Gourd of Douluo

Chapter 237 Letter

"Uh." Wang Feng let out a big wine burp. His hand holding the food suddenly stopped. Then, as if he had just remembered something, he took out a folded piece of paper from his arms and said, "That's right. Xiaofeng, your father left you a letter before he left."

Wang Xiaofeng glanced at Wang Feng inexplicably, wondering why this guy had become so unreliable like Wang Daniu.

Wang Feng blushed a little when Wang Xiaofeng saw it. After all, it happened more than a year ago, so it is normal to forget it for a while. It's definitely not that I want to drink so much that I forget about the real thing, absolutely not.

Wang Xiaofeng silently took the paper from Wang Feng's hand and looked down. It was full of crooked words. At a glance, he knew it was indeed written by Wang Daniu himself.


By the time you see this letter, you should have returned from Shrek graduation. Don't worry, your mother and I took advantage of your absence to visit your grandpa.

As you know, your mother is a great beauty. The people chasing her could line up from Hulu Village to Moro City, but unfortunately they were chased by a handsome guy like me. Ahem, but your grandpa and your uncle looked down on me very much at the beginning, so your mother finally broke up with the family. Sneaked out to be with me.

After so many years, it is better to dissolve enemies than to make friends, let alone relatives, so I figured it out and decided to take advantage of this time to visit my parents' house.

Let me tell you secretly, your uncle actually hugged you when you were just born. Well, okay, there’s nothing more to say.

Don't think about it

Wang Daniu. "

Underneath the scrawled notes, there is also a piece of delicate handwriting: "Xiao Feng, your father thought he could hide it from me. I know everything about him, Xiao Jiujiu. If it weren't for your Yue Liujian cultivation that brought him to the Soul Sect, he would You will never dare to go to my house in this life.

Don't worry about your father and I's fifth soul ring. Your grandfather and your uncle are both sixth-ring soul emperors. Hunting two thousand-year-old soul beasts is easy.

By the way, if we haven't come back after two months, you can come find us, just in time to visit your grandpa. The address is Bisu City in the Star Luo Empire.

your most beautiful mother

He Li. "

After reading the letter in his hand, Wang Xiaofeng was speechless. A poor boy abducts a rich girl, this routine has been ruined all his life, and Dad, you still say that you are not the child of destiny.

"Xiao Feng, stop looking so gloomy, come on, come on, drink and drink." Wang Feng said loudly, his face flushed and he looked very drunk.

Wang Xiaofeng looked at the plate with no food on the table and the five pots of gourd wine that were on the table before reading the letter but have disappeared, and said speechlessly: "Brother Feng, it's getting late. Let's drink it tomorrow, otherwise My sister-in-law will come to block the door later."

As soon as he finished speaking, there was a "bang bang bang" knock on the door, "Xiao Feng, is Wang Feng inside?"

Seeing the color draining from Wang Feng's face and turning pale, Wang Xiaofeng shrugged and said, "Look, he came as soon as he finished speaking."

"I'm here, just go." Wang Feng quickly put the plates in the food box and left in a hurry. When he left, he didn't forget to say: "Xiao Feng, don't forget to bring two more bottles of wine tomorrow. "

After a while, there was a noise outside the door.

"Oh, you smell like alcohol! How much did you drink?"

"Oh, I didn't drink much, just two bottles. Hey, don't pinch me, the child is still here."

Listening to the distant sounds outside the wall, Wang Xiaofeng looked at the cold room and sighed silently. This was the first time in his life that he was spending the Spring Festival alone.

The next day, Wang Xiaofeng got up early. After putting on new clothes and having a casual breakfast, Wang Xiaofeng, who couldn't stand the clean atmosphere of his own home, began to visit one house after another.

Of course, it is impossible to be empty-handed. The storage space of the gourd is filled with a lot of gourd wine. Wang Xiaofeng is having a headache. How to solve it.

When you see a male elder, you give gourd wine, when you see a female elder, you give skin care cream, and when you see a child, you give candy.

The waiter said that these skin care creams were the best-selling models in Tiandou City. Wang Xiaofeng bought a thousand of them in one go and filled the soul guides to the brim.

After walking through most of the village, Wang Xiaofeng was chatting with an elder under a big tree. Suddenly a figure came over. The elder said hello: "Xiao Fengzi, where are you going?"

Wang Feng didn't dare to make excuses, so he quickly said respectfully: "Fifth uncle, I have something to ask Xiaofeng."

The fifth uncle nodded, picked up the wine gourd given by Wang Xiaofeng, and slowly turned around and said: "Since you juniors have something to do, go ahead and do your work. I'll go home and have a few drinks."

Watching his fifth uncle return home, Wang Xiaofeng asked doubtfully: "Brother Feng, what do you want from me?"

Wang Feng rubbed his hands, "It's not a big deal. You happen to be in the village, and there are a few little ones who are missing their first soul ring. I just thought I could take advantage of this and help them solve this problem."

Wang Xiaofeng nodded without thinking: "This is a good thing, I have no problem."

Wang Feng said excitedly: "That's great. With our two soul masters here, it will be absolutely foolproof. Now go to the entrance of the village and wait, and I'll call them to gather." After saying that, he left in a hurry.

Wang Feng didn't know that Wang Xiaofeng had already become a Soul Sect. After all, Wang Xiaofeng had only entered the Soul Sect a few years ago, so how could he break through so quickly?

A few years ago, when Wang Xiaofeng saw the bright Soul Master logo on his soul master's gift, he was shocked. He didn't expect that the little-known Shrek Academy had such strong teaching skills. He still thought about waiting for his son to grow up. I'm going to sign up now.

Wang Xiaofeng waited at the entrance of the village for half an hour, and then saw a dark group of people walking over. Visually, there were about twenty people.

Wang Feng said apologetically: "I'm sorry, Xiaofeng, there are some people who are stuck at level 10 or 20 who want to come over and have a look, but I can't stop them no matter what."

Wang Xiaofeng glanced at the crowd and found that several middle-aged people shrank their heads in embarrassment and said with a smile: "It's okay, we are all from the same village, so if you can help, you can help."

Wang Feng looked at Wang Xiaofeng gratefully, turned around and said loudly: "You have also heard that we are all from the same village, and we can help if we can. But the ugly words are ahead, follow the instructions and don't run around, otherwise you will die. It’s not our fault.”

"Listen, we all follow your arrangements." Some obviously older people in the crowd breathed a sigh of relief and shouted in response.

Some teenagers nodded in confusion, and Wang Xiaofeng didn't care. With his fourth soul skill, he could easily protect them as long as they stayed within ten meters of him.

Wang Feng clapped his hands and said, "Okay, follow me now. Everyone pays attention to one child, so don't fall behind."

As a result, a crooked team followed Wang Feng towards the distant mountain peak. Wang Xiaofeng followed the team silently without saying a word.

There are no soul beasts around the village. Most of them are ordinary animals that cannot be cultivated. Just like people, there are only a very small number of soul beasts that can cultivate to increase their lifespan. However, the number of animal base is much greater than that of humans, so the number of soul beasts He is far superior to a soul master.


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