kid Xiaofeng taught me."

Wang Xiaofeng and Zhu Zhuqing would definitely spend this hour without solving Oscar first. In order not to turn into meaningless garbage time, how about some tricks. Anyway, he is the teacher, and he has the final say here.

"As an auxiliary soul master, I was careless and easily put myself within the opponent's attack range. Accept the punishment." Zhao Wuji pinched his wrist.

Oscar showed a stiff smile: "I just want to ask if you can stop slapping me in the face."

Zhao Wuji nodded, looked at Oscar's surprised smile, and said with a smile: "Don't worry, I'm only going to slap you in the face."

"Ah! It hurts! Don't..." The next scene was difficult to watch.

Wang Xiaofeng clasped his hands together and made a "hope you are okay" gesture, with a pious look on his face, "Oh, you sacrifice yourself for others, Oscar, we will remember you."

Zhao Wuji controlled the force of his hand perfectly, and after beating him for five minutes, Oscar's face was swollen into a pig's head.

Oscar's green-skinned face was swollen and he said vaguely: "What are you doing in Wo Yijing? You're such an idiot." (I can't feel my head anymore)

Wang Xiaofeng shook his head, "Tsk, tsk, what a poor child."

Then, Wang Xiaofeng, who was making sarcastic remarks, experienced Oscar's feelings twenty minutes later.

The corners of Zhu Zhuqing's mouth twitched slightly, and the eyes he looked at the two pig heads of Wang Xiaofeng and Oscar seemed to hide a fan-shaped statistical chart. They were three parts shocked, three parts happy, and four parts complicated.

"You can laugh if you want." Wang Xiaofeng took the sausage handed over from Oscar, "Unless you have received professional training, you will laugh out loud when you see the two of us in such misery for the first time."


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