Gourd of Douluo

Chapter 236: Unreliable Parents

"Huh, we're finally here." Wang Xiaofeng jumped out of the carriage, flicked his thumb, and a silver soul coin fell into the driver's arms.

The driver said in horror: "Little brother, this..."

At that moment, all kinds of weird and murderous legends told by his companions in the car dealership when nothing happened suddenly appeared in the coachman's mind, and he was suddenly horrified.

Wang Xiaofeng didn't know that his kindness caused so many dramas in the coachman's heart. He waved his hand behind his back and said, "This is a tip for you. It's really hard to pick up passengers when the holiday is about to come." As he said this, he moved toward him. Walk to Calabash Village.

"Thank you, little brother." The coachman knew that he had made a mistake, so he accepted the silver soul coins with a smile, waved the whip in his hand, and turned around in the carriage to drive away.

Looking at Hulu Village in front of him, a joyful mood suddenly emerged in Wang Xiaofeng's heart. Maybe this is the feeling of going home.

Tonight is New Year's Eve. Many people who work hard outside have returned to the village to prepare for a festive New Year. Some unfamiliar or familiar faces suddenly come into view.

Walking along the road towards home, everyone, male, female, old and young, will say hello to Wang Xiaofeng when they see him.

"Hey, isn't this Xiaofeng? He's getting more and more handsome."

"Haha, Aunt Eighth, you are getting younger and younger. When you go out, people think you are my sister."

"Xiao Feng, the wine you brought last time was really strong. It's a pity that your third uncle hid it after just a few drinks."

"Hey, I understand, I'll bring you two bottles tomorrow."

After bidding farewell to the enthusiastic relatives, the familiar door was in front of him, and Wang Xiaofeng's mood became excited unconsciously.

Wang Xiaofeng shouted excitedly: "I'm back." Shunbu was used inadvertently, and he appeared in front of the gate across a distance of ten meters in an instant.

Wang Xiaofeng looked at the lock on the door and was a little confused: "Hey, are you out?"

Because He Li usually stays at home, their home has never used a lock.

Although it was unlocked, it was not difficult for Wang Xiaofeng. With a slight jump, he immediately crossed the two-meter-high wall and fell into the yard easily.

Nothing changed. Looking at the familiar yard, Wang Xiaofeng patted his clothes and walked into the house swaggeringly.

Wang Xiaofeng opened the wooden door, and suddenly a puff of smoke came out from inside, making him cough unprepared.

"Ahem, what the hell, why is the dust so heavy?"

After covering his mouth and nose and waiting for the smoke to dissipate, Wang Xiaofeng walked in and found that both the seats and the floor were covered with a layer of dust. It looked like no one had lived there for a long time.

"Did Mom and Dad get into trouble?" A trace of nervousness appeared in Wang Xiaofeng's heart. He hurriedly ran out of the house to find someone to ask. As soon as he jumped over the fence, he saw a familiar figure unlocking the door of his house. .

The man didn't expect that someone suddenly jumped out of the wall. He was stunned for a moment, and then said happily: "Xiao Feng, long time no see. Third uncle said you were back, so I rushed over to give you the key." .”

"Brother Feng?" The person in front of him was Wang Feng, who had awakened his martial spirit for him before and often interacted with Wang Xiaofeng's family.

At this moment, Wang Xiaofeng was stunned for a moment when he suddenly saw him. Then he remembered that now was not the time to reminisce about old times, and said quickly: "Brother Feng, my parents are gone. They..."

"Didn't your father and the others go to visit relatives?" Wang Feng looked at Wang Xiaofeng's dull expression and said doubtfully, "They have been gone for more than a year and you don't even know?"

Wang Xiaofeng shook his head, "I don't know."

It seemed that they left shortly after he returned home last time, but Wang Xiaofeng was a little strange. Aren't all their relatives in Hulu Village? Could it be that they were relatives from my mother's side?

And isn’t dad the village chief? Is it really okay to be a hands-off shopkeeper like this?

Wang Xiaofeng, who couldn't figure it out, could only put it down for now. After all, the world was so big that there was nowhere to look for it. What else can I do when I encounter such unreliable parents? I can only forgive them both.

Seeing Wang Xiaofeng's face changing, Wang Feng also knew that Wang Daniu had tricked his son, but he couldn't say anything about other people's family affairs. He coughed lightly and said: "Xiaofeng, if you don't mind, come to my house tonight and celebrate the New Year together." More lively.”

Wang Xiaofeng calmed down, waved his hand and said, "Brother Feng, I won't bother you anymore. It's New Year's Eve and my house is still in a mess. This is not good."

Hearing the rejection in Wang Xiaofeng's words, Wang Feng smiled and said: "Okay then, if you have anything to do, just ask. You're welcome as a family."

"Of course, I won't be polite." After chatting with Wang Feng for a while and watching him leave, Wang Xiaofeng began to clean up his home.

An hour later, before night fell completely, Wang Xiaofeng finally cleaned the house. Putting down the dark rag in his hand, Wang Xiaofeng looked at the brand new furniture and floor in front of him and slowly breathed a sigh of relief.

He twisted his neck, lit the candle, and heard the faint sound of children laughing outside the house.

"Bang bang bang" suddenly there was a sound at the door. Wang Xiaofeng walked over and opened it. It turned out to be Wang Feng. He was carrying a food box and whistling very unhappy. "You haven't eaten yet. Let's go for a walk. Let's have a couple of drinks."

Wang Xiaofeng asked doubtfully: "Brother Feng, aren't you going to accompany your sister-in-law?"

Wang Feng walked into the house and put out the vegetables in the food box, "Your sister-in-law is taking Xiao Shan to the temple fair. Hurry up and bring out the wine. Let's have a drink together."

Xiao Shan is Wang Feng’s son, he is only two years old this year.

Wang Xiaofeng reluctantly took out two bottles of wine gourds from the soul guide. Wang Feng couldn't wait to open the lids, and a strong aroma of wine suddenly wafted out, "Well, this is the smell."

Since Shrek moved to Tiandou City more than a year ago, the tavern that Wang Xiaofeng and Dai Mubai collaborated with could no longer open. Because moving was too troublesome, Wang Xiaofeng took all the gourd wine back to the village. , a few pots were distributed to every household, and the tavern's inventory was completely sold out.

Unexpectedly, everyone who drank it said yes, and the gourd wine became popular in the whole village. However, there was only so much quantity, so everyone hid the wine and only took it out to drink two glasses during the New Year, festivals or happy events.

Wang Feng was one of the few people who knew that this kind of wine was created by Wang Xiaofeng. He would not let go of this opportunity to drink gourd wine casually, so he left his wife alone, cooked a few dishes, and came in a hurry. Came to see Wang Xiaofeng for a drink.

Wang Xiaofeng sighed: "Brother Feng, you are really..."

Wang Feng used to be such a diligent and hard-working person, but now, tsk tsk, he has almost turned into an alcoholic.

Eating vegetables and drinking wine, the night gradually deepened, and pots after pots of empty gourds were placed casually on the ground.


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