Gourd of Douluo

Chapter 238 Entering the mountain and encountering a bamboo forest

There is a river not far from the entrance of Hulucun Village, called the White Duck River. Every spring, many ducks fly to drink water, hence the name.

Walking upstream along the Baiya River, you can see a continuous mountain range after walking for more than ten kilometers. Soul beasts appear here from time to time. Some people have seen soul beasts from ten to a hundred years ago. This is also the reason for hunting souls. The location of the beast.

It didn't take long for everyone to arrive at their destination.

The mountains in front of us are not high, with the highest point being only over 3,000 meters. Most of the area is densely covered with jungle, and the ancient trees are lush and green. There are rotten leaves everywhere under the trees, which are soft when stepped on.

Wang Feng directed everyone to clear a small open space as a place to stay. It is impossible to bring so many people in to search for soul beasts at once. They must be divided into several batches, otherwise they will go in and become living targets and seek death.

Wang Feng clapped his hands and shouted: "Let's divide the teams first. Those who need the first ring will stand on this side, and those who need the second ring will stand on the other side."

After everyone heard about it, they immediately took action and quickly divided their teams.

Wang Xiaofeng watched with interest as Wang Feng arranged everyone in an orderly manner. After a while, Wang Feng came over with a team of five people.

Wang Xiaofeng took a glance and found that among the first group of five people, the oldest was thirteen years old and the youngest was ten years old.

If we judge only by appearance, Wang Xiaofeng and them are just the same age, which is a bit sad to think about.

Wang Feng patted Wang Xiaofeng on the shoulder and said with a smile: "These are the geniuses born in our Hulu Village over the years. Their talents are among the best in the surrounding villages. Of course, they are definitely incomparable to you."

"What are you looking at? Why don't you call someone?"

"Uncle, please take care of me." These boys and girls said in unison.

"Uh." Wang Xiaofeng was a little embarrassed. The hierarchy in Hulu Village was so chaotic that he often couldn't tell the difference. In addition, he was not in the village most of the time. Even when he was in the village, he stayed at home most of the time, and he couldn't recognize the people in front of him.

Wang Xiaofeng hummed and said, "It's too old to call me Uncle. If you don't mind, just call me Brother Feng."

He turned to look at Wang Feng and said: "Brother Feng, let's leave when everyone is here, otherwise it will be too dangerous after it gets late."

"Okay, let's set off." Wang Feng took the lead, and the other five people lined up in two or three formations. The youngest girl was placed in the center, and Wang Xiaofeng was at the back to protect everyone.

After walking more than a hundred meters, Wang Xiaofeng summoned his martial soul. The four soul rings glowed faintly. However, Wang Xiaofeng suppressed all the fluctuations in soul power, and no one in front noticed it.

"Clever ears and bright eyes, orange gourd." The soul ring was placed on the gourd and was hidden. A gourd vine quietly appeared, and Wang Xiaofeng tied the martial soul gourd around his waist.

Most of the surrounding shrubs were very short, because the sunlight was blocked by those towering trees. It was very cool under the shade of the trees, and the breeze blowing from the mountains made everyone shiver.

There are many animals in the mountains, but most of them do not have soul power. Even if they encounter soul beasts with soul power, they are only ten-year-old pheasants, vines and the like. Wang Xiaofeng looks down upon them and treats them all. Let it go.

Looking at the girls and boys who turned around three times, Wang Xiaofeng joked: "Why, are those soul beasts still so memorable to you?"


Wang Xiaofeng said angrily: "Then when you see a hundred-year-level soul beast, you may be so happy that you have a heart attack."

Everyone walked in silence for ten minutes. Wang Feng didn't take them deeper, and just walked around the mountain range.

Suddenly, Wang Xiaofeng's ears moved slightly and he shouted softly: "Wait a minute, I found something."

Wang Feng immediately looked around with vigilance, and squeezed the green gourd in his right hand slightly, "Where is the enemy?"

"Not the enemy." Wang Xiaofeng looked towards the three o'clock direction. As he concentrated his attention, the rustling in his ears became clearer.

"Everyone, follow me, Brother Feng, you come and stop me."

Seeing that Wang Xiaofeng had obviously discovered something, Wang Feng shook his head and silently exchanged places with him.

Wang Xiaofeng walked more than 300 meters towards the source of the sound, and it suddenly dawned on him that there was no longer a lush forest in front of him. Instead, there were patches of purple bamboo forest connected end to end, glowing like purple gems in the sunlight.

At first glance, there are very few people coming to this place. The surrounding vegetation is lush and there are bamboo forests covering dozens of meters in radius.

Wang Feng was fascinated by the scenery in front of him and exclaimed: "Xiao Feng, where is this?"

"We are so lucky to encounter the purple water chestnut bamboo." Wang Xiaofeng happily patted the bamboo in front of him and introduced to everyone: "The purple water chestnut bamboo is a plant-based soul beast. It is extremely tough, although it is not very aggressive. , but its defense is good, and it has some resistance to water and fire, so it is a soul beast that is more suitable for the first soul ring."

"This purple caltrop bamboo has a bright purple body and is just over two meters tall. It is a purple caltrop bamboo that has just passed twenty years of age."

After popularizing science for everyone, Wang Xiaofeng asked: "This bamboo forest is so big, there must be hundreds of years of purple water chestnut bamboo. Which one of you is going to take the control system?"

The control system is not something you can just leave if you want to. The prerequisite is to be able to control the gourd vine on the gourd. Wang Xiaofeng only discovered this when he was doing martial arts research in the village during a vacation after obtaining the first spirit ring.

"Me." "I'm also planning to take the control system."

The youngest girl in the team and an ordinary-looking boy stood up.

Wang Xiaofeng glanced at the two of them, nodded and said, "Okay, you two follow me." After saying that, he took the lead and walked deep into the bamboo forest.

The two looked at each other and quickly followed.

The bamboo forest was very crowded at first, with few places to stay, but as we walked deeper into the bamboo forest, the bamboos in the bamboo forest became taller and the gaps between the bamboos became more obvious.

Looking at the 20-meter-high purple water chestnut bamboo a few meters away, Wang Xiaofeng slowed down and said softly: "Be careful. The century-old purple water chestnut bamboo already has certain attack capabilities. As long as it enters a certain range, it will be attacked. You guys Just stand here and act after hearing my instructions."

As he said that, Wang Xiaofeng glanced at the small daggers in their hands, took out two hatchets from the soul guide, and said: "You will use this to get your first soul ring later. The small daggers in your hands are This thing can’t even penetrate bamboo skin.”

The two quickly took the hatchet and looked up, Wang Xiaofeng had already entered the range of the century-old purple water chestnut bamboo.

Wang Xiaofeng took big steps, and as soon as he approached the two-meter range of the century-old purple water chestnut bamboo, he saw the bamboo leaves on the purple water chestnut bamboo began to flutter down, like sharp blades, and shot towards Wang Xiaofeng quickly.


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