Gourd of Douluo

Chapter 241 Return to hospital

Since the holiday was only seven days long, in order to ensure that he could return to Shrek Academy in time, Wang Xiaofeng could only choose to leave the village alone on the festive day of the second day of the lunar new year.

If his parents were still there, it wouldn't be a problem for Wang Xiaofeng to go back for a few days later. Unfortunately, his parents had gone to visit relatives. It would be better for Wang Xiaofeng to go back to the college to make Wang Xiaofeng feel more lively.

At the gate of Hulucun Village, everything was silent at this time, the sky was dark, and there were only two gray figures standing in front of the village gate.

Wang Xiaofeng looked at Wang Feng, who looked tired, and joked: "Brother Feng, it's not nice for him to sleep in. I'm not a child anymore, so there's no need to give it to me."

Wang Feng yawned loudly and said softly: "Smells good, but giving you a ride is not in vain after drinking so much good wine in the past two days."

In fact, Wang Feng also wanted to sleep in, but unfortunately he was kicked out of bed by his wife.

"By the way, you are preparing to participate in this continent-wide elite soul master academy competition, right?"

Wang Xiaofeng blinked, "Yes, but Brother Feng, do you even know about the Elite Competition?"

"Nonsense, that's a major event held once every five years across the continent. I'm not an old timer. How could I not have heard of it?" Wang Feng rolled his eyes and said angrily: "You guys, work harder, I will go to the finals." I’ll watch it live, and maybe I’ll have a chance to meet your parents.”

Hearing what Wang Feng said, Wang Xiaofeng remembered that Wang Feng had made enough achievements in the past two years and had been promoted to the deputy hall master of the Wuhun Branch of Moro City. It was quite easy to get a few tickets for the finals with his current status.

Wang Xiaofeng touched his chin, "In other words, if I am eliminated before this, I will be the sinner of Hulu Village. It will be a lot of pressure."

Wang Feng thought to himself: How dare you put pressure on the little ancestor in front of you? If the elders in the village heard about it, he would be dead.

Wang Feng coughed a few times and said, "Ahem, just do your best. Even if you don't make it to the finals, we won't blame you."

"Okay, I'll try my best." Wang Xiaofeng waved his hand and left without looking back.

When I returned, it was no longer snowing in the Tiandou Empire, and I was traveling much faster than when I came here.

Although because of the Spring Festival, there are no carriages to rent, so you can't rest while traveling. However, Wang Xiaofeng's running speed was not slow. Using his soul power, he could run a few minutes faster than a carriage, so he hurriedly slowed down and finally ran back to Shrek Academy on the last day of the holiday prescribed by the master.

"Huh, I'm finally back." Wang Xiaofeng breathed heavily and happily looked at the familiar door in front of him.

In the past two days, he had slept in the wild in order to travel, and the wild wolves would howl and make him unable to sleep well.

Wang Xiaofeng opened the door to the dormitory roughly, ignored Oscar who looked confused, took off his clothes, pulled back the quilt and lay on the bed. After a while, he let out a slight snoring sound.

Oscar was holding up the sausage in his hand, and three little question marks suddenly appeared on his head.

Before Oscar could put the sausage into his mouth, the dormitory door was violently kicked open again with a "bang", and Xiao Wu walked in angrily: "Stinky Xiaofeng, bad Xiaofeng, I don't even want to say hello to you. I'm telling you, if you don't bring me ten gifts this time, I will..."

Oscar quickly stopped Xiao Wu, "Shh!" He pointed to Wang Xiaofeng, who was sleeping soundly on the bed, and said softly: "Xiao Feng fell asleep as soon as he came in, so don't disturb him yet."

Xiao Wu's anger immediately dissipated, but she still said stubbornly: "Then give him a break, but my gift cannot be less."

Oscar patted his chest and said, "Don't worry, if he doesn't prepare an apology gift, I will give you the jar of pickled radishes he picked before the Spring Festival."

Xiao Wu's eyes lit up, "Then it's settled."

Seeing that she let go too quickly, Xiao Wu couldn't help but cough twice: "It doesn't matter what the carrots are, the main thing is that I am a broad-minded person."

"Yes, yes, sister Xiao Wu has the broadest heart." Oscar sent Xiao Wu out of the dormitory and asked casually: "By the way, why didn't you see the mistress?"

When Tang San was mentioned, Xiao Wu immediately beamed: "Xiao San went to the blacksmith shop and said he wanted to give me a surprise tonight."

Oscar smiled and said: "Haha, the iron tree is really blooming, and even Tang San can actually give gifts."

Xiao Wu said disdainfully: "The mistress is much better than you stinky men. You can only use your sweet words to deceive ignorant little girls."

Oscar looked at Xiao Wu with a bad expression on his face. He just wanted to give himself two slaps. He had finally managed to appease this ancestor, but why was he so mean-mouthed? His small body was not as strong as Wang Xiaofeng's, and he couldn't withstand an eighth-level fall. .

Xiao Wu also knew that Oscar was joking, so he didn't pay much attention. He casually revealed a little bit about Ning Rongrong's recent situation and left, making the frightened Oscar feel relieved.

Wang Xiaofeng slept from noon to night. When he woke up completely, it was already pitch black outside the window.

"You're awake, there's food on the table." Oscar stood in front of the mirror and winked, shaving his beard.

Wang Xiaofeng looked at Oscar, who was very handsome in new clothes, with a confused look on his face, "What are you?"

"There is a festival celebration in the center of Tiandou City tonight. Rongrong and I made an appointment to go and see it together." Oscar put down the razor and said softly to himself in the mirror: "Today you are the most handsome boy in the room."

Ignoring Wang Xiaofeng who was retching at the side, Oscar jumped away and closed the dormitory door when he left.

Wang Xiaofeng shook his head, "I really hope Oscar can break the rules of the Qibao Glazed Sect."

Otherwise, it will end in tragedy.

He took out the hot sauce from the soul guide and smeared it on the sausage, then ate it in a few mouthfuls. The sausage immediately turned into heat, completely eliminating the physical fatigue caused by sleeping too much.

Wang Xiaofeng opened the window, and the biting cold wind shocked him. He picked up the kettle and filled some water from the water tank, and slowly poured it on the ginseng doll, which had slowly grown its third leaf. Good Millennium Qingyunzhi.

"Even the moon slurry diluted a thousand times has such an amazing effect. I wonder if it is possible to raise a hundred thousand year old plant type soul beast."

Such an astonishing idea only circulated in Wang Xiaofeng's mind for a while, and then he dismissed it, "Forget it, four drops are generated in a day, plus mom and dad, it's not enough at all. There is no need to pay for the illusory ten drops." A ten thousand year soul ring is a waste of moon juice."

After getting rid of the remaining sausages on the plate, filling his stomach a little, and then tidying up the messy bed, Wang Xiaofeng walked out of the dormitory and headed to the mimicry training ground. He hadn't practiced yet today.


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