Gourd of Douluo

Chapter 235 Spring Festival and Holidays

Time has quietly entered February, and the earth has turned into a silver-white world. Thousands of trees seem to be covered with pear blossoms, and the mountains in the distance are covered with silver quilts.

A week has passed since Zhu Zhuqing joined the team. After a period of sharing the joys and sorrows, Zhu Zhuqing has initially integrated in. Wang Xiaofeng used this to develop several small routines, successfully making Zhao Wuji suffer a loss and avenging his previous revenge.

On this day, just after breakfast, the master gathered everyone together.

The master held his chest and looked at the energetic people in the snow and said calmly: "We have been training intensively for more than two months. Everyone seems to have grown a lot."

Oscar couldn't help but whispered: "It's two months and eight days, Master."

The master glanced at Oscar, who was so frightened that he quickly lowered his head. After strangling a gangster to death, the master continued: "Well, you have been practicing intensely for two months and eight days without any rest. It just so happens that the Spring Festival is coming in a few days. I’ll give you seven days off to adjust your condition. Only by relaxing can you practice better. Okay, let’s disband.”

When the master left, Oscar jumped up happily: "It's finally a holiday. I'm going to sleep until the end of the world."

Everyone looked at each other and smiled. Oscar had indeed been the hardest working member of the family in the past two months, so it was okay to reward him.

Ma Hongjun patted his belly and said, "I want to have a good meal and go to Wuhun Hall to receive the subsidy for these few months."

Every time when subsidies are mentioned, Ma Hongjun always looks resentful. Because I leveled up too quickly after eating Cockscomb Phoenix Sunflower, and stayed at Soul Master level for too short a time, every time I thought about it I felt like I had lost hundreds of millions of gold soul coins.

Everyone briefly talked about what they wanted to do during the holiday. Finally, it was Wang Xiaofeng's turn. He thought for a while and said, "I haven't been back for a long time. I will take advantage of the holiday to go back and have a look this time."

I haven’t been back for more than a year. I don’t know if my parents are doing well.

Parents, Tang San seemed to be brought back memories by Wang Xiaofeng's words, and a hint of envy suddenly appeared in his eyes.

Xiao Wu came closer and said softly: "Brother, you still have me."

Tang San stared at Xiao Wu closely, the confusion no longer visible in his eyes: "Yes, I still have you."

Seeing that something was wrong in the atmosphere, Wang Xiaofeng quickly interrupted: "Okay, okay, don't abuse the dog in such a cold weather, let's practice first."

Behind genius is hard work. Without hard training, no matter how talented a soul master is, it is impossible to achieve anything. Although the vacation has started since the master left, everyone still chatted outside in the icy and snowy environment for a while, letting the cold environment cool down the excitement of the vacation.

If I don’t do this, I’m afraid I won’t be in the mood to calm down and enter the state of cultivation.

Eat, practice, exercise, get beaten, eat, practice.

The fun of the day passed quickly.

Early the next morning, Wang Xiaofeng gently opened the dormitory door without disturbing Oscar, who was sleeping soundly.

As soon as he left the dormitory, Wang Xiaofeng discovered that the heavy snowfall last night had stopped, and some warm sunshine showed up in the gray sky.

"God, please give me some face." Wang Xiaofeng wrapped his coat tightly, concentrated his soul power on his feet, and took a step forward gently.

The calf-deep snow was only up to the ankles. Although Wang Xiaofeng looked thin, he already weighed more than 180 kilograms.

"Hehe, as expected, this technique can be used across planes." Wang Xiaofeng chuckled. This was exactly the move he created based on a comic in his previous life. Unfortunately, the quality and control of his soul power were not up to standard before, so he couldn't use it.

Now the soul power is much deeper, and the control ability has also improved greatly. The prerequisites have been completed, and it happened to be successful in the first try.

Wang Xiaofeng wrote down his thoughts in his notes, and then encouraged himself: "Okay, let's just run home in one go." After saying that, his right foot fell into the snow, and he fell down and gnawed in the mud.

Wang Xiaofeng stood up as if nothing had happened. It seemed that he had a long way to go to run back in one go.

The Tiandou Empire has been experiencing heavy snowfall for seven consecutive days. The snow is thick and it is extremely inconvenient to travel now. They can only run out of the city affected by the heavy snow first, and then hire a carriage to go back.

Wang Xiaofeng's physical strength was quite good, and he had to drive for a day and a night before he could escape the scope of the snowstorm. Oscar's sausages provided him with a lot of help when he first started walking.

Only then did Wang Xiaofeng discover that Oscar's sausages could actually replenish body heat.

After entering the Balak Kingdom, the temperature returned to more than ten degrees, and Wang Xiaofeng could finally take off that annoying cotton-padded jacket.

Find a car dealer and hire a carriage

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